What am I missing re fixed gear bicycles?

1 Answer

Answer :

fixed hub you mean? There also called fixies…there typically made from old frames and then fitted with new very classy parts…basically for most its a fashion statement. Usually there used by couriers, in London they all use them…problem is though because its a fixed hub you can’t freewheel so you have to keep pedaling, so careful in the corners! If you have seen velodrome racing those are fixed hub bikes, there more efficient at transferring power and very light. But of course you have one gear more than likely for meating out a nice 15–20mph so hit a hill and unless your a good powerful cyclist your in for a bit of trouble…even if you are you might have to get off lol…for city use I have a Carrera Subway which has a sealed hub gear system, so one cog at either end, nice cruiser and no maintenance but still skinny frame and race tyres :)

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Last Answer : answer:Fixies, along with being fairly impractical for every day situations, are very expensive. I suppose you could peruse craigslist in hopes of finding someone selling something. You could try local bike ... good (ie ridable) condition for under 400$, not to mention a smaller sized one. Sorry.

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Last Answer : answer:Track bikes must be brake-less. If one racer suddenly decelerates, you have a pile-up. Brake-less on the street is a pointless and unsafe affectation. There are literally no hills where I ride. So ... brake (yes, the front is the most important). When I lived elsewhere, I had front and back.

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Last Answer : I’ll make teh boy answer this one when he comes home from work.

Description : On examination of an 8 years-old child you find 75 with carious exposure. On X-ray you find 35  missing. Your treatment is:  A. Extraction of 75 allowing 36 to move mesially  B. ... of 75 and place a fixed space retainer to be replaced with fixed bridge. D. Extraction of 65 and 75 

Last Answer : B. Pulpotomy on 75 and wait indefinitely  

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Last Answer : B. Cantilever using central incisor

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Last Answer : No. Some attempts to grab your money are just too transparent and should be laughed off.

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Last Answer : No. Not everyone knows how to drive. Driving is a privilege.

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Last Answer : A single-speed bike has one gear, whereas a multi-speed has considerably more, though not usually more than 21. Lower gears trade speed for power, which is useful for negotiating hills, grass, and ... cases, less expensive. BMX bikes are single-speed, road bikes and mountain bikes are multi-speed..

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know what others think, but I'll tell you my thinking. I will blow through stop signs and red lights and I'll play a kind of eyeball chicken with motorists when I'm riding my bike. ... don't have a problem acting as if we are privileged, so long as we can do it without undue risk.

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Last Answer : answer:In my town, it is rare to see a bicyclist following any of the rules of the road. On the major highway that I take to work, there are always packs of bikers (in those dreadful schlong enhancing shorts ... , I'm practically right on top of them before I see them. It scares the heck out of me.

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Last Answer : It depends on the type of business.

Description : What if 75% of New Yorks commuters took to the streets on bicycles any given day?

Last Answer : First of all, they'd probably all fit in one lane- but they would use them all anyway I reckon. If it was a one-day phenomenon then there would be a ton of bicycle accidents, since most ... city-dwellers will drive as much as they can afford to and of course suburban burghers have little choice.

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Last Answer : Certainly sounds a little dodgy to say the least.I enjoy following cycling particularly le tour de France.Years ago when the tour was in it's infancy, without television coverage & little media interest, ... of the mountains, ie Marco Pantani & others were high not only in altitude were they not?

Description : Where can I get the value for collectible bicycles?

Last Answer : Hubbs, cyclist, says there are collector’s guides you can buy, but he recommends going to ebay and seeing what similar bikes are going for as well as what people are paying.

Description : What bicycles would you recommend?

Last Answer : I just got a used hybrid off of craigslist. It was like $30 bucks and I ride it in the city on streets and also on dirt and gravel paths. I have no idea what brand it is, and it rides just ... huge sticker price just for shinier paint, plus it's more likely to get stolen. That's just my two cents.

Description : Why do dogs who don't bark at pedestrians or cars bark at bicycles or scooters?

Last Answer : my brother says "it rattles their kishkes" -- in plain english, i think it's the vibration.

Description : What's the best place to rent tandem bicycles to ride around Golden Gate Park?

Last Answer : Here seems to be a good place.

Description : What do all the bicycles call the tricycles? -Riddles

Last Answer : Try hards.