Can you recommend a great bike trainer?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would start with something like this. The Bingo 12 is the shizznit!

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Last Answer : How does it ride?

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Last Answer : My bike, a relatively cheap Clash bike that I think I got from Wal-Mart, has lasted me a long time. It's still in great condition after 5 or so years. Not too many bells and whistles, just a ... -$400 on a bike is way too much in my opinion, especially if you're not looking for anything special.

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Last Answer : Where I live there is a bike cooperative that teaches adults and kids how to build and maintain bikes. They have a stockpile of used parts that you make your bike from. Here's a list of bicycle ... July 29th, 7:00pm. There's another ride on July 31st. Anyway, that should get you started.

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Last Answer : Go up to Tilden Park in the East Bay--there is a spot called Inspiration Point, and there is an awesome trail that you can bike on, with views that look out over the whole Bay, the golden gate bridge, etc...The first 4 miles or so are paved and after that it is dirt but rideable with a normal bike.

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Last Answer : answer:You could probably use Google Maps to plan out your route. Your biggest challenge finding a route and avoiding highways will be crossing the Susquehanna River. Unless you go about 25 miles ... of backwards people, complete with an abundance of rebel flags flying from houses along the roads.

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Last Answer : i don’t ride but my husband has yamaha yzf r6. Really I had to ask him because I just know its blue. : )

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Last Answer : answer:I had my kid smash an old watermelon on the street once. It was an effective lesson.

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Last Answer : Yes, it’s a long fall to the pavement. I conducted an impromptu helmet test once. At a low speed, I hit an overhanging branch. I remember watching the road rush up to my face. Without a helmet my nose would have been flattened and my glasses smashed into my eyeballs. The helmet cracked but I was OK.

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Last Answer : You need a more comfortable seat.

Description : What kit to take on a road bicycle?

Last Answer : I would take a bicycle pump, a repair kit and maybe a spare inner tube. A light waterproof cagoule might be worth taking just in case the weather changes.

Description : Any advice for helping an adult learn to ride a bicycle?

Last Answer : answer:Would he be humiliated to use training wheels (if you and he practiced somewhere private)? That's how I learned, when I was six. My father took the wheels off and then ran along side me when I ... . Oh, teach him how to brake with both feet also. I love thinking about this. Keep us posted.

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Last Answer : Like this?

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Last Answer : I do have a big girl bike and it did come with a kickstand XD

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Last Answer : Here is a tool via which you can use your inseam measurement to find out the best-sized bike for you:

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Last Answer : @Harp…..Greetings I can not answer your questions but I wish to share one of the most incredible videos I have ever seen. Please check out and marvel. at Inspired Bicycles

Description : What am I missing re fixed gear bicycles?

Last Answer : fixed hub you mean? There also called fixies there typically made from old frames and then fitted with new very classy parts basically for most its a fashion statement. Usually there used by couriers, ... cog at either end, nice cruiser and no maintenance but still skinny frame and race tyres :)

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Last Answer : How useful is cycling? The fact that cycling brings undoubted benefits to the body is known to many. Cycling has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, lungs, vestibular apparatus, and ... Make sure the steering wheel is securely attached and remember to inflate the tires from time to time.

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Last Answer : Elliptical trainer--It works your whole body...bikes only work your lower half.

Description : Is it worth going to a bike trainer?

Last Answer : This is something that you can do on your own. If you are not confident with yourself then it is best to go to a bike trainer.

Description : Would someone please recommend a good Obedience trainer from So. California?

Last Answer : Chuck Norris.

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Last Answer : Yes , I highly recommend elliptical cross trainer to improve overall fitness since elliptical helps you improve leg strength and could give you good cardio workout.

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Last Answer : 9 Suggestions tucked into a very informative article on female cycling ergonomics written by a female cyclist

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Last Answer : Let me try again.

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Last Answer : I like this one.

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Last Answer : Hello, I would take the camera with basic accessories at this price. Otherwise the price will go up. Where exactly do you want to attach the camera when you ride a bike?

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Last Answer : Tell him. Or is there more to your question?

Description : What is the fallacy in this statement, "Never trust a chubby trainer" ?

Last Answer : answer:The fallacy is, that a trainer is an inanimate object, and therefore can’t be trusted or not trusted? And a chubby one will probably fall off your foot…... So why you’d still use it is beyond me?

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Last Answer : answer:If it were my business, and if I wanted to give the new hire a cut of the action they produce to keep them motivated and producing, I'd ask them what they expected. If they ... friend might surprise you and ask for considerably less that that. Wishing you the best in growing your business.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure if he qualifies, but Steve Irwin. His love for all creatures was obvious in his work, which was one of the reasons I njoyed watching his show. Steve Irwin had an infinite amount of ... he was engaging and fun to watch - even for a child. I was absolutely devastated when he died.

Description : If I use my cross trainer 20 mins a day 3 times a day how fast should I see results?

Last Answer : answer:So, 60 minutes total every day? You should definitely see some results after 30 days on that regimen.

Description : Wouldn’t the money some people spend on liposuction have been better spent on a personal trainer?

Last Answer : It depends on why they are fat, how fat they are, and whether or not starting an exercise regime would be dangerous for them. If it’s just cosmetic, then yes. If it’s a dangerously fat person, sometimes lipo can save lives.

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Last Answer : I threw up in the middle of my first session. He thought it was hilarious, but on subsequent sessions he went easier on me.

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Last Answer : sports scientist = On paper. personal trainer = Pain before gain.

Description : Why am I obsessed with finding video of Tillikum the killer whale attacking and killing his trainer at SeaWorld?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think there was video of the attack. It is an unfortunate desire, but a human one.

Description : Would it be inappropriate to specifically request a gay male trainer at a gym?

Last Answer : I'd take a tour of the facility, ask to meet some of the trainers, and find one that you think you'd be comfortable working with (if in your mind the gayest looking guy working there is the one ... , so be it), ask for the particular person. I wouldn't ask for attributes wrapped in generalities.

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Last Answer : answer:Please elaborate on 'soft skills'?... Liked this comment/answer? Click 'Great answer' below! Thanks d-:

Description : Is anyone on here a certified personal trainer?

Last Answer : I have a step-son in his middle forties who is a CPT and has made a very good career of it. It was a time-consuming and rigorous program. Initially he loaded a van w. equipment and went to ... and sublet space from another owner. If you would like contact info for him, send me a private comment.

Description : Would you rather send your dog to a Obedience trainer or do it yourself and why?

Last Answer : Well in your conditions i would go with a trainer, since you dont seem to have the time to do it, even if you wanted to only downside of this is the fact that your going to have to pay money. Not necessarily a bad thing though because at least they will definitely be trained well. Best of luck.

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Last Answer : Although I don't know all that much about dogs, I would recommend you ask a few standard questions in relation to how he/she (the trainer) goes about training the dogs, the techniques ... consider a dog-training school of some sort, that might have lower prices and particular breed specialists.

Description : Actress Zsa Gabor played the pigs owner? What it a real pig?

Last Answer : Arnold Ziffel was owned by Fred and Doris Ziffel who treated him like a son. He was an American Yorkshire breed pig. Frank Inn trained Arnold. He trained all the animals seen on rural TV comedies. Arnold ... Inn in the 1960s. In most of the Green Acres episodes, Arnold was played by a female piglet.

Description : Do they just help you gain muscle or lose weight?

Last Answer : Any personal trainer will help. That’s their thing and it’s a personal trainer because it puts your program together for you.