When did the first round fridge come out?

1 Answer

Answer :

Google google google google google troll man troll man Sorry :D don’t kill me when i try crossing the bridge. I bring cookies and childrens!!

Related questions

Description : What is the difference between eggs in fridge and then out, and out of fridge the whole time?

Last Answer : Fresh eggs (fresh from the chicken) are always more flavorful if the chicken is free-range. The best way to keep eggs a long time is to rub a little mineral oil on the shell ... preserving-eggs Basically, if you use mineral oil, refrigerator to unrefrigerator to refrigerator will make no difference.

Description : What food do you make when you want to clean out the fridge?

Last Answer : Mold stew!

Description : Can I leave my cake out of the fridge even if the frosting has milk/cream in it?

Last Answer : Just don’t leave the cake out in the rain.

Description : Thawed out raw crayfish - is it safe to cook and eat after 3 days in the fridge?

Last Answer : If it doesn’t yet have an ammoniac smell, you are probably OK. I’d check each one.

Description : Is it justifiable to clean out a communal fridge?

Last Answer : Your roommates are fucked up. Move.

Description : How do I get bad smells out of my fridge?

Last Answer : Put a little bowl of coffee grounds in there. They’ll absorb the odors & leave a fresh smell. I use coffee grounds to deodorize lots of things.

Description : If someone left cooked steak out overnight, and then put it in the fridge, is still it okay to eat?

Last Answer : no.

Description : What's the best way to clean out a fridge?

Last Answer : answer:Ugh, an awful job. Take out all moveable shelves and drawers and soak in sink - hot water, soap and a little bleach (! Cup to gallon or so of water). Put the same (clean) solution in a ... and play some music that you love. Also, can you find a sucker friend to help? Promise him/her pizza.

Description : What are the signs that indicates my fridge is run out of gas?

Last Answer : As your fridge slowly runs out of the refrigerant, the foodstuff inside starts freezing in the fridge part of your refrigerator. ... The second and the more evident sign that confirms a low gas is the significant build-up of ice in the condenser plate, along with a faint mouldy odour.

Description : Why does ice melt when its out of the fridge?

Last Answer : The melting point of solid water (ice) is at oC.

Description : my freezer is working but the fridge stopped the light is out as well. i took thew light out and tri?

Last Answer : my freezer is working but the fridge stopped the light is out as well. i took thew light out and tried it in the freezer and it worked so i figure it is a fuse i opend up the electrical box on the fridge and not sure witch fuse to pull or if there is another fuse else where

Description : What is sitting in your fridge, freezer, or pantry, that you need to eat but just don’t want to?

Last Answer : Banana bread that’s great but we ate a few slices hot and don’t want the rest. Caramel dip for fruit. Great once or twice now we’re done and it’s practically full. Frozen spaghetti sauce I made but I love it fresh so I keep putting off using it.

Description : How would you feed yourself for 8 days with access to only a mini-fridge and microwave?

Last Answer : I often purchase microwave dinners, and seldom pay more than $2.50 each. We also have a large supply of canned meals (Progresso soups, Chili, and such, plus canned tuna.) I have a motel basket ... shredded cheese, crackers, and bread. Don't forget can opener, knife, cutting board, mayo or butter.

Description : If you go for a midnight fridge raid, what food would it be most likely?

Last Answer : I’ve cream. I’m about ready to go grab myself an ice cream sandwich.

Description : How does a butcher age meat for a week while It doesn't keep in my fridge for more than three days?

Last Answer : Meats aren't like wine, you don't want them aged. Generally you want them as fresh as possible. Certain, very select, cuts of beef are stored for a certain period of time (generally a month to a month ... at the grocery store is as aged as it needs to be by the time it reaches your shopping cart.

Description : What is the difference between dry aging beef and just keeping in my fridge?

Last Answer : Here’s how it is done ! Yes you can do it at home, but you must start with prime or choice beef and take the steps to process the meat.

Description : Can the fridge be fixed if problem is dial (Defrost Cold etc) related?

Last Answer : An appliance repair maybe be possible but if it is over 12 years old there is a probability that something else may go wrong. It may only be the dial not the thermostat.

Description : Is your fridge/freezer where perishables go to die?

Last Answer : Ha, none. My husband would leave things there if I let hom though lol

Description : Do you have food rotting in your fridge or freezer or pantry or other place , that you have no desire to eat?

Last Answer : Just cleaned out my fridge. Yuck!

Description : How can I find a cheap small apartment fridge freezer in Red Deer , Alberta?

Last Answer : Try Wal-mart Best buy if Red deer has those two stores, Canadian Tire also sells that type of thing, or try pawn shops and maybe even a thrift store or too.

Description : [Fluff time] What are the top three items in your fridge that goes bad or spoils more than not because you never seem to use it fast enough?

Last Answer : Milk, leftovers from a so-so meal, condiments like salad dressing.

Description : There is foam wrapping on the coil of my new counter-top fridge, should I remove it?

Last Answer : answer:Do you mean foam, like styrofoam, that is taped on? Yes, take that off. it's there to protect the coils from being damaged as the fridge was being moved and installed. In fact, ... a radiator and need air to dissipate the heat that the compressor creates. Bottom line - remove the foam.

Description : As you're taking pop from a 12 pack in the fridge, you notice something brown rolling in the carton. No big deal. As you're removing the last can, the brown thing rolls forward and appears to be a petrified insect cocoon of some sort. What would you do?

Last Answer : answer:Throw it away. I wouldn't give it a second thought. After all, the stuff I drank was in cans and clearly not contaminated. And this was the last can. I might think to myself gee, they need better ... at Dr. Pepper , but that's about all. This would me a major so what' moment for me.

Description : Do you keep fruit in the fridge?

Last Answer : answer:The only fruit that I don't refrigerate are bananas (it seems that refrigeration accelerates bruising), and any that aren't at least partially ripe. When I can't find any pears or nectarines that ... them outside the fridge until they start to ripen. Then I'll put them inside once they do.

Description : What's the best way to keep eggs freshest, longest, in the fridge?

Last Answer : Oh, and I recommend always storing your eggs in Styrofoam rather than cardboard cartons…self defrosting refrigerators will suck the moisture out of them, otherwise.

Description : Where do you defrost meat in your fridge?

Last Answer : I put the meat on a plate and defrost it on the top shelf, which is the warmest part of the fridge. It defrosts quicker up there. I have two bottom drawers in my fridge; I use one for fruit and veg, the other for cooked, chilled meat, like ham, pate, pork pies etc.

Description : Have you ever put food in the fridge with no intention of eating it later?

Last Answer : I never do that intentionally, but usually after one day if I haven't eaten it, Now I won't. That doesn't always keep me from tossing it right away-I mean, one never knows when a famine will ... leftover, no matter how long its shelf life might be, is probably doomed to the garbage after 24 hours.

Description : Is it ok to eat two day old Taco Bell soft taco supremes that are sitting in my fridge?

Last Answer : They are safe since they were in the fridge. I’d probably scrape the lettuce off of them though.

Description : Any suggestions for cheap meals made from ingredients that keep well without fridge or freezer?

Last Answer : answer:First thing that comes to mind is pasta and sauce with lentils or beans for protein. Eggs seem to keep for a while without refrigeration, eggs, spam and potatoes always remind me of camping. ... ranger? I have many friends who work for parks in Australia, they do some really interesting work!

Description : Would you eat sushi that's been in the fridge two days?

Last Answer : I’d pull the fish out of it and cook it. The fish should be fine to eat once cooked. For future reference, if you get sushi or sashimi and immediately freeze it, you can then defrost and eat it when you wish.

Description : OK, so the fridge is bare, you have these ingredients what do you make?

Last Answer : answer:Sauté chopped or diced onions, peppers, chili, and carrot in olive oil.. Add chopped tomatoes. Heat. Season. Serve over cooked macaroni. Bake sweet potatoes and squash; eat with a little pat of butter right from skin. Hardboil eggs. Save for late night snack. Eat almonds out of hand.

Description : What do you do with the leftover vegetables in your fridge ?

Last Answer : Now there’s an activity for a rainy afternoon with kids who are going stir crazy!

Description : How fussy are you with your fridge?

Last Answer : It’s a very serious relationship. We’re having a fight these days though. But I know my fridge loves me, and I love my fridge.

Description : Watching a movie at 3 am, which foods do I snack on from my fridge?

Last Answer : Toast the bread, fry/scramble the egg and ham, make a sandwich, then wash down with beer.

Description : What's the weirdest meal you've ever made from the contents of a sadly depleted larder? From your almost empty pantry, freezer/fridge?

Last Answer : answer:I've actually come up with some creative things in times like this. The last things to survive are usually canned goods, and I tend to just start dumping cans into a casserole dish and toss it in the ... someone who never ate a casserole in her life before the age of 26 so what do I know?

Description : What do you think about eye cream in the fridge?

Last Answer : Does your eye cream come in a large, cup size container? The eye creams I have are very small. You can just put it in one of the the egg shaped spaces in the door and that’s it.

Description : Is there a device that I can plug my refrigerator into, that will cycle the fridge on and off in order to save energy?

Last Answer : Your refrigerator already has a thermostat that does just that. If you cycled it off more than the thermostat calls for, its internal temperature would rise, introducing food safety and spoilage risks.

Description : I have spaghetti sauce (from a jar) opened in the fridge. Not sure how long it's been there. It is not fuzzy nor blue. Do you think that it's safe to eat?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t.

Description : Why does butter stay unspoiled outside the fridge considering that it is a dairy product?

Last Answer : It’s basically all saturated fat. Saturated fat doesn’t spoil on its own. The reason milk and other dairy stuff goes bad is because of the moisture, sugar, and protein allowing bacteria to reproduce.

Description : Why does Kenmore Coldspot fridge Leak?

Last Answer : Check the connections. You probably have a loose connection that is not sealed properly. Where the water line coming into the ice maker connects to the ice maker would be my guess.

Description : What is wrong with my fridge?

Last Answer : answer:Is it a self-defrosting freezer? Ice crystals can from in a freezer if the door seal is compromised. Leave the freezer door slightly ajar and you get ice crystals inside. How old is the fridge? It may be time to replace.

Description : How long after moving a fridge should you wait until plugging it in?

Last Answer : Normally, a fridge should be left off for 24 hours once laid on its back. This allows for the proper distribution of the fluids within the fridge, such as the oil in the motor that keeps everything cool. ... .I hope that everything works out for you. I would give it a day before I started to panic.

Description : Turkey sandwich in the fridge for a week...still safe to eat?

Last Answer : Not on your life. my wife says to chuck anything over two days old, especially if it smells fowl, uh foul.

Description : Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

Last Answer : Too cold to ensure bulb longevity, maybe? At any rate, the design of my fridge allows light from the main unit to seep up into the freezer. Google pointed me to lots of links on the question.

Description : How long will a thawed turkey survive in a fridge?

Last Answer : A 14lb turkey will probably take longer than 4 days to thaw completely if you leave it in the fridge. I had one in the fridge for nearly a week one December and it still wasn’t thawed by christmas eve. I’d guess it’ll be fine by Sunday. Might even be fully thawed by then. :)

Description : What does the front of your fridge say about you?

Last Answer : There is so much shit on our fridge. There are a ton of childish drawings that both of us did, a bunch of funky magnets (my favorite is I like fat cats and I cannot lie )...some ... the time too. Very cute. Newspaper clippings, anything remotely interesting. But I like it. Our fridge is personable.

Description : What makes the of fridge top and the sides get warm, intermittently?

Last Answer : answer:Long A refrigerator works by removing heat. Somewhere on the fridge will be a radiator where you can feel the warmth of discarded heat. Also, the motor will be warm when it's running. Ice ... less efficient, so the radiator and motor will run warmer until you defrost. Short It's normal.

Description : Why do veggies wilt in my fridge?

Last Answer : answer:It can be a very dry environment in the fridge. You need humidity-some anyway-to keep the vegies looking good. This is why supermarkets are always spraying the lettuce and whatnot. Some fridges have a ... last longer. Or you can mist them a bit yourself. Best to eat them as soon as possible.

Description : Can I beat eggs as if I'm making scrambled eggs, but keep them in the fridge like Egg Beaters?

Last Answer : The best I can do it send you to this link. I suspect it would be the same 2–4 days that raw whites and yolks would stay fresh. And I don’t think it would matter if you added milk.

Description : What's the white stuff that's on top of the food that's been in the fridge for at least 3 days now?

Last Answer : Probably mold, but depending on what the food is, it could be congealed fat.