How do you use the 'style your text' help when answering a question?

1 Answer

Answer :

Where it says “strong” or “emphasis”, that is where you place your text, if you get what I’m saying.

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Last Answer : You asked this question at 4:20 mountain standard time people will have munchies right now.

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Last Answer : answer:Hi @ShadowHill Welcome to the pod! :-) If you click on the users avatar and scroll down you can see their greatest Q's/answers which will show a date or say 3 months ago, 2 months ago..etc. ... Hit and miss but that is one way to try and get a handle on when the last responses were posted.

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Last Answer : Contact your doctor. You may need some blood tests to find out if you have a nutrient deficiency that is causing this.

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Last Answer : No. I will answer a question regardless of it’s age if I have something to add to the discussion. Personally I love it when really old questions are revived in this way!

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Last Answer : Get someone with an iPhone to record it like you’ve suggested using the “Voice Memos” app that’s on every iPhone, and then have them e-mail the file to you. It will probably sound fine.