If the universe is always expanding, how come the sky never gets any bigger?

1 Answer

Answer :

really, i mean really? what are you superman and have supervision or something?

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Last Answer : A giant bowl of spaghetti. Carbo diem!

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Last Answer : Your question misinterprets the the expansion of the universe as expanding INTO space. The actual expansion is with the SPACE ITSELF.

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Last Answer : To assume the universe is expanding, is to ascribe limitations to the universe.

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Last Answer : If you could arrange for a object with a fixed period of varying luminosity to be present in every galaxy (think of it as a clock), then I'm pretty certain we would observe a lengthening in ... due to metric expansion, the greater the redshift and the greater the dilation we observe in their clock.

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Last Answer : There is no answer to that question, since there is no space beyond the universe.

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Last Answer : answer:Emptiness is probably infinite, although we have no way of proving that other than by thought experiment. Spacetime is defined as distance between things. Nothingness is outside the concept of spacetime, ... the universe is infinite, what is left outside of it for it to be expanding into?

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Last Answer : This is one of those questions we peobably won’t know because it essentially asks where we came from. I used to think about this a lot, but there’s no answer.

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Last Answer : answer:Cosmology, eh? From what I've read-and I'm a scientist, but not a cosmologist or particularly gifted with math-we don't really know what the universe is, yet. We have a lot of elegant ... a little closer: for one, that the points we're observing are entangled with, or coexist as, others.

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Last Answer : I think the people who came up with that idea think that the contents of the universe are expanding, but not the universe itself. I could be wrong though, just a guess.

Description : Why is the universe expanding? -Technology

Last Answer : The Universe is expanding due to a vast, powerful and unknown matter/force/energy. This is called as dark matter or dark energy. Scientists also speculate that Quantum matter/force/energy can ... for the expanding Universe. Unfortunately, both these theories have not been proven/justified yet. :)

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Last Answer : The universe is expanding at 60 kilometers per second.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: C

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Last Answer : (2) Steady State Universe Explanation: The Steady State theory (also known as the Infinite Universe theory or continuous creation) was developed in 1948 by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, Hermann Bondi and others ... that the observable universe is basically the same at any time as well as at any place.

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