Anybody know what extra education is needed to become a psychologist?

1 Answer

Answer :

What exactly do you want to do? Do you want to become a clinical psychologist? Do you want to be able to prescribe antidepressants, in which case you’d need to be a psychiatrist? Do you just want to be a therapist? Or do you want to do mostly academic psychological research? Or do you want to put your knowledge of psychology to work in the business world—either looking at the psychology of organizations or marketing?

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Last Answer : In order to become a psychologist you must major and graduate with a degree in Psychology. Depending on the type of psychologist you wish to be your schooling may or may not be longer than eight years.

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Last Answer : At first I homeschooled. Then after that they ended up going to private schools. In some places there are grassroots organizations that work together to hold the school board accountable. PM me for details if you’re interested.

Description : Would online schools help education in the US?

Last Answer : Yes, very much. The Charter school that my grandsons are in has introduced online line learning that is a great help. I am at a disadvantage because I have to learn even more than ... Education, through the college level. Many specialized college level courses can also supplement the higher levels.

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Last Answer : answer:That is what NBC, CBS, USA Today, and just about everybody else is saying. And that’s Jerry Falwell, Jr., Leslie. I’m sure you know that, but you damn near gave me a heart attack. I was unaware that insect had left his spawn behind. Now I’m just having a junior heart attack.

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Last Answer : answer:Sure, but there are many other much more relevant-seeming signs than that that the US education system is wacked. Also, education measures are about average performance, not about peak ... being about something different, but by being a very different type of numeric comparison, anyway.

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Last Answer : What is the school system like in Ireland? Is it “public” (paid for by taxpayer funds) like in the U.S.? Do you have a link that would explain it? I honestly have no idea. And, has anything changed in the last 6 months since that article?

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know where you live, but I'm in America and I don't use any of those terms related to education. I don't work in education though, so maybe the people who do think in ... learn. Learning to help be successful, learning for curiosity's sake, learning to be able to function in society.

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Last Answer : My fix? Reduce the ridiculous amount that we spend on the military complex and put it into education.

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Last Answer : answer:Although it seems like it would be lucrative (the tuition costs are outrageous!) private schools are not big money makers. The cost of running such a place is so incredibly high as to be ... emotionally prepared, that alone would be a good argument against. Sorry to be so abrupt about this.

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Last Answer : answer:Translating? Creative writing? Historican? Human resources managing? As far as I know any job that involve social science offers BA.

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Last Answer : answer:No, it is not a defense. Yes, I have known homeless men, locally, who held a Ph.d or master degree. There is also that newsworthy example a few years back. Maurice Johnson Is Homeless With ... % of homeless always exists. What changes are the people who slip in and out of that homeless %.

Description : What do you think of higher education in America?

Last Answer : Everyone should attain a college education and get some sort of degree. (And only college educated people should be allowed to vote!) The student should pay his/her own way which makes it more valuable.

Description : Common Core. Is It Improving Education?

Last Answer : answer:It’s just another step in the dumbing down of american students. And it is quite obvious why they are doing it. Why would you want intelligent, educated slaves?

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Last Answer : Because the colonies self-proclaim themselves to be the best at everything. This distorted self-image is pervasive among its “culture”, so anything that threatens to shatter this image is great news material.

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Last Answer : I actually perfer the “adequate” wording over “equal.” This is because “equal” does not say anything about the quality of the education. I feel that inadequate generally implies unequal, but equal does not imply adequate.

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Last Answer : It depends on which sect you are talking about.

Description : Ultimately, what is the purpose of a university education?

Last Answer : answer:When I was that age I wish people would have quit telling me it was about the education I got in my classes. It really wasn't and it became really obvious once I got there. Freshman classes had ... experiences, those friends, and there's no time like where she's at in her life to get them.

Description : If a teacher double majors in Education and the Humanities what can s/he teach?

Last Answer : answer:I feel like the other major would have to be History in order to teach History. Are there really schools that offer a Humanities major? How broad. It's like colleges that offer degrees in Liberal ... clue what I want to do with my life. I say choose a concentration that's more specific.