How do I make a creative presentation?

1 Answer

Answer :

Since you’re hitting a wall, dont you think a video production may be too much for you? How about a slideshow presentatin instead using MS PowerPoint or if you dont have that, checkout . . . you can include pictures, bullet points for discussion if you care to present the matter interactively, some flashy text formats and a myriad of actions.

Related questions

Description : I need to make a creative presentation for a project?

Last Answer : You could use a power point, which may seem boring but you could do many things to catch someones eye. Try something physical maybe, like something that relates to his life you’ll be presenting about.

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Last Answer : Give a speech?

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Last Answer : What grade are you in? You could dress like a turtle (which I would find interesting, but I may just love costumes too much). Or what if you did something with candy turtles. You could start with ... only be fair if you then returned the ones that had been removed so everyone could have a snack.

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Last Answer : answer:Goethe was right. Language isn't created in a vacuum. All languages are a melange of other contemporary, and many historical predecessor languages from all around the world. English is a great ... you don't have an appreciation of your own language, and by extension, your own history.

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Last Answer : answer:I found this on wikipedia. You might find it interesting. A wishing well is a term from European folklore to describe wells where it was thought that any spoken wish would be granted. The idea that ... of defeated enemies into bogs and other pools of water as offerings to their gods.[2] [3]

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Last Answer : Yes, we did. I can look up the specifics (or maybe @kritiper knows them; he's crafting a response right now), but my recollection is that the Americans pulled out and left them to their fate when ... on the subject of what happened in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, and this is how I remember it.

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Last Answer : What is this for? Is this a homework assignment?

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : Absolutely, in one form or another. Extermination of opposition has been a theme throughout history, at least since the period of empires. This tends to take the form of pillaging, cultural destruction, ... used liberal amounts of terror and violence to keep people in line, or just wipe them out.

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Last Answer : No doubt mafia is there. Dealing with Ukraine

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Last Answer : I don’t know anything about African countries’ record keeping but I have read several authors who were able to trace their lineage back through enslaved ancestors to tribal affiliation. I am amazed by some of the genealogical work that is being done.

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Last Answer : First - this will never pass. @LostInParadise: Are they going to give money to all slave descendants, including the wealthy? Besides not happening, the idea of what form reparations would take is ... just another injustice. Slavery is not history. It's the foundation that we all walk on today.

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Last Answer : I have not. I sometimes think it might be a good idea, but then fail to care about it that much. My aunt, on the other hand, spent quite a bit of time on it over the years and traced relatives back to the 1500s.

Description : Can you help me fact-check my history textbooks?

Last Answer : They seem mostly true, albeit simplistic, with a little Nationalistic propaganda to help it go down better. America was a collection of colonies, and colonial history was necessarily exploitative. Those ... too powerful to be controlled, and wealth was too entrenched to cede power across the ocean.

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Last Answer : I’d say burning liquids launched by catapult or trebuchet. Have some boiling oil or a potful of heated tree pitch dumped on a squadron of enemy, take them right out of action. And getting hot pine tar thrown in your face will disfigure you for life if it doesn’t kill you.

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Last Answer : That would be cool to do.

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Last Answer : About 3000? It was not that many. Compared to the usual 50000 workers and 200000 daily visitors.

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Last Answer : After World War Two. The transition period started under Teddy Roosevelt, and the Great White Fleet of steel battleships that toured the world to demonstrate naval superiority. But that wasn't fully ... as the only major economy that wasn't destroyed to some extent solidified the economic might.

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Last Answer : Who says it did? One would have a strong argument that it was a byproduct of imperialism. Colonization of the Americas preceded the Berlin Conference by almost 3 00 years. You better rethink cause and effect.

Description : Which people have made an impact in history in England?

Last Answer : there are far too many to list. I’m sure this is something you can easily research on your own by searching for a short history of England or famous people in English history. This is an easy assignment which I am sure you are meant to do on your own.

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Last Answer : Oh yes. That is why I don’t put certain things in.

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Last Answer : No. The problem was that the internal divisions were open at the top. So once one compartment was full, it flowed over into the next.

Description : Can someone tell me exactly what Hillary has done to be given such a bad reputation?

Last Answer : She got pneumonia.

Description : When did newly elected Pontiffs begin to change their names from their given names? Was their significance in the changing ?

Last Answer : According to Mr Google: The new pope then simply states what his name will be. ... The first pope to change his name did so in the Sixth Century because he was named after the Roman god Mercury, ... chose to be called John II. After that some popes changed their names and some did not.Mar 4, 2013

Description : How did Sargon of Akkad unify his empire?

Last Answer : Wikipedia article on Sargon. Since it happened about 4500 years ago, it’s tough to say. Probably by force and intimidation.

Description : During racial segregation did they have four public washrooms?

Last Answer : Yes. I attended a middle school here in Charleston SC. There were like 4 water fountains, and bathrooms, always together. It seemed REALLY weird to me. I had just moved here from Europe. I found out that all the water fountains, and restrooms, were from the era of segregation. It seems crazy now…..

Description : References of the Jersey Devil before 1735?

Last Answer : This article is quite a good discussion of the ambiguity of the etymology of both names. I ususpect, although I don't know the author, that that might be as close as you get. There ... good collection of Jerseyana, you can probably scan through several and pick the explanations that you like best.