Do you have a favourite way of cooking rhubarb?

1 Answer

Answer :

Rhubarb pies?

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Description : will rhubarb self propagate, or is there a way to reseed the flower tops?

Last Answer : While it is possible, it is hard. It is much easier to subdivide the plant and make two out of it. It is better to let the rhubarb pland divide and make new plants on it own and give is ... 5 years subdivide it into as many as you want. Remember to keep enough intact to keep a healthy plant.

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Last Answer : A freshly made plain bagel from Bagel Power in Scarsdale, NY (which is about 250 miles from me, sadly). Yummmmmm!

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Last Answer : answer:Taco mountain. Set out the fixings for tacos. Instead of using taco shells or tortillas, put corn chips on the bottom of your plate. Scoop the other ingredients on top. Fabuloso!

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Last Answer : Buttermilk Pound Cake (it's very dense and the outside is sweet, almost crunchy). Preheat oven 325 degrees. Grease and flour 1 large bundt pan. 2 sticks butter (margarine works also) 3 cups sugar 3 cups flour ¼ ... , it is a very heavy batter). Bake about 1 to 1¼ hours. Let cool in pan 10 minutes.

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Last Answer : [at]Jimmy, this question was asked fairly recently, but since I answered I discovered a new and wonderful flavor combination: green olives and garlic. A green olive stuffed with a clove of garlic is surprisingly surprising to me at least tasty combination!

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Last Answer : I don't have one speciality, but I have been cooking more and experimenting more. I've been cooking more Mexican food for my husband, he's Mexican, and the latest thing is pozole soup. A flavorful ... the cake and her husband liked it so much she just gave me more apples to bake him another cake.

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Last Answer : Negative would be that it could give a sour taste to what is being cooked.

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Last Answer : Because a restaurant will factor into what they charge you a markup on the food that has to cover their overhead (their building, heat, lights, etc.), their labor costs (the chefs and servers and cleaners and ... paper and all that stuff, and the food itself (they need to make a profit on the food).

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Last Answer : Healthwise, not a problem. Depending on the water content of the vegetable, it could explode.

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Last Answer : My hot dogs don’t need to rest for 5 or 10 minutes.

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Last Answer : Not at all, and for the same reason why pasta cooked for 20 minutes at 50 °C is nowhere near the same as cooking it for 10 minutes at 100 °C. Test it yourself by putting your finger in a pot of water ... °C, and one minute at 100 °C. Kids at home: That was a joke. Do not actually test this yourself.

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Last Answer : Whole foods…

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Last Answer : Eating Armadillo is safe (it is cooked), it is the prep and food handler that could get Hansen’s Disease. Also Red Squirrels in England carry the leprosy bacteria.

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Last Answer : Yes you can but if you have both, you can mix them to make half and half if you want. When i make cream soups, I use light cream instead of heavy.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends who is cooking (since you mention your mom) because my MIL makes different dishes than my mom, and different from my husband, or even a chef. If I could, I'd like for my ex to ... to find. Dessert, as I have said before, my favorite is the Mounds cake from TooJays deli in Florida.

Description : I'm seeing coconut oil for sale everywhere. Have you used it for cooking and do you believe coconut oil to be a fad or a trend with staying power?

Last Answer : If you are old school like me and cook popcorn in a stock pot on the stove try using coconut oil. Mind=blown. You want to use unrefined and I’d treat it like butter. I’m a olive oil guy myself.

Description : Why do most men like grilling better than cooking in a kitchen?

Last Answer : answer:Grilling is FIYA! Manly manly FIYA! Kitchen is women’s work. Except my hubs is in there now putting together a yummy pasta salad. He does most of the cooking. Once I fired up the grill. My ex (before he was my ex) said, “You’re not supposed to know how to do that! It’s a guy thing!” Sigh.

Description : What's special about Himalayan Pink Salt for cooking/eating?

Last Answer : answer:According to this site it seems that it's best good for brining and using in a clear salt shaker to impress your guests. You crack me up @ibstubro . You remind me of my favorite grandpa (not that you ... me up because it says the salt is gluten free. It's SALT! Of course it's gluten free.

Description : Can you help me improve my cooking?

Last Answer :

Description : What cooking skills are important to know?

Last Answer : Well, you can’t cook chicken in a crock pot for 40–11 hours, I don’t care WHAT pineapple chicken recipe they post on Facebook.

Description : You ever feel like cooking some elaborate meal at night just because?

Last Answer : Pretty much never. I really don’t think it’s linked to menopause, in any way..

Description : How do you handle dieting when cooking for the family?

Last Answer : answer:I have been on a restricted diet all year, and lost a lot of weight, but my kids are picky eaters and won't eat a lot of what I eat. So I make a main course (grilled chicken, ... grilled turkey breast burger without a bun. So I make similar adaptations of whatever is the basics for the meal.

Description : Does cooking for a large group of people stress you out as much as it stresses me out?

Last Answer : It is stressful. Now I buy some of the things from a restaurant and cook some things. I don't do it all myself. I try to have a couple dishes that I can cook ahead of time so I am not ... They didn't help with the cooking, but they helped with set up before and throughout the party and clean up.

Description : Should I lower the oven temperature or shorten the cooking time?

Last Answer : Never tried this, but I think a lower temperature and maybe moving the eggs around while they cook might help. What temperature did you use?

Description : What is the artistry of food and the pleasure of cooking for you?

Last Answer : I like trying new food combinations, and I like following structured recipes, it’s relaxing to me.

Description : I am in charge of the peas, for ten. Is it too late for some cooking advice?

Last Answer : I agree. In the case of green peas, I also like fresh-ground pepper

Description : What part of the green onion are you suppose to use when you're cooking?

Last Answer : Of course, I eat Mexican, Filipino, Vietnamese and Chinese dishes routinely. The green parts are my favorite.

Description : Where does the 'cooking is for women' idea come from?

Last Answer : All the way back to the hunter-gatherer days when men were out hunting food and women were gathering fruits and nuts and tending the fires.