How do you handle dieting when cooking for the family?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I have been on a restricted diet all year, and lost a lot of weight, but my kids are picky eaters and won’t eat a lot of what I eat. So I make a main course (grilled chicken, roast turkey) that they will eat, veggies we all share, a side dish or carb that they eat but I skip, and then a salad for me. When we have hamburgers, they get a grilled beef patty, I have a grilled turkey breast burger without a bun. So I make similar adaptations of whatever is the basics for the meal.

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Last Answer : No. Just cutting pop out of my diet. I am sticking to mostly tap water. All other drinks I have as a special occasion. Or at least I try to limit them. Just trying to lose belly fat and my man boobs. Everything else is perfect.

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Last Answer : Don’t go. Seriously

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