How do you stop yourself from crying?

1 Answer

Answer :

Breathing deeply helps :)

Related questions

Description : How do I stop myself from crying for stupid reasons?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to fluther, @chiraag06. Not crying doesn't necessarily mean you are a stronger person. Nothing wrong with being an emotional guy; don't be hard on yourself for being the way you are. ... . It sounds strange, but I learned from a very early age that yawning can hold the tears back.

Description : Can a person become sick from crying for an extended amount of time?

Last Answer : People can die of stress. Not sure about a “sickness.”

Description : Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?

Last Answer : I think it’s a sign of strength if you can let others see what you are feeling. If something touches me so deeply it moves me to tears I don’t see that as a weakness. And anyone remember when Gretzky retired? Mark Messier was a tear factory. Want to call him a pussy?

Description : What exactly were you crying over or laughing at/with earlier on?

Last Answer : I honked goodbye to a man at the cider mill today and he jumped about 5’ in the air! He was a good sport,thankfully,as I’d hate to beat up guys over 75 :)

Description : Why does crying make people tired?

Last Answer : Because it can be a big emotional release. Those typically make most of us tired!

Description : Do you ever feel like crying just to cry?

Last Answer : Yes, especially if I am PMSing, or when I think of my dog who died

Description : Is it possible to get sick from crying?

Last Answer : Absolutely. It wears your body down after a while. You start to just feel exhausted and it sucks all the energy out of you.

Description : Does anyone ever feel like crying for no apparent reason?

Last Answer : Yes. It goes hand-in-hand with depression.

Description : How can i be angry without crying?

Last Answer : Usually if I get to the point where I’m so mad that I cry, there’s no turning back. But do you cry when you’re even a little mad?

Description : How to Soothe a Crying Baby ?

Last Answer : How to Soothe a Crying Baby Babies can't talk, and the only way they can tell you that they need something is by crying. They cry for a number of reasons, so if you're a parent who has an infant ... your duty to soothe him. Try these tips and you'll soon get your angel to smile and laugh once again.

Description : When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

Last Answer : I can’t remember, but I feel fairly certain that it was over nothing tragic.

Description : Why do guys think it's a sign of weakness to cry?

Last Answer : A long outdated, badly misjudged sense of macho bullshit. I cry freely whenever the urge to overwhelms me, regardless of, well, anything at all.

Description : Why don't I cry more?

Last Answer : You’re… a robot?

Description : When was the last time you cried?

Last Answer : Last week.

Description : What kind of cry do you have?

Last Answer : The squawker!

Description : Can someone please explain the crystal tears in this video scientifically to me?

Last Answer : answer:After viewing this video, I have come to the conclusion that is not real. Why? If this occured back in 1996, how come the world has not jumped on “the strange occurence”? I only wish someone on Fluther can prove me wrong.

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Last Answer : answer:Some people have more sensitive olfactory systems. I think due to age and various chemicals people have exposed themselves to also contribute to the insensitivity. Some onions also emit less gas. I for one, ... all onions out in the open air and/or freeze them so I can deal with the odor.

Description : Before you cry, does your body give you physical warnings?

Last Answer : My throat knots up and sometimes it hurts pretty badly, and my face also gets hot. That generally only happens if I’m in public or about to cry in front of someone. When I’m alone, I just let the tears flow if I need to.

Description : What makes us cry?

Last Answer : answer: The third kind of tear is produced when the body reacts emotionally to something. Each type of tear contains different amounts of chemical proteins and hormones. Scientists have discovered ... release excess amounts of chemicals and hormones, returning it to a stable state. Gibbs Magazine

Description : Do you ever laugh so much that you cry & what triggered the most recent instance of this?

Last Answer : There was a girl at work with some passion marks on her neck…and we were poking fun at her…

Description : What is wrong with me?

Last Answer : answer:Ignore what your mom says. You are definitely depressed. Please talk to a school counselor about your symptoms.

Description : What reduces you to tears?

Last Answer : The way mom treats me. Even though it’s an everyday thing it still gets to me. Also whenever I see animals being abused, I can’t handle it either. That video is both cute and sad.

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Last Answer : someone played a horrible “trick” on us one year for Halloween… they threw a smoke bomb in our front bushes, rang the door and took off. I answered the door and saw the smoke billowing out of the bushes and thought that the house was on fire… I was so scared, I tried to scream and nothing came out…

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Last Answer : No, but it makes me feel bad about what else is going on. I just wish my problems were as small as spilled wine.

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Last Answer : To hide those butt ugly cry faces. Seriously, most people look damn ugly when they cry.

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Last Answer : This presumes he had one to lose, which I would have called questionable.

Description : Last thing that made you cry?

Last Answer : asking my dad for money :(

Description : What makes you cry?

Last Answer : I cry at the drop of a pin. Well, I don't bawl and cry, but my eyes will start watering and tears will form even when I'm in a simple argument about what to eat for dinner. It's actually very ... after crying, I feel as if a huge weight has been taken off me, even if the core issue still exists.

Description : When was the last time you cried?

Last Answer : I have nothing to say about the situation, but I’m pretty sensitive and the last time I cried was last night. I probably average a cry a week.

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Last Answer : Common wisdom is that they helped her in New Hampshire, especially amongst women voters.

Description : When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried and why?

Last Answer : My partner and I were making fun of people that say this cracked my shit up while waiting for my cousin to join us for dinner. He finally showed up and told us about his day, during which ... is my cousin was under the impression that we were laughing because of his story - which was very boring.

Description : what do you do to stop yourself crying when angry?

Last Answer : I play loud rock music and sing it as loud as I can. The ones that help me the most are the ones that cuss people out

Description : As a child, when you were crying, did your parents ever threaten you with violence to make you stop?

Last Answer : No. That sort of threat was usually reserved for inappropriate mirth.

Description : My dog won't stop crying and shaking?

Last Answer : She is in pain and distress. Please take her to the veterinarian.

Description : What do you do when a baby won't stop crying/screaming and there doesn't seem to be anything you can do?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried putting her in the car seat in the car and driving around? Easier on your back and perhaps less exhausting. (nakki?)

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Last Answer : I just came across this video actually. Don’t know how well it’d work with other children but it’s still a pretty cute video.

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Last Answer : Time is your answer

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Last Answer : Realize that God is in control.

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Last Answer : First have your puppy checked at the vet to make sure the cause is not medical. Then put your pup on a regular routine. When it's time for nap or bed, use a crate suitable for her size and keep ... for her size and age. A tired pup will only be too happy to fall right to sleep without any comments.

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Last Answer : Give it blood

Description : Is it ok to ignore a 2-month-old's crying?

Last Answer : Mimishu1995 I m with you on this, your friend doesn’t know what she is talking about. A 2 month old infant cries only because of very basic needs, they are not yet developed enough to be “making demands”. An infant that age needs reassurance, not some whacko discipline.

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Last Answer : When Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, do you think the neighbouring countries were right to be concerned about being invaded next? Or were the people bringing up that prospect just crying wolf ? They ... only in DC, but all over the country. So you tell me if those concerns are justified.

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Last Answer : No, it won't change minds at all. The Trumpists and immigration hawks will say this is great - this is what should happen to all of them . The humanists will say this is awful . So ... . Repeat this over and over: This situation is all Trump's responsibility and a results of his asinine policies

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Last Answer : It really might.

Description : This is a question for the crying and the teary: What do you think of the following visual novel? (name, details and more in the description)

Last Answer : I also like visual novels. I like when the novel allow us to make decisions and such decisions can affect the multiple endings that we can get for the protagonist. I hope there's a happy ending ... am not sure if this novel is of romantic genre but hopefully they can have hentai scene together haha.

Description : When was the last time you laughed so hard that you ended up crying?

Last Answer : Heck, I can’t even remember the last time I laughed out loud. But, then again, I am kinda reserved so vocalized laughter is not something I do often.

Description : Moms: Could you always tell from your baby's cry when he or she was hungry from all of the other variations of crying?

Last Answer : Yes. And when she was tired, hungry, uncomfortable. And yes, I can tell what other babies are crying from, too. And nothing pisses me off more than a kid wailing in the store because he or she is ... way you can tell the difference between an adult crying out of fear, or out of sadness, you know?

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Last Answer : Probably laughing.

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Last Answer : Cool compresses, washcloth in the freezer, eye drops , sunglasses, obviously! haha

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Last Answer : Because so many ARE disingenuous about it and many of the others know it.