What exactly were you crying over or laughing at/with earlier on?

1 Answer

Answer :

I honked goodbye to a man at the cider mill today and he jumped about 5’ in the air! He was a good sport,thankfully,as I’d hate to beat up guys over 75 :)

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Last Answer : Exactly - or a moment later. Coming sooner is rude.

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Last Answer : answer:Seldom. Usually I’m just CTS*. . . *Chuckling to self

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : No. That sort of threat was usually reserved for inappropriate mirth.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh yes. I think it's your brains way of sorting out things we need to address. Perhaps we're missing our mum. Or we're cross about something. Or feeling hurt. It can leave you feeling quite bereft. ... too. Usually with my poor husband! I don't make him pay for things he does in my dreams :-)

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve been through this. I’d be strong when with them, but, then once that I’ve left the room (their presence), I’d break down.

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Last Answer : I’ve woken many times from dreams where loved ones die or something and found myself actually crying, the pillow wet and everything. It’s pretty annoying actually but the dreams aren’t that often at least.

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Last Answer : Personification

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Last Answer : Because their mother was in the pen and they didn't know how long the sentence would be.

Description : what was a hilarious moment in your life where you couldn’t stop laughing?

Last Answer : answer:X is dead. I said bullshit. They indeed passed away, still chuckle when I remember them Rather remember them in happy times then in anger. Enjoy the time you got with people man, once their ... go. Grandpa was the oldest of his brothers, his friends and 4 younger brother died. Ain't easy.

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Last Answer : Is anyone truly happy 100% of the time, we all have our moments of happiness , and contentment ,but life throws challenges at us that sometimes we wish we had a nuke em all button at the ready.