What things have your child(ren) said or done to make you smile?

1 Answer

Answer :

um, i dont have kids( im not old enough to have em) but there are times when my 2 year old baby sister says don’t cry and sorry. she sounds and looks sooooo cute and adorable when she says those things and i feel very proud to be her elder sister.

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Last Answer : YES!!! 100000000000% yes!

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Last Answer : I have never noticed raised voices with infants or toddlers, and I know that when I spoke to my own kids when they were under two years of age, I actually softened my tone and volume. I spoke baby ... trying to soothe them, and also when feeding them, but only up to the age of about eighteen months.

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Last Answer : The mother.

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Last Answer : NASA deals in fiction on a daily basis. I heard some things that even their fiction is fictional….

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Last Answer : Espiritus_Corvus put this up for me because I can’t post questions. Thanks EC! The sources in this link are pretty old. Can anyone bring us up to date on this subject?

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have children, but that doesn't sound too abnormal for her age. How constant is it? Every day? Does she never have calm moments? Is she getting enough attention? Enough of your attention ... likely they will be inclined to put some sort of label on her. Still, it might be helpful.