Do females feel that it's improper to be single?

1 Answer

Answer :

All females do not agree or feel the same about anything.

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Last Answer : Ask the friend privately.

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Last Answer : Handmade backstage passes. So, while you guys are out, everyone will know who’s a VIP for your party.

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Last Answer : answer:When I was younger, probably not. There was a lot of hair, makeup and weirdness in the 80s, and I think some of that persona might have obscured my deeper side and my insecurities. Hot pink lipstick and ... a what you see is what you get' kind of person, so I'm probably easier to read now.

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Last Answer : You don’t have to commit to being best pals again, maybe you could view it as “getting together for old time’s sake” then see how it goes from there. Friendships often change in intensity over time. You may have a time in your life when you’ll need an old friend.

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Last Answer : No, I don’t think I fit in – I fit in some future society that I won’t get to see.

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Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately, I have a prime example of manipulative behavior in my life. My mother is totally manipulative. Sometimes I have seen it in my own behavior (after all we are what was modeled for us), but ... more easily in others. When I do, I am apt to react badly so as not to feel played.

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Last Answer : Talk to him. What do you have to lose? If you lose this guy’s friendship, he really was never much of a friend at all.

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Last Answer : I always like to have my thoughts & beliefs challenged, so I enjoy these opportunities.

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Last Answer : It would be especially weird for me since all of my friends are either married or gay. But if the really wanted to be together, I’d tolerate it, I wouldn’t love it..

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Last Answer : This has actually happened to me a few years back now.It made absolutely no difference whatsoever in the way I percieved them.Other than to admire them for their courage.For him it was a big deal which he was quite stressed about.We have a good laugh about it now which is fine.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on whether I had a specific idea for the gift as to what I do about honoring the recipient’s request. As to what I think of the new trend of blurting out what one wants with an expectation of getting it, I deplore it.

Description : Do you feel like people will give you more than one chance?

Last Answer : I don’t wonder about how much leniency or chances someone will give me.When I am mad,I’m mad,and it’s the last thing I’m thinking about.It also helps to always be right lol!

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Last Answer : You proceed with the normal grieving process, and then you will meet someone else. You don’t have to rush it.

Description : How often do you feel the need to explain yourself?

Last Answer : It depends on how close you are to this person. Is he a family member? Close friend? Just an aquaintence? It depends on how much of an obligation to this person you have. That’s your call.

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Last Answer : Yeah I screen calls, but I don’t feel guilty, it’s only usually aquaintances, people I know on a superficial level.

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Last Answer : What about this friendship is valuable enough to give it more time?

Description : Would you feel offended if one of your 'close friends' told you that they kept parts of their life from you?

Last Answer : It’s probably something she doesn’t feel comfortable sharing with you. It’s not a slight on you. You’ve got to let the little stuff slide. This is the little stuff.

Description : How do you feel about Internet service providers trying to slow down the internet?

Last Answer : Completely agreed. My Roadrunner service from TWC stopped a few days ago, and after replacing the cable modem, the speed is crap. Yeah, I'm still getting getting somewhere around .700mpbs, but I'm literally ... my clicks on a link to register. It's like it can't accelerate as quickly any longer

Description : I dont know how to feel?

Last Answer : Would you really listen to complete strangers telling you how you should feel?

Description : How do I possibly express how badly I feel?

Last Answer : Um, my apologies for the bad spelling and the abbrieviated title. :( fixed

Description : How does this video make you feel?

Last Answer : I respect every single soldier out there that is protecting our country.

Description : Do you feel close with people online? why?

Last Answer : not unless i have met them before.

Description : Do you feel threatened by your SO's exes?

Last Answer : I'm not threatened by my SO's exes. He's with me. He doesn't want to go back to them. I'm with him. I don't want to go back to my exes. I would be upset if he didn't want me ... very low key and mutual. So there really wasn't much of a dumper or dumpee-no hidden, lurking feelings to worry about.

Description : If the truth hurts? Then does a lie feel good? Or do they both hurt?

Last Answer : answer:The truth only hurts in certain instances. Lies always hurt. Furthermore in those cases were “the truth hurts” its always much less than a lie that you later find out about. Just be honest and save everyone a big headache.

Description : Write 2.06 as an improper common fraction in its lowest term?

Last Answer : 23/50