Is free to use? If so, how does it work?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Q. How much do the coupons cost? A. There are no costs associated in ordering coupons; the coupons are free. All you have to do is register and select the coupons you wish to receive and we send them to your mailbox. Source I belong to a few sites like this with rewards instead of coupons. Basically, the site runs off from ads (in this case, the coupons are ads). The more you use the site, the more traffic they get. The increased traffic usually allows them to get more sponsors to sign up. It appears this site has a deal that the sponsors help them raise money for charity to make it a win-win for them. The sponsors get new customers and a tax deduction.

Related questions

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Last Answer : If my children really needed help.

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Last Answer : One word: Ph.D.

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Last Answer : answer:I knew very little, but I think you're right. It probably affects just about everyone not living a subsistence lifestyle. The main reason people here in the USA hear about LIBOR is due ... markets, though my understanding is the US mortgage market uses LIBOR at least as a reference point.

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Last Answer : I do. I can only hope he/she spends it for food. If they don’t, meh, I tried. I give whatever I have to give. Welcome to Fluther!

Description : How can we know if a charity is legitimate so we won't be throwing our money away?

Last Answer : answer:Clark Howard (a financial/consumer wiz I like) has some good basic recommendations Personally, I prefer to look into the charity and find out: -The percentage of donation that actually gets used (not for admin ... . That way I can see my dollars at work and can see what needs I can help with.

Description : Why is the EDD of California taking so long?

Last Answer : The delay many very well be due to the high volume of mail the post office processes at Christmas. It’s the busiest time of the year for the USPS.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd go for the gold (particularly at today's prices). Those hard asset classes are hard to beat. Although the diamonds are also a hard asset class, there is so much variability in the ... diamonds might be harder to liquidate than gold (even 6 pints of diamonds). Forget the paper money.

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Last Answer : If I got a dime everytime someone misspelled every time as one word, I’d be so rich!

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Last Answer : answer:People that can afford $10,000 a month on a nice apartment in NYC, where are they working? Usually in finance; investment banks, hedge funds, etc. Or they are the director-level of some ... way up + toot your own horn + create something/have a great idea + networking with influential people.

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Last Answer : Convenience in terms of resources and ability to get to other parts of the country and the world. A lot of the countries major cities crunched together, and the wealthy suburbs produced by that. Plus, being one of the first parts of the country settled and developed, land is a more limited resource.

Description : Are you working because you want to be doing whatever it is your job/career entails or just so that you have money?

Last Answer : I just work to live!! :-/ sad huh!!!

Description : How do I endorse a check made out to me so that someone else can cash it or deposit it to their account?

Last Answer : Third Party check: Second party signs and then puts “Pay to the Order of” name on back of check? Third party then endorses below and submits to bank.

Description : Have you ever sold Avon? If so, what were your experiences?

Last Answer : I havn’t but my mother did when i was young, she made money and liked it. But nowadays i think it could be dangerous if you still have to go to peoples houses. I would like it if someone would leave me an avon book though!

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Last Answer : answer:No biggie. We just nationalize all our assets and renege on all our debts Poof! All gone.

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Last Answer : I believe it is twofold: First, they are constantly chased after by women. Second, they develop a sense of entitlement and “specialness”.

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Last Answer : Baby pictures, things Hubbs has made for me and my weighted blanket.