Is there a rough calculation for number of calories required to maintain a certain weight?

1 Answer

Answer :

10 calories per pound for women, 11 for men. That’s if someone is not really physically active and has an average metabolism.

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Last Answer : The trick is to use up more than you take in. The actual number of calories doesn’t really tell you the whole story.

Description : If you eat the right amount of calories, can you lose weight no matter what kind of food you're eating?

Last Answer : You could lose faster by eating more calories in the form of protein.It is best to balance it out though.

Description : How to maintain the weight?

Last Answer : Weigh yourself every day. If you are going down, eat a little more fatty food; if you are going up, eat a bit less. After a while, you will get a good feel for how much you should eat. That's ... be, not your boyfriend. (I know that some advise only a weekly weighing but that wouldn't work for me.)

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Last Answer : answer:Keep exercising daily. Don't eat white carbs, like commercially-made breads, pastas, potatoes, white rice, etc. Look out for high fructose corn syrup in your food, and don't eat products made ... , just stay away from processed food as much as possible, eat lots of vegetables and keep fit.

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Last Answer : answer:They are “free calories” but calories none the less. Break them in half, freeing the caloric content normally locked into the intact cookie.

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Last Answer : answer:I sure hope you eat more than 800 calories per day The difference between 800 calories of fruits and veggies and 800 calories of meat and bread is that you'll be eating all day long to ... should burn the same amount of calories as you eat, all during your workouts. Wrong, horrible idea.

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Last Answer : answer:We'd need to know your height, weight, age, and gender in order to answer this accurately. You may be burning 2000 calories per day just by going about your day as you normally do. Calculate ... and veggies daily; stick to whole grains; steer clear of fast food, soda, and pre-packaged meals.

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Last Answer : It's impossible to drop ten sizes in one summer without literally killing yourself. If you want to go from a size 16 to a size six, that'd require you to lose about 80 lbs. That 80 lbs ... simple things like drinking water instead of something else, and going for a brisk walk every day. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not a calorie expert, but I'm ok at researching things, and my math is not too terrible. Each piece of Almond Roca Buttercrunch contains about 70 calories. So my guess from looking at ... of almond, then thats about 7g of calories from the almond, giving you 63 calories give or take.

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Last Answer : Your going to starve! 1500 cal’s/day is not going to be enough to keep your body going, you might get better results varying your routine with weights one day and cardio on the other. add some power walking around where you live and eat whole grains,protein and veggies for energy.

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Last Answer : And I’ll bet you have just the program to help us! suspected spam

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Last Answer : Took slim-fast as instructed in the package. Have one slim-fast drink for breakfast and one for lunch. Then have a full ( normal ) supper before 7 PM. Have glass of water before retiring. As the weight ... in our area..I look forward to the Summer months to do this and photography at the same time.

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Last Answer : I’d like to lose about 10 pounds from my waist.

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Last Answer : answer:Weight loss is mostly driven by your food intake. You need to cut back your calories. Exercise will help, and it is important for moving internal fat, but the main thing is to reduce calories. I'd ... the calories in though. So make sure you have a real sense of what energy you're taking in.

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Last Answer : answer:The plan is simply to log how much you move and by doing that to motivate you to move more. I think people can lack awareness about how much (or little) they move during the day, so ... to ensure I reached my step goal. I don't think it helps beyond motivating you through greater awareness.

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Last Answer : answer:Is there a pool close by? You could perhaps do some exercise in the pool. Walk in the pool, jog in the pool, lift weights (gently!) in the pool. Being in the pool puts much less stress ... your portion sizes, look at what you're eating and count calories. You can do that even with an injury.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think the way to lose weight is any different after menopause than before. Find an eating plan you can stick with; don't consider it a temporary diet. Make small changes, eat more ... you. The aches and pains sound worrisome and not normal. Have you talked to your doctor about them?

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know how you approach losing weight, but I had to tell myself I was not dieting but I was restructuring my life so I could live longer. I knew it could not be a temporary thing, it was a ... 60 pounds last year, and have kept it off for over a year. If I can do it, you can also.

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Last Answer : Yes , that is true but it takes a long while, thats for sure!

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Last Answer : answer:Forget weight, either on earth or elsewhere. Use the pinch test, at the waist. That's a good place to start. One of my friends says, Apple good, fudge bad. When my father, in his sixties, ... for a long time) but the gym was there and available for all, even an unlikely candidate as my dad.

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Last Answer : answer:It's a self defense mechanism. People don't want to be taken out of their comfort zone, and losing weight takes work and effort I had to lose weight because I was becoming a time-bomb and wanted to ... my old age. But I know that the steps I took applied to me and not to people in general.

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Last Answer : I’ve dropped 10 to 15 pounds in a week with high intensity swimming. I’m talking 75 to 100 meter sprints over and over.

Description : How did I gain weight?

Last Answer : answer:Be careful .it is most likely a false positive. haha Once you lose weight you can trick yourself into thinking you are not gaining again, and you might not..for awhile. Then, one day BOOM you ... trick is to only allow yourself 2 cheat days a week and the other 5 you keep to your routine.

Description : Have you tried Weight Watchers online?

Last Answer : Just go slowly one step at a time. If it’s daunting just try to tackle a little bit at a time. I haven’t checked out that site but I will now. I have a couple of Weight Watcher cookbooks. Not for my weight but I have a really lousy family history.

Description : Please tell me if you started feeling more energetic and above all less sleepy when you lost weight?

Last Answer : No, losing weight doesn’t seem to make any difference to my body.

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Last Answer : Also is whole wheat bread a good food for weight loss?

Description : How to lose weight?

Last Answer : answer:Do not begin any weight loss or exercise program without seeing a doctor first. Tell your doctor what you want and follow his instructions. There is only one person who can be sure you follow your program and that is YOU.

Description : Is it normal for massive weight loss with pneumonia?

Last Answer : You must have those numbers wrong. If you lost that much weight you wouldn’t need a scale to know it, and it is basically impossible to lose over 100 pounds in a week. Maybe you meant 116 kg?

Description : Why is my weight fluctuating so much?

Last Answer : answer:You really need to be naked, on the same scale, and same time of day to know how much it is actually fluctuating. I think you should way yourself daily at home only in the morning to get a more accurate gauge of how much you weigh. A salty meal can put on two pounds in hours.

Description : Why am I no longer able to lose weight?

Last Answer : Your age may have some impact. Perimenopausal and menopausal women have more difficulty losing weight. You may not have felt the effects earlier, but it’s not an “either/or” situation; there’s a prolonged, gradual change which you may finally be feeling.

Description : What are some safe and effective weight loss supplements?

Last Answer : The only safe ones are diet and exercise. The math is simple. If you are burning more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. Something is wrong with your “diet” or your exercise program, or both.

Description : Has anyone tried the pure green coffee beans extract for weight loss?

Last Answer : answer:Seems like it would make you a nervous wreck! Did you know that the over-the-counter diet pills that they used to sell were mostly just caffeine? Another chemical that will give you energy and ... just legalized speed. If you want to safely have energy and loose weight, eat a healthy diet.

Description : How to lose weight.

Last Answer : answer:You are still growing, a LOT, at this time so you should NOT put yourself on an extremely hardcore diet. I would suggest just eating healthy, getting plenty of protein in your diet and ... think just paying attention to your diet and ramping up your exercise is all you really need to do

Description : Which option could cause a woman to lose weight quicker?

Last Answer : When you say quicker, I assume the woman is not really going to change her life, but merely engage in exercise for a while for a short term goal. In that case, method 2, ... routine, you would realize the benefit, assuming reasonable stress management, good diet quality and calorie control.

Description : How can I jump-start my weight loss?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried SparkPeople before? They offer diet plans and free tracking tools-so if you've have success with WW before, this might be right up your alley. They can offer ideas for getting started. ... that good habit of diet/exercise you're looking for if you aren't as drastic about it..

Description : Is there a site that can help me calculate the what-ifs of losing weight?

Last Answer : answer:A safe- weight loss on a sensible program of eating well and exercising is 1.5 lbs. per week. on average. 250 fewer calories of food plus 250 calories burned by exercise daily is 500×7= c. 3500 calories/week. That’s about a pound plus a few ounces.

Description : Help with weight loss?

Last Answer : No sugar, no starch and NO Exceptions. Two weeks max, you will lose 10 pounds. No honey, no ice cream, no breads and NO fruits. Veggies and proteins and lots of water.

Description : Who wants to do fluther weight loss with me?

Last Answer : answer:Goal: lose 10 pounds by July 15. Roughly 2 pounds a week and lower my total cholesterol to 210. My plan is to stop eating dairy except for skim milk in cereal allowed 3 days a ... my calorie count and cholesterol intake daily and if I exercised. I am officialy starting this coming Monday.

Description : How can I help my over weight son lose weight?

Last Answer : answer:Exercise is great but diet is way more important. Watch him for a few days, what he is eating. See if he is binge eating. Like if he eats carbohydrate rich foods he binge eats on ... those foods or forbid them until just before bedtime so he will not get into a binge eating cycle.

Description : How to lose weight when on medications?

Last Answer : It is imperative that you discuss this with your doctor. Fluther is NOT the place to find accurate medical advice.

Description : Why would I suddenly lose a bunch of weight, but only temporarily?

Last Answer : This used to happen to me for a few years on and off. Maybe it still happens, but I no longer use a scale ever. I concluded in the end that it was because of my bowel issues .that sounds ... totally wrong too. I never went to a doctor and asked since the issue resolved on its own. Hallelujah Mary.

Description : I've been hearing a lot about African mangoes helping with weight loss - is it true?

Last Answer : answer:A lot of plant-based compounds seem to have beneficial effects like that, particularly in fruits. It’s a wonder that more people don’t just say “Hey, maybe I should just eat a lot of fruit.” Crap, now I want fruit. I think I’m going to go gather a bunch tomorrow. :)

Description : What do you think about my new theory on weight gain?

Last Answer : I think it’s plausible. However, I do think our body craves the bad stuff in bad foods because of pleasure patterns formed in our brains – a sugar high begets more sugar highs rather than dealing on figuring out vegetables.