What does therapy help with?

1 Answer

Answer :

For me, therapy has helped fix negative and unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior and enabled me to like and take care of myself through some very challenging times.

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Last Answer : My personal feelings? Yes, you should have called her on it right away, but since you didn't, call her on it now. Tell her you saw her do it and you think she's way out of line to use that ... she's teasing, it's an invasion of your privacy and you were doing her a favor letting her use your phone.

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Description : How can I help my friend?

Last Answer : answer:To make him feel better you can't do much. He's a bit depressed but eventually it goes away with time. Breaking up leaves a pain behind not to mention when you wait for someone and that someone ... m sure he only wants to say his part of the story and he needs some attention. That's all.

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Last Answer : School counselor or minister.

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Last Answer : answer:What question have you asked that went unanswered – in the General section? Smaller than Fluther? Better than fluther? Find it – and copy/paste the url here – I gotta see it. Til then, I beg to differ.

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Last Answer : answer:EDIT: I should have said this first: Most suicide hotlines and such also cater to people who aren't personally the one in trouble and they might know more. WHAT I SAID: I should be ... it into something bad. Solving the underlying problem(s) seems like something she would have already tried.

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Last Answer : What age is she and you?

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Last Answer : Just be there to comfort her and answer any questions she has. She will eventually adapt to this new realization, and will most likely be the wiser for it. Just don’t make it out to be anymore than it is, the actions of one person whose ability to commit to others seems to be woefully lacking.

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Last Answer : Get some beautiful music for her to listen to.

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Last Answer : answer:There are a lot of platitudes (better now than later, etc.). But I think you're on the right track in suggesting that you want to help him see helping her wasn't a waste of time. He was there for ... take away is that he is not, like most people, fickle. It's nice to know that you're a catch.

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Last Answer : It's really hard to help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. The best thing you can do is try to encourage them to get out and do things other than sitting at home all the time. You can recommend ... have to want to do it in order for it to work. Just be there for them when you can be.

Description : Would I be a bad friend to not help her move?

Last Answer : Not your apartment, there are 4 other girls that will be living there, so, no I wouldn’t feel bad about not helping. She does not have to clean the minute she moves in. She can wait for the other girls, who will be living there.

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Last Answer : Every day.

Description : How do I convince my friend to help pay for something?

Last Answer : answer:You will not get famous off of youtube. You can't convince him. He thinks your idea doesn't make business sense. Just because a video is watched on youtube doesn't mean the ... after reading your questions posted on ask-public, you lack discernment, which is critical to being successful.

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Last Answer : If you know any of his family, tell them what he said and ask them to help him find some care. If they cannot afford professional care they can try this site. http://depression.about.com/cs/findadoc/a/ ... disease he would go see a doctor, so why would he avoid seeing one when he needs one the most.

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Last Answer : Yes, you should ask her why she puts up with it! And why she still tries to be with him when it’s clearly not mutual. Tell her she’s wasting her time :)