What is defined as "the science of reasoning?"

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Last Answer : C. Knowledge (Answer)

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Last Answer : a. Logic

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Last Answer : $ Systematics may be defined as that branch of science which deals with the diversity of life. ! Binomial ... wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

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Last Answer : History is the social science that studies the progress of human civilization in its various aspects from antiquity to modernity.

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Last Answer : (a) J. (B) Say ; 

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Last Answer : Do all the things associated with getting smarter, and combine it with life experience.

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Description : Reasoning/logic question: Premises, conclusion?

Last Answer : I would lean towards C. There is not enough information to arrive at a conclusion.

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Last Answer : if housing starts are down, merrihew lumber does not necessarily go out of business. the question only states explicitly, that ML will not have to declare bankruptcy if housing projects are up. it does ... is unknown and it can not be determined whether or not they will phase out their masonry line.

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Last Answer : However which way it goes, one thing I’m certain of is that emotions have a lot to do with it.

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Last Answer : No. CPS issues are only accessible by another CPS worker. It's supposed to be confidential, so if I am aware of someone having an indicated report, or other issue, I am not supposed to ... person, and people have been arrested for that (for looking/accessing information they had no reason to).

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Last Answer : There is no reasoning with a 13 month old child. Just move them out of reach of the thing, distract them, or whatever to keep them safe until they are mature enough they can understand such concepts on their own.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. Write more. By that I mean “write a lot”, read what you write and look for the holes. Then rewrite to correct the flaws. Repeat as necessary.

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Last Answer : answer:I think they are more intelligent than we give them credit for. I have seen them problem solve. I don't know if dogs can count, but theu can tell time to the minute, I don't think they spend ... us in that they live in the present. But really I think it is a matter of degree of difference.

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Last Answer : Depends on the friend. Does that make me selfish?

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Last Answer : I think it has to do with ethics aesthetics. The dress shoes would look ridiculous with a big, fat bow. Granted, it can be a little hassle tying them (the short laces in the dress shoes), but it looks slick. Why the sneakers come with 100 feet, i have not an idea. Edited: Thanks @Fyrius !

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Last Answer : Both.

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Last Answer : Sufficient must occur for the necessary to occur. Apples and apple trees really are biconditional statements. Because in real life you need apples to make apple trees (A -> T), and apple trees to ... required for survival, but without air survival is impossible. In other words, air is necessary. --

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Last Answer : Definately. If history teaches us nothing else it is that great nations eventually fall.

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Last Answer : Ok, I'm going to have to go do some research but I'm pretty sure that only the females buzz (and only the females bite). Maybe a method for finding mates? Some trivia: http:// ... /blog/2007/07/05/why-mosquitoes-buzz-in-peoples-ears/ http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040811/Feature1.asp

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Last Answer : You want us to order those according to our personal priorities? Let's see. Charity. Honesty and accountability. Hope. Love. Faith. I'm going to put honesty and accountability on the same level of importance. ... life alone, so that goes under hope. As for faith well ...let's not go there.

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Last Answer : answer:According to this: A particular type of reasoning which uses if-then-else rule statements. As mentioned above, rules are simply patterns and an inference engine searches for patterns in the ... is TRUE AND suspect lacks alibi is TRUE THEN probable cause is TRUE ELSE round up usual suspects

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Last Answer : This is interesting, and if the numbers on it held up (that is, if he’s right that current environmentalist methods don’t work well enough) I’d be inclined to agree with him.

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Last Answer : Cause the clothes cost as much as brand new clothes, except they've been worn for years by someone else.

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Last Answer : I don't believe in Satan or demons, but do ghosts, I've had several occurrences that can't be explained otherwise, and God there's no evidence just as Satan and demons, and if there is why do ... people with their interpretations. I don't believe in something I can't see or experience, explain....

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Last Answer : I don't believe in Satan or demons, but do ghosts, I've had several occurrences that can't be explained otherwise, and God there's no evidence just as Satan and demons, and if there is why do ... people with their interpretations. I don't believe in something I can't see or experience, explain....

Description : A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power -Do You Know?

Last Answer : Intellectual is the answer

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Last Answer : (Apex) Everyone in Mr. Kim's class got an A on the test. Casey is in Mr. Kim's class, so he must have received an A on the test.

Description : what kind of reasoning can lead to stereotyping if based on too few examples?

Last Answer : Inductive reasoning. :)

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Last Answer : 26% of the total cases

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Last Answer : Rain is fingers hurt when she plays the guitar for two hours a day she tells her mom that all Guitars feel pain when they play for a long time

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Last Answer : Answer: Vortex Theory.

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Last Answer : : A logical argument that has a conditional relation between purpose and predicate is called relative argument. In such an argument, acceptance or rejection of the subject matter is presented ... are two types of subjective reasoning ; Namely: a. Hypothetical Proposition b. Disjunctive Proposition

Last Answer : Usually we see that many saints and Vaishnavas around us wear sandalwood and tilak. And we think that maybe only they should wear sandalwood and tilak. This idea , how much is it based on ... applying sandalwood on the forehead keeps the brain cool , increases endurance and keeps the mind calm !!

Description : Assertion and Reasoning questions: Assertion (A): Urban poverty is more harmful than rural poverty.

Last Answer : Assertion and Reasoning questions: Assertion (A): Urban poverty is more harmful than rural poverty. ... ) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Description : Assertion (A) : Kerala has low Infant Mortality Rate. Reasoning (R) : Kerala has adequate provision of basic health and education facilities.

Last Answer : Two statements are given below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the statement and choose the most ... (A) is false but Reasoning (R) is true.

Description : Assertion (A) : The distrust between Sinhalese and Tamil communities turned into widespread conflict in Sri Lanka. Reasoning (R) :  1956 Act

Last Answer : Two statements are given below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the statement and choose the most ... (A) is false but Reasoning (R) is true.

Description : Assertion (A) : Power sharing is good. Reasoning (R) :  It helps to reduce the possibility of conflicts between social groups.

Last Answer : Two statements are given below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the statement and choose the most ... (A) is false but Reasoning (R) is true.

Description : Assertion (A) : Majority community is dominant in a few democratic states. Reasoning (R) :  Dominance can undermine the unity of the country.

Last Answer : Two statements are given below as Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R). Read the statement and choose the most ... (A) is false but Reasoning (R) is true.