You what reason was Arvind arrested?

1 Answer

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Alipur Bam Mamla

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Last Answer : Solution :-

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Last Answer : (1) Arvind Panagariya Explanation: Arvind Panagariya took charge as Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog on 13 January 2015. He became the first vice-chairman of the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog, which replaced the Planning Commission on 1 January 2015.

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Last Answer : ‘Right to Information’ movement and empow7ering citizens to fight corruption.

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Last Answer : Seems to fall directly in the “people are saying” category. Pretty typical hyperbole for this day in age, with enough verbal cover to make it legal.

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Last Answer : Of course! Because it’s only illegal if you get caught. But if you believe everything Iran says, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you

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Last Answer : Be very straightforward. Don't be rude, be formal. Tell her all the consequences in a clear manner-make sure she can and will understand it. Tell her she will owe the 35$ a day and the 500$ contempt fee ... about writing it, with wordings and such. But like I said, I'd be formal, clear, and forward.

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Last Answer : Fortunately, unlike Russia, we are still a democratic nation and, although Trump presents a major threat, there are limits to what he can do. In the case you give, I would expect one of his juvenile Twitter postings.

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Last Answer : Yes, they get it back from wherever the arresting officer arranged for it ti be stored. Depending on the size of the jurisdiction, they may tell the perp to get someone to come pick it up, or, if it is a juvenile, tell the parents when the parents are called about their child.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, you can, but it is a harder case for them to prove. When someone is dealing out of a house, and the house gets busted, everyone inside gets arrested, and it gets sorted out later ... vehicles, is subject to forfeiture. You might want to check with a lawyer on what your risks are.

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Last Answer : answer:You won't go to jail for it. You could be fined for not paying the bills on time. It will certainly affect your credit rating. I would contact the credit card company, they may allow you to ... now (which takes the funds directly out of my bank account). All I ever pay is a transaction fee.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the calling of the police could be justified but the arrest was bullshit. From what I understand the kid is smart and not known as a troublemaker. He has brought several other projects to school in the past.

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Last Answer : Yes, A single bullet in the back would have been enough.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, and I have always wondered how this was justifiable but it is. From the article above: An interesting case is that of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Officer who stopped an ambulance ... a certain class of people (emergency personnel, police, firefighters) are always doing the right thing.

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Last Answer : answer:No. I think we need to come up with some kind of peer pressure type response like maybe making her an outcast for a week where no one acknowledges her existence but she still has to ... she has to run the gauntlet in granny panties and a ragged bra while being beaten with school supplies.

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Last Answer : I was a huge fan of the original. I didn't want them to reboot the thing for a 4th season, but somehow got caught up in the hype. Unfortunately, I'm 4 episodes in, and can't continue. They've ... joke might cause you to miss two or three more. But this season, I'm still waiting for the first joke.

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Last Answer : Very weird! He doesn’t strike me as a psycho. Knowing the crime rate in South Africa is sky high, he may have been defending himself as reportsw say. I guess that was the end of his career and his reputation!

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Last Answer : answer:How about saying , hey, what's going on with your brother, I heard he got arrested fro not paying child support. That way, you are asking her as if you assume she knows. And when you ... can say you know his behavior bugs her, but wanted to make sure her nieces and nephews are okay too.

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Last Answer : Violent children can be every bit as dangerous as violent adults on occasion. I’d have to know more details to be certain, but it sounds like appropriate force was used under the circumstances.

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Last Answer : I would think if the rental property has not notified you he is bannedt then he isn't banned. You can check your lease and see if it says anything. Being arrested does not mean someone is a criminal/guilty, ... he will be banned,. But, I am not 100% sure, this is just what sounds logical to me.

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Last Answer : Blow yourself up. They can not arrest you if you succeed.

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Last Answer : Uhm, err, he’s…he’s just a twin of the guy that was caught on video?

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Last Answer : Of course. It’s so warped. That’s why I teach my children to question the Law and especially clueless cops who will just enforce it without remembering they’re human.

Description : Would you have arrested Santa Claus two days before Christmas? (see inside).

Last Answer : I think a cab home was a great choice. It has nothing to do with what he was wearing. He wasn’t doing anyone any harm.. he was just “tapped out”. Good call.

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Last Answer : The tree was lucky to find a home. I think the people selling the tree were happy they didn’t have to dispose of it.

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Last Answer : answer:She has a right to be publicly racist. It reflects badly on her. I feel sorry for her child. She is so hate-filled. She has committed no crime. If I were actually English, I would cringe to be associated with her.

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Last Answer : answer:What kind of evidence would you have that he participated in the theft? He could have claimed that he purchased the mower from a private party - and who checks the serial numbers on every piece ... sheriff gets to handle his dirty deputy, and justice is done - even if there was no conviction.

Description : Is there a defense fund for protesters wrongly arrested while exercising their constitutional rights?

Last Answer : I have no idea, but that is the greatest darn idea, ever. We can start with the woman that was pulled by her hair across the street, and the woman that was punched in the face.

Description : Would you have arrested this juvenile? (see inside).

Last Answer : I’d certainly consider psychological examination, yeah. I think you’d have to arrest him though, indeed. How much does a police officer decide what happens to the kid, beyond arresting him? If I was the judge or whatever, I would send him to a shrink, for sure.

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Last Answer : I would get (and have been) arrested for protesting any human or animal right voilation.

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Last Answer : If they want the homeless to go away, they shouldn’t buy the newspapers. Somebody has made an ass of themselves, that’s for sure.

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Last Answer : I go out guns a blaizin’

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Last Answer : Maybe it is against the law in Thailand?

Description : Should Harold Camping be arrested and prosecuted for his false doomsday prophesy?

Last Answer : answer:Freedom of religion gives him the right to say anything he chooses. It also gives people the right to choose to associate with him or not. He did not do anything illegal. (Sadly)

Description : Have you ever been arrested ?

Last Answer : I have been stopped by the pigs a few times because I look like a terrorist.

Description : Do you think people who have their dogs riding in the bed of a truck should be arrested?

Last Answer : No – I think some things have to be left up to the judgment of the owners.

Description : What should happen to Raymond Davis, the US 'diplomat' arrested in Pakistan for shooting two people?

Last Answer : answer:The whole event is ugly and unfortunate, of course. But under longstanding rules of diplomatic immunity, the individuals in question should be returned to US custody and tried - if an investigation warrants ... US. We do the same thing all the time for embassy staff and everyone at the UN.

Description : Should this Christmas present thief be arrested?

Last Answer : I think the thief should be arrested. Clearly, he took something that was not meant for him.

Description : Do you know of anyone that has been arrested and convicted of bigamy?

Last Answer : answer:Well, it’s fraudulent when it applies to things such as social security, pension and insurance benefits, to name a few. Besides, I thought everyone knew what the automatic penalty for bigamy was, worldwide: two mothers-in-law.

Description : Hypothetically, if you were to get arrested, what would it be for?

Last Answer : answer:Excessive public cookie consumption. OR Punching out some yahoo who makes a crack about my daughter being Asian.

Description : Did you hear that Russian spy's were arrested on Sunday for spying on the USA?

Last Answer : answer:My first reaction was Oh great, like we need more stuff going on right now . I'm really not surprised by it. There have been numerous things in the past few years that has made Russia not really ... don't like it and I'm sure it will lead to something, I just hope we proceed with caution.

Description : 16 year old sailor Abbey Sunderland: should her parents be arrested?

Last Answer : I’m with you on this one to a point…that they weren’t protecting her. But, I don’t think they should be arrested. The parents should have to bear any costs related to her rescue.

Description : Can you imagine how the Holloway family is feeling tonight as Joran van der Sloot was arrested today?

Last Answer : How sad that another girl had to lose her life at the hands of this monster before he was brought in. Aruba should have put him on trial instead of letting his father buy off the officials. ... another innocent young lady. Only they can know what the other parents are going through at this time.

Description : What video game character needs to be arrested by the fashion police?

Last Answer : Kratos in God of War. I mean the torn tunic topless look may go down well with some but not with this fashionista.Although the Blade of Artemis was cool as fuck.

Description : Has anyone ever been arrested for smoking inside a "No Smoking" restaurant?

Last Answer : Just put a $2 line item on the restaurant tab, and light up.

Description : If you were to be arrested for anything, what would it be?

Last Answer : Probably for my thoughts.