The metal used to make cigarette wrap-

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Description : Take a 250 mL beaker/glass tumbler. Fill half of it with water. Now carefully cut a small piece of sodium metal. Dry it using filter paper and wrap it in a small piece of cotton. Put the sodium piece wrapped in cotton into the beaker. Observe carefully. -Science

Last Answer : On touching the beaker, it was felt hot. The solution turns the red litmus paper to blue which shows it is basic in nature. Blue litmus paper do not show any colour change with the solution.

Description : How much per cigarette do they cost in different cities around the world?

Last Answer : answer:*cigerette I’m not to sure. The prices in the UK have soared up over the past 2 years. A pack of 20 here cost the same, if not more that the minimum hourly working wage. When I go to Spain I can buy them for a fraction of the cost. I hear they are really cheap in Bulgaria.

Description : Why would a roll of bubble wrap not make a great date?

Last Answer : BUBBLE WRAP!! I wish I had a huge roll of it, so I could wrap myself inside, then roll around on the floor and pop all the bubbles. And if the bubbles were strong enough not to be popped this way, it would be soft and comfy to have a nap in.

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Last Answer : I only have vegetarian recepies, I could share if you want. But I have no meat ones though…

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Last Answer : D. Column

Description : I don’t want to spend any money for any grounding device when I can make one myself. All I have to do it get a ground rod, some 20 gauge wire, and then wrap the wire around my ankle or foot at night.

Last Answer : You can certainly do it. People have done it any times. However, it is not particularly comfortable. You could possibly cut off circulation if you wrap the wire too tight around your extremity. Secondly, a sharp end on a wire wrapped around the ankle could tear the sheet.

Description : How To Make A Reusable Gift Wrap

Last Answer : The holidays are traditionally a time when we bring abundance into the home. The result can be a lot of stuff around using resources and taking up space. One way to creatively conserve is to utilize re-usable or ... . Sew the sides shut. Hem the top of the bag. Turn the bag right-side out and press.

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Last Answer : I’d probably state the obvious if I only knew what it was.

Description : Can they individualy wrap baloney like Kraft fake cheese?

Last Answer : Then why don’t you be more diligent about re wrapping it after you’ve taken some? Individual wrapping is wasteful,

Description : Should I wrap a potato for baking in foil?

Last Answer : answer:Wrapping it sets up more of a “steam” event than a “roast” event. Wrapped, the skin is kept moister and more malleable. Baked without foil, the skin is crispier and drier. And now I want a potato.

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Last Answer : NNOOooooooooooooooooooo!!!! say it isn’t so.

Description : Would it be cost effective to wrap individual bread slices like cheese?

Last Answer : Have you considered refrigerating or freezing it? I do both. The plastic bags used for storing bread can also be reused. Some just require shaking out the crumbs. Others need to be washed and air-dried.

Description : How can I remove melted plastic wrap from a pan?

Last Answer : answer:Plastic wraps are usually made from either PVC or LDPE. PVC is soluble in MEK (sold at Home Depot in the paint section), and LDPE is soluble in acetone (also sold at Home Depot in the ... . It will need some soaking in the solvent. And both of these solvents are highly volatile and stinky.

Description : Have you used a heat wrap? Did it help?

Last Answer : Yes. No it didn’t help,

Description : Would a bubble wrap envelope be enough cushioning when sending a soft cover book?

Last Answer : Yup!

Description : Why do some people wrap their luggage in plastic wrap when traveling?

Last Answer : Baggage handlers could, a lot of them are former prison inmates. But you are more likely to have a TSA agent open your bags and go through them.

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Last Answer : Lack of personal responsibility. The insane kitchen sinking people can do to avoid the facts of their misconduct!

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Last Answer : I think some people can become so depressed or so distraught that they can't think straight or rationally. To an un-rational and extremely upset person, killing themselves and taking along their loved ones ... be alone or won't have to suffer any more or be left grief stricken is completely logical.

Description : What is the best way to wrap a cast when taking a shower?

Last Answer : Have you tried getting a roll of saran wrap and wrapping it really well with that, and maybe rubber-banding it at the ends?

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Last Answer : We had morning glories that would wrap themselves around other plant using the right hand rule. There were more wraps than days so they plants are not following the sun. Also about one plant in 20 would ... ? I am in the Northern hemisphere so I eagerly await a report from an Aussie on this one.

Description : Support help with Apple Pages. Columns won't wrap properly around pictures?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried to select the picture and drag it to where you want it? The text will flow around it, providing you have also selected the appropriate flow type (it appears next to the float ... directly. I select the whole page, paste it into a new document and export from the new document.

Description : What is one or maybe more sports that for whatever reason you can't or won't wrap your head around?

Last Answer : Rugby…everyone has so much brain damage anyways- hey! Thery’re passing the ball the wrong way!

Description : Care to share your favorite wrap recipe?

Last Answer : answer:i have no idea if this is healthy, but here goes: -tuna and mayonnaise with some sweetcorn and salad. -chicken with hot sauce, mayonnaise and salad. they are the only two i really know how to make.

Description : I've got a shitload of bubble wrap. What to do with it?

Last Answer : Make bubble wrap covers for journals. Ship sections of it to friends with a note telling them to pop it -nothing like good mail. Disposable drink cozy’s for a party.

Description : Can I also wrap a line of colored lights around a tree with lighted filaments?

Last Answer : I imagine it’d be fine unless you bring the whole thing in the bathtub with you.

Description : How do you properly wrap lights around a Christmas tree?

Last Answer : Do not wind the lights around, this is a common mistake that you will regret in January. You want to run the lights up and down the tree, then go around, zig zagging up and down all the way. That ... the ends of the branches, but never all the way out at the end, that makes the wires too visible.

Description : Can you help me wrap my head around conditional reasoning?

Last Answer : Sufficient must occur for the necessary to occur. Apples and apple trees really are biconditional statements. Because in real life you need apples to make apple trees (A -> T), and apple trees to ... required for survival, but without air survival is impossible. In other words, air is necessary. --

Description : Why does Scott toilet tissue wrap each roll individually in tissue paper?

Last Answer : I’m confused (this is normal). Do you mean they wrap each individual roll of a multi-pack as if they were being sold individually?

Description : Recommendations for an infant sling/wrap/front carrier?

Last Answer : I would recommend the BabyBjorn over all the other carriers. I've now used it with two kids, and let me just say that it is the most versatile and easy to use. You can face them inward as infants, ... American sling with our first child. He hated it, and we stopped using it after a week or two.

Description : What would "you" shrink-wrap?

Last Answer : Toilet paper

Description : Why do crazy people seem so fond of foil, plastic wrap and/or tape?

Last Answer : Keeps them from hacking into your brainwaves, maaan… And they can’t afford a Faraday Cage, I guess

Description : How to wrap a cylindrical gift?

Last Answer : I always do it like a Tootsie Roll. Gently gather up the ends of the paper, and wrap a piece of tape around it. Cover the tape with ribbon, if you like. Then trim the ends of the paper so it’s pleasing to look at. Good luck! Link

Description : Wrap a bus!

Last Answer : I have no idea, but that’s a hell of a Christmas gift.

Description : Is it bad to wrap the burner drip-catchers (don't know if they have a special name) on an electric stove with alumimum?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard that. Before we moved to a house with a gas stove (YEAH!), our electric range’s burners were constantly covered in aluminum foil (for ease of cleaning). We never had a problem, but then, we are just one family.

Description : Any one know of a vinyl wrap for wood window sills?

Last Answer : You want to cover them with aluminum. This is what you cover external wooden windows, external door frames. You get a box of aluminum= which is a 3 foot wide cool I think. There is different colors but ... me and I can still how to instal the pieces, the cuts and snipps you will need. Good lucck!

Description : Can I wrap native JavaScript methods with my aspects?

Last Answer : If I am understanding this correctly, you want to do something like authenticate someone, if the auth is returned true then invoke Really all you need to do is create a JS function ... I believe can be done semi-easily using something like Prototype to handle all of the XHR requests

Description : What is the best handle wrap for road bikes?

Last Answer : Monkey skin, no really, I have no idea, And I don't think any one else does, have you tried calling you local bike stores and asking them, make it a poll, and call 20 bike stores all over the nation, ... sell ads and every ad is going to tell you that it is the best. Cheers, hope this helps. :)

Description : Where can I recycle heavy plastic wrap?

Last Answer : answer:The short answer is: I have no idea. However, when I come across something large like this, I try to get creative about recycling. Do you or someone else have a big paint project coming up? ... make them easier to drag to the street for municipal pick up (if you have that-) Good luck!

Description : How do you wrap a burrito?

Last Answer : The same care and love you would use to wrap a baby, hopefully it's not the same while eating

Description : How do you wrap a burrito?

Last Answer : I WAS MADE FOR THIS QUESTION I WORK AT A BURRITO COMPANY you roll all the ingredients into the middle, squish it, grab the back of the tortilla, roll the sides in and then roll the back of the tortilla over the sides, wrap in foil or just eat it

Description : Why did Superman wrap himself in bread? -Riddles

Last Answer : To make himself a hero sandwhich!

Description : Python: How to wrap title in a matplotlib plot to fit long title -Web-Development

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I wonder if it's worth flirting with. 

Last Answer : I think foil is a big nonsense. There may be something in the lemon.

Description : can I wrap a beef brisket in foil and roast in a slow cooker?

Last Answer : How do I repair a chipped porcelain toilet?

Description : What is the function of Word Wrap in a Microsoft word?

Last Answer : Word wrap in Microsoft Word is a term used to display how wordsare continuously typed in a straight line, yet form paragraphswithout manually ending the lines. Microsoft Word is a wordprocessing program, and that is a function of all word processors.and to wiggle

Description : If we wrap a second wire around a guitar string to increase its mass what effect does this have on the frequency and wavelength of the fundamental standing wave formed on that string?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How does plastic wrap trap heat?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Is there a solar pool cover that doesn't look like bubble wrap?

Last Answer : My research online suggests that the 'bubble wrap' technology is standard for solar pool covers since the bubbles form the trapped heat layer. Regular pool covers do come in other styles, including mesh, vinyl or plastic as well as manual or motorized.

Description : Where can I find a shrink wrap wholesaler in Wisconsin?

Last Answer : You can look at One shrink wrap dealer is located in Green Bay, WI. The name of the company is Belson Co. Inc.

Description : where can i buy shrink wrap?

Last Answer : Any Office Depot or Office Max should carry what you need.