HIV is a - (1) Combination of disease symptoms - (2) developmental index (3) viral disease (4) retrovirus

1 Answer

Answer :

(4) retrovirus Explanation: The retrovirus then integrates its viral DNA into the DNA of the host cell, which allows the retrovirus to replicate. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is a retrovirus.

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Description : Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to AIDS? (a) The HIV can be transmitted through eating food together with an infected person. (b) Drug addicts are least ... and nutrition. (d) The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper T-lymphocytes thus reducing their numbers.

Last Answer : (d) The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper T-lymphocytes thus reducing their numbers.

Description : Which of the following is correct regarding AIDS causative agent HIV? (a) HIV is enveloped virus containing one molecule of single-stranded RNA and one molecule of reverse transcriptase. (b) HIV ... ) HIV is unenveloped retrovirus. (d) HIV does not escape but attacks the acquired immune response

Last Answer : (d) HIV does not escape but attacks the acquired immune response.

Description : At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS? (a) Within 15 days of sexual contact with an infected person (b) When the infected retro virus enters host cells (c) ... large number of helper T  - lymphocytes (d) When the viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase

Last Answer : (c) When HIV damages large number of helper T  - lymphocytes

Description : Most skin conditions related to HIV disease may be helped primarily by a) highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The goals of all HIV-related conditions include improvement of CD4 count and ... for the overall treatment of HIV disease; it is not specific for treatment of skin conditions.

Last Answer : a) highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). The goals of all HIV-related conditions include improvement of CD4 count and lowering of viral load. Initiation of HAART (highly active ... conditions related to HIV disease. Symptomatic relief will be required until the skin condition improves.

Description : Assertion: HIV infection can be avoided by use of condoms. Reason: Condoms secrete anti-viral interferons.

Last Answer : Assertion: HIV infection can be avoided by use of condoms. Reason: Condoms secrete anti-viral ... If both the assertion and resson are false.

Description : A viral load test detects the A- provirus of HIV in infected cells B- .total amount of virus in the infected host C- number of viruses being released by each infected cell D- .amount of bacteriophage being produced by E. coli cells

Last Answer : provirus of HIV in infected cells

Description : Which of the following statements reflect the treatment of HIV infection? a) Treatment of HIV infection for an individual patient is based on the clinical condition of the patient, CD4 T cell count level, and ... CD4+ T cells/mm3 or plasma HIV RNA levels exceeding 55,000 copies/mL (RT-PCR assay).

Last Answer : a) Treatment of HIV infection for an individual patient is based on the clinical condition of the patient, CD4 T cell count level, and HIV RNA (viral load). Although specific therapies vary, treatment of ... : the clinical condition of the patient, CD4 T cell count level, and HIV RNA (viral load).

Description : The term used to define the balance between the amount of HIV in the body and the immune response is a) viral set point The viral set point is the balance between the amount of HIV in the ... rate The amount of virus in circulation and the number of infected cells equals the rate of viral clearance.

Last Answer : a) viral set point The viral set point is the balance between the amount of HIV in the body and the immune response.

Description : Presently, the goal of antiretroviral therapy is: A. Eradication of HIV from the body of the patient B. Inhibit viral replication to undetectable levels C. Restore immune competence of the patient to effective level D. Both 'B' and 'C'

Last Answer : D. Both 'B' and 'C

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Last Answer : Chikungunya.

Description : What is a retrovirus ?

Last Answer : It is a class of viruses having RNA genome and reverse transcriptase enzyme within virus cuspid.

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Last Answer : (d) Retrovirus

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Last Answer : (a) Retrovirus

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Last Answer : (b) Tobacco mosaic virus

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Last Answer : c. HIV

Description : 4. ———– is used as a vector for cloning into higher organisms a. Retrovirus b. Baculovirus c. Salmonella typhimurium d. Rhizopusnigricans

Last Answer : a. Retrovirus

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Last Answer : (1) Retrovirus

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Last Answer : Weight gain Normal weight gain Walking problems Mental growth Late onset of common health problems like ear infections , pneumonia and tonsillitis If a pregnant mother becomes infected with HIV due to an ... of an HIV-infected person, and to take care of their own physical safety and security.

Description : What are the common symptoms of HIV?

Last Answer : Here at,,20539037,00.html, they show the 16 signs of HIV. Some including rapid weight loss, high fever, and vomiting.

Description : What are the early HIV symptoms?

Last Answer : HIV symptoms are very similar to many other illnesses. Symptoms may include fatigue, weakness, coughing, fever, headaches, nausea, and pain. Only an HIV test can accurately determine if you have that disease.

Description : How do you detect early HIV symptoms?

Last Answer : You can detect early HIV symptoms by consulting your gynecologist or even your general doctor. You should have frequent or regular check ups and talk to your doctor about safe sex practices if HIV is a concern for you.

Description : Be Aware Of Common HIV Symptoms?

Last Answer : There are a numerous HIV symptoms. The main symptoms are dry cough, fever, night sweats, rapid weight loss, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, diarrhea, headache, rash, sore throat, white spots on ... of the disease. If any of these symptoms are experienced, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

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Last Answer : When HIV enters into a host cell, the RNA helps in synthesis of DNA. This HIV gets adapted to the host body so well that the body cells fail to identify the virus as intruder. Thus, the symptoms make take years to appear.

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Last Answer : b. Flu-like symptoms, of fever, chills

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Last Answer : : Not a viral disease: Pneumonia

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Last Answer : Ans:(c)

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Last Answer : (1) A viral disease outbreak in West Africa Explanation: Ebolais a viral hemorrhagic fever of humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses. The largest outbreak to date of Ebola was the epidemic ... Africa, which occurred from December 2013 to January 2016 with 28,616 cases and 11,310 deaths.

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Last Answer : (3) hereditary Explanation: Hemophilia A and hemophilia B are inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern. The genes associated with these conditions are located on the X chromosome, which is one of the two sex chromosomes.

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Last Answer : (2) viral disease Explanation: Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute encephalitis in warm-blooded animals. Rabies virus travels to the brain by following the peripheral nerves.

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Last Answer : (2) viral disease Explanation: AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters ... the body fluids of an infected person (semen and vaginal fluids, blood and breast milk).

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Last Answer : (2) Viral disease Explanation: Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in humans and other mammals.

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Last Answer : (1) Hepatitis Explanation: Hepatitis is a medical condition defined by the inflammation of the liver and characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. ... , certain medications, some industrial organic solvents and plants), other infections and autoimmune diseases.

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Last Answer : (2) Viral disease Explanation: Smallpox is a contagious disease caused by the Variola virus, so it is a viral disease.

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Last Answer : (1) Parasitic Explanation: Schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever and bilharzia, is a disease caused by parasitic flatworms called schistosomes.

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Last Answer : (1) Mumps Explanation: Mumps (epidemic parotitis) is a viral disease of the human species, caused by the mumps virus. Before the development of vaccination and the introduction of a ... Painful swelling of the salivary glands (classically the parotid gland) is the most typical presentation.

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Last Answer : Hepatitis B.

Description : Coccidiosis is a A A. protozoal disease B. bacterial disease C. viral disease D. None of the these

Last Answer : protozoal disease