What are Abrahamic religions?

1 Answer

Answer :

Judaism,Christianity,and Islam.

Related questions

Description : Which characteristic do Abrahamic religions have in common?

Last Answer : They are monotheistic religions.

Description : Which belief is shared by all Abrahamic faiths?

Last Answer : There is an afterlifeApex

Description : Which of the following are Abrahamic faiths?

Last Answer : ProtestantismJudaismSunni Islam

Description : If I believe all religions/mythologies of the world express a common story, how do I express my faith in God?

Last Answer : A universalist theist? Your views are basically the same as mine. I think all religions are an attempt at accessing a divine power. I don't believe in one true religion . You could still, however, ... you think other means of belief and worship are valid. They are just not what you have chosen.

Description : What are different religions and/or philosophical theories into becoming a god?

Last Answer : Pretty sure you simply have to be insane enough to believe you’re a god, and then your certainty and insanity and passion will get you some followers like Charles Mansion or Jim Jones or what’s his face at Waco, Texas. And then people die in your name and you are officially a god.

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Last Answer : I am reminded of the line the robot on “Lost in Space” always said: “It does not compute.”

Description : What cultures, religions, civilizations, utilized hexagon- and beehive-inspired architecture?

Last Answer : (architecture [F., fr. L. architectura.]) The Greeks used three orders of style, the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, to which the Romans added the Tuscan and the Composite. Later the French came up ... old styles. More can be learned on this subject by viewing the PBS program The Western Tradition.

Description : Must knowledge and logic be the eternal foes of established religions?

Last Answer : Any religion that makes uninformed pronouncements about nature must be a foe of knowledge and logic. That's obvious. Find me a religion that confines itself to talking about right and wrong or other social issues ... and I think you'll have found a religion that is not a foe of knowledge and logic.

Description : Would proof of alien lifeforms prove most religions are not legitimate ?

Last Answer : I doubt if it would make even a bit of difference. The religions would adapt and quickly “discover” alien existence somehow validates their own beliefs. Of course new cults (religions) built around the discoveries must pop up.

Description : Aetheists, when you say God does not exist, does it mean Gods as interpreted by religions or that the reason the first matter existed could never be construed as anything Godlike?

Last Answer : answer:I can't believe you just asked this now. For some reason, I feel obligated to answer. For me, atheism means that I lack a belief in a god(s). That's it. Now, you ask if it means ... t believe anything unless there is sufficient evidence or good reason to. I have neither in the case of god(s).

Description : Do all religions indirectly attack each other?

Last Answer : answer:Why are you attacking all people of faith? Why should they argue with others of different faiths? They are secure in their own beliefs.

Description : Scientists/Doctors started treating the first patient with stem cells; people of other religions, how do you feel about this?

Last Answer : ^ Anyone want to explain the vomiting punctuation in that last comment?

Description : What is the Buddhist religion's view on the afterlife?

Last Answer : answer:Buddhists believe in reincarnation, christians do not believe in reincaration, they believe in heaven. Buddhists believe that you start off as a simpler form of life and are reincarnated over and over until ... for bad things they did in a past life. here is a link that may help you.

Description : Scientists/Doctors started treating the first patient with stem cells; people of other religions, how do you feel about this?

Last Answer : ^ Anyone want to explain the vomiting punctuation in that last comment?

Description : Do any religions talk about the possibility of life on other planets?

Last Answer : Yes, Mormons.

Description : Raising children - Can explanations for the existence of religions explain away the existence of God?

Last Answer : Oh, never mind! I started to answer but these things never go well. Good luck with that.

Description : If God made man in his own image why does Judaism (and no doubt other religions) insist on circumcision as a religous practice? Do they believe man has to improve on God's design?

Last Answer : God suggested it, as a sign of the Covenant. You could look it up.

Description : Why do religious people not study more religions outside their own?

Last Answer : Simple. Their’s is the right one and all the others are flawed and deceiving. Why waste your time studying the wrong religions when you can spend your life studying the right one.

Description : Is there a difference between organized religions and Spirituality per se?

Last Answer : Organized religions often have rites that are reserved for a priesthood of some sort or other. Organized religions offer community. My problem with most organized religions practiced today is their patriarchal nature and the fact that most of them believe themselves to be the “one, true way.”

Description : Name any two religions practiced in Vietnam. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Buddhism and Confucianism.

Description : Which religions were followed by Vietnamese? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . Vietnam's religious beliefs were a mixture of Buddhism, Confucianism and local practices. . Christianity was introduced by the French. Catholic missionaries had been active in winning the converts. . ... like followers of Huynh Phu So, who was the founder of Hoa Hao and performed miracles.

Description : “The Government of India gives holidays for the festivals of most of the religions.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : It is so because: (i) India is a secular state, there is no official religion in our country. (ii) The Constitution provides freedom to all to profess, practice and propagate any religion or not to follow any. (iii) The Constitution prohibits discrimination on the ground of religion.

Description : (i) The number of major religions in the world is ………………… -Social Science

Last Answer : The world's faithful account for 83% of the global population; the great majority of these fall under twelve classical religions—Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.

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Last Answer : Answer this ques A historian is examining religion's role inhistory. Which question might the historian ask if she wereorganizing her study by period? tion…

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Last Answer : Geometric isotopes, one is Sis atomic and the other is transatomic. These two equations show some common religions. In religions, the melting point of sis-saman is lower than that of trans-saman. ... has higher combustion heat. The solubility of cis isotopes is higher than that of trans-isotopes .

Description : What are the religions of X-rays ?

Last Answer : The properties of X-rays are highlighted below: This ray travels in a straight line. X-ray electromagnetic waves. It is not distracted by electric field or magnetic field. Its wavelength is very short , around 10 -10m . It is charge neutral.

Description : What are the religions of light ?

Last Answer : The main religions of light are highlighted below - light travels in a straight path through a transparent equilibrium. Light travels at a certain speed through a certain medium. The value of this velocity ... wave. In some cases the light behaves like a wave , and sometimes like a light particle.

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Last Answer : There are two religions of magnetism, namely, north and south.

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Last Answer : There are four main religions of magnetism.

Description : What are the religions of X-ray ?

Last Answer : This ray travels in a straight line. It is highly capable of piercing. X-rays do not deviate from electromagnetic waves , electric fields or magnetic fields. Its wavelength is very short , frequency is very high. ... It creates fluorescence. It travels at the speed of light i.e. about 3 108 ms-1 .

Last Answer : Usually we see that many saints and Vaishnavas around us wear sandalwood and tilak. And we think that maybe only they should wear sandalwood and tilak. This idea , how much is it based on ... applying sandalwood on the forehead keeps the brain cool , increases endurance and keeps the mind calm !!

Description : Apart from Catholic and Reformed, I don't know many others.

Last Answer : These religions currently exist, but even these have branches. ChristianityRomanGreekEvangelicalReformation Islamic Universe Buddhism Brahmanism or Hinduism Jewish 

Description : I don't understand. There is only one god!

Last Answer : Because many people were involved in the creation of man. That's why there are more types of people. In many cases, we consider God to be the executors of the process of creation, ... Creator himself, the creative consciousness. In most cases, the implementation is carried out by someone else. 

Description : The Effects of Christianity on Traditional African Religions?

Last Answer : Christianity was an agent of great change in Africa. It destabilised the status quo, bringing new opportunities to some, and undermining the power of others. With the Christian missions came education, literacy and hope for the disadvantaged.

Description : Out of so many religions which religion is the most correct?

Last Answer : Well,I think this is a question that only the almighty God can answer because if humans are to give the answer there will confusion and if care isn't taken then it can degenerate to war. I think ... person then the world will be a better place.We don't need any religious inclination to be good.

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Last Answer : Make a list of steps that you feel are essential to unite the people of different caste, religions and languages in India.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What religions do not allow photos of people?

Last Answer : I am not sure that religions forbid photographs of people intheir everyday life. However Islam forbids the representation ofthe human figure in or on religious buildings and texts. I believesome sects of Islam also bans all representation of the humanform.

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Last Answer : By tolerating other religions since almost the beginning, the Islamic people were able to talk to other non-Islamic about religion. Some of these people might have then thought Islam was better than their religion and converted

Description : What other religions did Judaism play a role in the development of?

Last Answer : Christianity and Islam.The Hebrew Bible has been accepted by Christians among their scriptures. Islam too, was heavily influenced by Judaism and its texts, both directly and indirectly.Very many concepts ... received the Biblical and Haggadic narratives which occupy so large a part of the Koran."

Description : What was 2 of the religions in new England back then?

Last Answer : We don't know when "back then"is, so you need to give a time inyour question.

Description : Why do you think people in Middle colonies were more tolerant of other religions?

Last Answer : why do you think people in the middle colonies were moretolerant of other colonies

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Is New York tolerant of other religions?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Did the colonists tolerate other religions?

Last Answer : Some did, some didn't. If you weren't a Calvinist, you weren't really welcome in early Massachusetts. Maryland was founded as a Catholic colony. Rhode Island was the first colony established with ... so when England took control and changed the name to New York, they inherited a bit of tolerance.

Description : How did the religions of India. affect. other cultures?

Last Answer : it affected many other cultures by indian people coming to U.S.A. and supposely teaching us their religions and cultures

Description : Why cant we use water around the polar religions and on tops of high mountains?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How did Romans feel about people who fallowed religions other than Roman religion?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the main ideas of shintoism set it apart from the other religions we have studied in this unit?

Last Answer : Need answer