What is the difference between a Civil War and a Revolution?

1 Answer

Answer :

A civil war is, simply put, a war between citizens of the same country. Be it a division that falls along political, racial, gender, geographic region, or any other lines, if it is involves citizens of the same country who are at war with each other it is classified as a civil war. Civil Wars generally are fought for political independence (or dominance) of each side - they may or may not result in a splitting of the original country, but those wars where secession is a stated goal of one side (not just an outcome) are generally always considered a Civil War.A revolution is a war fought to overthrow or rid yourself of a government in order to establish a new one. The old government may be indigenous, or may be external (i.e. colonial). In general, the main point of a revolution is to compl

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Last Answer : (i) It is a violent conflict between the opposing groups within a country, for example the Sinhalese and the Tamils. (ii) Due to the violent conflict between both these ethnic groups thousands of ... civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural and economic life of the country.

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Last Answer : The ethnic group of Sri Lanka which were involved in a Civil War are as given below : (i) Sri Lankan Tamils or the Sinhalese (ii) Indian Tamils

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Last Answer : The factors which led to civil war in Sri Lanka are : .Measures taken in majoritarianism gradually increased the feeling of alienation among Sri Lankan Tamils. They felt that the constitution and government ... into a civil war. As a result, thousands of people of both the communities were killed.

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