The Directory established in 1795. was:?

1 Answer

Answer :

The Directory of the French Revolution was established in 1795 and then overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799.

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Last Answer : answer:For straight file syncing, I would try Microsoft SyncToy But I prefer Salling Media Sync. However it depends on iTunes’ music library and Adobe Photoshop Elements’ photo organizer. It actually reads the playlists and photo albums, and lets you selectively sync each one. SyncToy Salling

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Last Answer : Haven’t tried this, but should work using the .Subfolders method: Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(“C:\”) Set colSubfolders = objFolder.Subfolders For Each objSubfolder in colSubfolders Wscript.Echo objSubfolder.Name, objSubfolder.Size Next

Description : How can I dl everything in a directory at once?

Last Answer : Yes, for Firefox there is an extension called DownThemAll!. it will scan all the links on a page, and then present them to you. You can then check which ones you want and it will do a mass download, similar to when you purchase an album on iTunes, for example.

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Last Answer : This is just me thinking out loud on how I would work around this. I would look up the company I am about to call. Find out the CEO or President, the higher up person. Write down their ... . They will just think that their company is wanting to talk to you. This method should get you somewhere.

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Last Answer : Peachpit’s Mac OS X Server Essentials is a great resource. Apple’s server documentation is at Setup Open Directory on your server using the Server Admin tool. Then bind to it from the clients using Directory Utility.

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Last Answer : You need to edit your dns entries. You’d need to create an NS entry in your DNS settings. Of course this is all very dependent on your host. I’m also assuming you want to create a sub-domain for this, rather than your main domain. If you’re doing it for your main domain, I’d simply do a redirect.

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Last Answer : What's your plan with the forum? Some of the times people want different site on the root and different forums on the subdomain or directory. So find out how you want things to be. ... seen most people following this approach end upn with better directory and the SEO organization for the content.

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Last Answer : LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

Description : Why did the rmdir command fail's that a directory bar exists. The command rmdir bar fails with the message that the directory is not empty. On running ls bar no files are displayed?

Last Answer : This could mean that the directory named bar has hidden contents. Use ls -a bar to show all contents of bar.

Description : Is there a website or directory that lists various jobs recruiters and what their corresponding employment specialties are?

Last Answer : There are a couple of sites that offer directories ofrecruiters. You can try

Description : What is the best cell phone directory?

Last Answer : The best cell phone directory is The site allows you to search by name or to search for a cell phone owner by their phone number.

Description : Is there a cell phone directory available by state?

Last Answer : Yes there is a cell phone directory available by state. Please go to "" There you can search for cell phone numbers by city, state, and zip code.

Description : How can I get my business listed in a business directory?

Last Answer : Call the phonebook publisher in your area and tell them you'd like them to list your business.

Description : Is there a directory of plumbing jobs that are available in the U.S.?

Last Answer : Yes,

Description : Is there an online dentist directory?

Last Answer : There sure is. will give you a good selection of dentist doctors for whatever state your in.

Description : Where can I find a directory of doctors who treat fibromyalgia in Omaha, NE?

Last Answer : I think in Omaha Medical Doctor Directory you can find the directory of doctors who treat fibromyalgia in Omaha, NE

Description : I am a photographer, looking to make a directory for a church. Can you give me info about how to order spiral books once I have photos & printed info. Would need pricing, process, etc.?

Last Answer : You likely have a number of services in your area that can perform this service for you, from a standard Kinkos, to an office supply store, to a regular printer. If you are willing to do some of the work you ... at a print shop, you'll have paid just as much as you'd pay for a machine and supplies.

Description : Is there a such thing as an online phone directory?

Last Answer : Yes, there is. You can visit and These websites are basically an online version of the actual Yellow Pages and White Pages book.

Description : How can I use directory assistance on my mobile phone?

Last Answer : Most mobile phone companies automatically list the number for directory assistance on the phone in your contacts list. However, if you do use this service from your cell phone company there will most likely be an extra charge for the service on your phone bill.

Description : What is the use of reverse phone directory?

Last Answer : Here is a website for reverse phone directories. Try using it. I don't know if it works or not, but it serves the purpose you need it for so yeah.

Description : Are there any important factors for the directory services that you use?

Last Answer : The important factors to consider when using a directory service include their BBB rating, their customer service capabilities, their cost, and their attention to details when working with you. Researching before purchasing will allow the buyer to obtain the best product for their payment.