The reproductive structure of most plants?

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Last Answer : A zygote is typically found in the fallopian tube.

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Description : In human the unpaired male reproductive structure is

Last Answer : In human the unpaired male reproductive structure is A. Testis B. Seminal vesicle C. Bulbourethral gland D. Prostate

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Last Answer : Some flowers have both male and female organs in the flower.Some flowers have separate male and female flowers. Some plantshave separate PLANTS for each sex.A handy way of remembering is Pistol Packing Mama ... the style and into the ovarywhere it goes into the ovule to fertilize and create a seed.

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Last Answer : I went to the source to review it I found there were two bills originally considered, state bill S2796 and S240. Only S240 was signed by the governor. But I am listing them both here just for ... is required is for a person to say they are a licensed health care practitioner and all is good.

Description : What can you tell me about your experience with assisted reproductive technology?

Last Answer : answer:My cousin was conceived through In-Vitro. She's in college now, so I'm certain things have come a long way since then. My aunt contracted breast cancer a couple of years afterward; they said it ... a natural reconstruction and has been fine ever since (with the tits of a teenager, no less).

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Last Answer : They can and, apparently, they are . . . .

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Last Answer : Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned ... homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! - Emma Lazarus, 1883

Description : I am looking for peoples experiences with using Atlantic Center for Reproductive Medicine?

Last Answer : I couldn't find them listed, but I found Atlanta Center etc etc. Did you mean them? Oh, just looked at your topics, I guess so, huh. You'll get better information from local OB/GYNs and face ... people who have experiance. Good Luck if this is for you, been there done that. I have a daughter now.

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Last Answer : answer:A CT Scan can be done with or without contrast and may be able to show a tear or fistula. They can also be done with dye in the blood stream to look for bleeding (like an angiogram) in the ... may not notice a small tear. The best way to look for a tear or fistula would be with endoscopy.

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Last Answer : I am not sure what you mean by reproductively stable genes . Do you mean that some genes are less likely' to mutate? In that case no. Genes are all all equally likely to mutate. ... not that less mutations happen, it is just that a further neck length increase would be selected against.

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Last Answer : You may want to look at this article. It does not sound promising. Only two in 100 ova are viable on thawing, and they haven't even been fertilized or implanted yet. You can maybe produce as many as 20 eggs ... to find out about them. I wish you the best of luck. I hope you have the child you want.

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Last Answer : It’s not as much fun when you call someone a spleen.

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Last Answer : So they're on the ground in the spring, when the have the best chance of beating out the smallish ground cover before they grow too big. If you're looking at a relatively mature forest, the saplings ... the ground cover, but if the ground cover were already there, they wouldn't make it above it.

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Description : 4. Do you think that reproductive health in our country has improved in the past 50 years? If yes, mention some such areas of improvement -Science

Last Answer : Yes, in the last 50 years, reproductive health in our country has improved. Some such areas of improvement are (i) massive child immunization (ii) maternity and child health (iii) ... and illiteracy and poor overall health remains a major challenge for governments and non government organizations.

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Last Answer : The aspects of reproductive health which need to be given special attention are : Introduction of sex education in schools to give right information to the young minds about reproductive organs, accessory ... and sex-related crimes, use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol etc.) among young people.

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Last Answer : Reproductive health in a society is significant because the people are aware of (i) birth control methods and advantages of small family, (ii) sexually transmitted diseases and methods to avoid them, ( ... care of the mother and baby and (iv) equal opportunities for the male and female children.

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Last Answer : I)Oogenesis begins during the embryonic development stage when a million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed within each foetal ovary. (ii) (a) Sertoli cells are located on the inside ... provide nutrition to sperms. (b) Bulbourethral glands Their secretion helps in the lubrication of penis.

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Last Answer : (i)Refer to page no. 43. (2) (ii) (a) Follicular phase The primary follicle in the ovary grow to become fully mature Graafian follicle. Endometrium gets thickened. The ... Luteal phase The remaining parts of ruptured Graafian follicle transforms into corpus luteum, that secretes progesterone.

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Last Answer : Three reproductive techniques for sterile couple are: (i) In vitro fertilisation The fertilisation outside the body in almost similar conditions as that in the body followed by embryo transfer to the ... to form an embryo in the laboratory in which a sperm is directly injected into the ovum.

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Description : List the male reproductive organs and their functions. -Biology

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Description : List the female reproductive organs and their functions. -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Reproductive characteristics of sac fungi. -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Reproductive characteristics of zygospore fungi. -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Reproductive characteristics of club fungi. -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : what reproductive organ of sunfolwer is present?

Last Answer : pa answer po para sa mudol hahahahahahahahaah

Description : Which correctly describes a difference between the male and female reproductive systems?

Last Answer : Females produce fewer gametes.

Description : What is a male reproductive cell ?

Last Answer : The male germ cell is called sperm.

Description : What is a female reproductive cell ?

Last Answer : The female germ cell is called ovum.

Description : What kind of reproductive activities ?

Last Answer : Reproduction is a physiological activity.

Description : What is the name of the reproductive organ ?

Last Answer : Stolon is the name of the reproductive organ.

Description : What is reproductive system ?

Last Answer : Every living thing on earth, in order to maintain its own species , produces offspring , which are usually equal and homogeneous to the parent / donor itself, or in some special ... is called the reproductive system , through which certain reproductive functions are performed . Data source Wikipedia

Description : What is reproductive cloning ?

Last Answer : Reproductive cloning is the cloning of whole animals.

Description : What is the function of reproductive system ?

Last Answer : The function of the reproductive system: to reproduce human beings , to produce offspring by completing reproduction through male and female gamete sperm , ovulation and fertilization.

Description : What vitamins are needed for the reproductive function of the queen ?

Last Answer : Vitamin E is required for the reproductive function of the queen.

Description : Which chromosome is responsible for female reproductive traits ?

Last Answer : X chromosome responsible for female reproductive traits .

Description : Which chromosome is responsible for male reproductive traits ?

Last Answer : Y chromosome responsible for male reproductive traits .

Description : What do we mean by reproductive health ?

Last Answer : The human reproductive system is a very important system. Through this human reproduction takes place. Reproductive health is about maintaining the hygiene of the reproductive organs , being free from infection, and ... law of the country, the age of marriage for boys should be at least 21 years.

Description : What is the English language of reproductive system ?

Last Answer : Reproductive system of reproductive system.

Last Answer : The ovum is the female reproductive cell.