How do you keep animals out of outdoor trash receptacles?

1 Answer

Answer :

A cheap and easy way is to get a set of outdoor trashcans that have an easy (to humans at least) way to latch themselves, i.e. a trashcan whose lid locks when you turn it. If you're stuck with a city-standard trashcan and automated trash trucks, the easiest and most humane way is to use anything from sour apple spray to a mild pepper spray on the exterior of the can and the top bag.

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Description : Outdoor Trash Receptacles?

Last Answer : form_title=Outdoor Trash Receptacles form_header= Throw away your worries and trash. Let a professional find trash receptacles! How many outdoor trash receptacles will you need?* = _ When will you need the outdoor ... receptacles do you need?* = _ What will the trash receptacles be used for?* = _

Description : What is the best brand of outdoor trash receptacles?

Last Answer : Some good brands are Rubbermaid, Witt Industries, Suncast and Safco. These are great brands because they could contain a large amount of trash and they are durable.

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Description : Animals in my trash?

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Description : trash is unsanitary and can attract pests. it is important that trash is taken out to the dumpster -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Trash is unsanitary and can attract pest. It is important that trash is taken out to the dumpster As often as necessary.

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Last Answer : 1-2 times a week. I try to selectively litter so less.

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Last Answer : Of course. For some, that table may provide where they have none. Or, perhaps a project is at hand. It is the best recycling, both for physical and mental reasons. I encourage everyone to do what you have done. Thank you, @Frenchfry.

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Last Answer : clean it up! unless it’s getting noticeably thin it’s probably got a lot of good years left.

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Last Answer : stuff like filesalvage works, also, time machine ofcourse

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Last Answer : Fortunately, I did not know about the video, but then I don’t patronize Domino’s, because I don’t like their pizza.

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Last Answer : That I live a fulfilling but boring life.

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Last Answer : It could be a glitch. If you have not already tried, I would check Apple Discussions, they may have already addressed the issue. I have not yet updated as I am a jailbreaker and am waiting for the next update from them.

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Last Answer : Can’t you just right-click then “restore all items?”

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Last Answer : Shrug our shoulders, shake our heads, and keep on exactly as we have every other day. Where do you think diamonds come from anyway? It’s nothing more than squashed garbage.

Description : OY!! Why can't I move this icon to trash?

Last Answer : I was going to say shift-delete, but you’re on a mac. Good luck, you’ll need it.

Description : Help emptying trash on my MacBook.

Last Answer : im sure you did this but did you just try restarting?