Are there any benefits to being a single parent?

1 Answer

Answer :

The benefit is what you say goes because there is no one else to give another answer. Another benefit is there is no fighting.

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Description : What do you find the most difficult and most rewarding part of being a single parent?

Last Answer : answer:I think the hardest part for me is not having someone else to help out at home, either getting the child ready in the morning (you do this while I do that) or in the evening. It would be ... it's a source of friction. I don't experience that, as it's just me making decisions or disclipining.

Description : What is hard about being a single parent?

Last Answer : Being a single parent can be difficult in several aspects. You are the soul provider, which entails more hours at work, barely anytime to yourself, and financial worry. But keep in mind, being a single parent also has its rewards.

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Last Answer : answer:I went through a tough time in the early 80s. I had my child and no financial support whatsoever. I think he was 2 at the time and I was recently divorced and very young. Their was no ... down as one of the toughest! Oh and no there was no financial or other support from friends and family.

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Last Answer : answer:If you had said child I would have thought of a teenager raising her result of a wild night. But you said children , so I think of either a divorced mother or a woman having ... them properly despite being looked down on by the whole society. They both deserve more than what they have.

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Last Answer : answer:You have to forget about the whole dual parent game and settle in to a reality that you are the sole provider for your family and that you can do it. Then go ahead and just do it. Always keep an eye out for potential sitters.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. We don't do homework although we will help with pointers. One reason to look at is the increase in divorce rates. Relationships don't last like they once did. Another ... to have children without mates (the growth of sperm banks so some are choosing to be single parents.

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Last Answer : I believe the single in single parent is more of a signifier that the parent is not with partner rather than they’re raising the child by themselves but I see your point.

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Last Answer : 1. Thomas was a baseball player and was stealing bases. 2. The truck driver was walking. 3. The teacher was in an orphanage school.

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Last Answer : They will always be missing that one parent. and also, theyMIGHT (if their a teen) compare you to the other parent like "DADWOULD LET ME GET IT!"

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