What are some construction toys that are appropriate for toddlers?

1 Answer

Answer :

Lincoln Logs are an excellent choice for a toddler-friendly construction set. The pieces are large and safe to chew on, while it provides an array of building challenges and opportunities for a variety of ages. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4098750&CAWELAID=584413168

Related questions

Description : What are good toys for toddlers?

Last Answer : I love the website www.fatbraintoys.com for toys. This site allows you to shop by age and gender. The toys on this site are unique and not easily found elsewhere.

Description : Are diecast cars toys safe for toddlers?

Last Answer : Diecast cars are safe for toddlers and other children. You can buy them at any toy store, Wal-Mart and several different websites, including Amazon.com.

Description : what are great cheap toys for toddlers?

Last Answer : Some great cheap toys for toddlers include Fisher price products, stuffed animals, Baby Einstein, and Leapfrog. You can find a great variety at Toys R Us.

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Last Answer : When I was little, I tied all my dad’s shoelaces together :)

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Last Answer : Toy slot machines are more appropriate for children over the age of 3, although some gumball machines are slot machines and may be more age appropriate than actual slot games. SO yes, depending on the specific toy they may be age appropriate for any age child, just check the manufacturers packaging.

Description : What is the appropriate age group for Leapfrog Learning toys?

Last Answer : The Leap Frog website have different groups of toys for children from birth thru 8+ years of age. Having had a child growing up using this brand of your, I would suggest that 8 is the upper limit.

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Last Answer : It’s not ok to hit anyone, ever. It’s abuse, period.

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Last Answer : The shootings are accidents. These kids are not aiming. For instance, the dad who was shot, his kid was probably trying to bring the gun to him, to play together. If kid was going to climb onto ... theirself to a hospital, and can't seem to identify their attacker or exactly where they were shot.

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Last Answer : A massive spike in the prevalence of the Oedipus Complex.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why do babies and toddlers throw stuff on the ground?

Last Answer : Those are physics experiments.

Description : What is your opinion of "Beauty pageants" for toddlers?

Last Answer : answer:1. They are a scam on the parents, it is a system of charging fees and accessories and make up and photos for kids “on the circuit” with no real benefit to anyone. 2. It attracts pedophiles and puts one’s daughter on display as a commodity, not as a child. 3. Jon Benet Ramsey.

Description : How come most toddlers are really cute and most adults aren't?

Last Answer : answer:We are biological creatures, prone to wear and tear, wrinkle and decay, and a general patina of being worn out. While that may look wise and worldly on some, most of us just look like ten ... impermanence if it all, it still takes its toll. Children have yet to experience any of that yet.

Description : Do you think it's OK to "make" toddlers give a hello hug to a visiting family member when they show up, even if they don't want to?

Last Answer : And why wouldn’t the kid want to?? I wish some wouldn’t our niece and her husband always want their kids to give hello and good-by hugs even if they are sicker than shit,and how do you say no to a little one giving a good-by hug, coughing ,sneezing,and snot a muck?

Description : When you had babies and toddlers, what rules did you have regarding the household?

Last Answer : Yes, I did completely.

Description : What could be causing my toddler's health issues?

Last Answer : Any vomiting? Has any doctor considered reflux? My toddler has reflux and coughs during flare ups, especially at night. Other than thAt, both allergies and asthma could fit as well. I’m sorry your baby is sick. I hope they get an answer soon.

Description : Do you find that tracking and observing infants and toddlers language acquisition to be fascinating?

Last Answer : answer:My granddaughter is about 2½. She has spoken for a while now, but just in the last couple of weeks she has moved into :chatty cathy mode - saying whatever comes to mind and using sentences and new ... she has heard. It's fun - every time I see her (about every 2nd day) she surprises me.

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Last Answer : What I ask my kids or what people ask me?

Description : What are popular iPad apps for toddlers age about 2?

Last Answer : Toddlers don’t need iPad apps.

Description : How to translate phrase "Food for Toddlers" to Spanish?

Last Answer : answer:This is a little tricky. Some Spanish speaking countries don't use a word for Toddler from what I understand. Some use Infante. So, if you are marketing to the entire Spanish speaking world it ... If infante is correct, which I am not 100% about, you could say: comida para los infantes.

Description : What could possibly explain my fascination for the train wreck that is "Toddlers and Tiaras"?

Last Answer : Schadenfreude?

Description : White egg like specks on toddlers bottom, not shaped like pinworms.

Last Answer : No but have you taken her to her peditrician, I know when mine gets all sorts of little fungus' and stuff from the diaper and medication she's on I call the doctor and she takes a look and usually knows ... appt to see them today. Its usually a quick in and out for the dr to see them for me.

Description : Could toddlers solve major disputes, like Israel/Palestine and the like?

Last Answer : I would not call it a childish view; I would call it naive, maybe. Toddlers reasons for a dispute in the sandbox would be far less complex than the Israel/Palestine dispute. You not only have the ... in religion, tolerance, hatred, power plays, and a myriad of other complex (if not logical) issues.

Description : Breaking a toddler's bad habits?

Last Answer : He is craving stimulation and may have made a connection that if he does that you will notice and that gets him the attention he craves. The only thing I can suggest is to praise him up and down ... will connect that not doing it will get him what he really wants and that is your loving attention.

Description : Awesome Halloween costume ideas for toddlers?

Last Answer : answer:How about He-Man as portrayed by Dolph Lundgren? Your son has the hair for it! Not as fun, but he could be a surfer dude. You could give the costume some humor by attaching a fake shark to part of his body and have some fake blood dripping off the affected appendage.

Description : What do you think of "toddlers in tiaras" children beauty pageants?

Last Answer : Personally, I think it's bizarre. Some of those parents who enter their very young children in stressful, competitive beauty pageants, making them cry out of pressure to win, should get their heads examined ... contests at the whims of their lunatic parents. Sigh, I weep for these poor children. :(

Description : Any fun ideas or activities for toddlers?

Last Answer : Going outside? Walks in the woods, parks, playgrounds.

Description : Did your babies/toddlers use pacifiers?

Last Answer : They both did, only for 3 months or so though.Incidentally,they’re called dummies in Britain,crazy but true.

Description : What do you think about toddlers being fed McDonalds or KFC?

Last Answer : I can understand the convenience of it,but if I had kids,they would be health nuts at an early age and probably hate their mother for it ;)

Description : Spanish Mac software titles for toddlers?

Last Answer : This may have what you are looking for.

Description : How can you sneak prunes into a toddler's diet?

Last Answer : go raisins

Description : Are there any "essential" classes for toddlers?

Last Answer : I have found that the most essential thing for my children is for me to be receptive to what they want. My kids are in swim classes because I agree with you that it is an essential skill. They ... that is way better than any class can provide. Dance with them, cook with them, explore with them.

Description : How to keep toddlers entertained?

Last Answer : I’ve found that pretend games of any sort work. Be kittens. Crawl around meowing. They’re interpretation will no doubt be amusing to you, and it will keep them occupied for awhile.

Description : Parents or caretakers of toddlers: what ways have you found to entertain the kids during the wintertime?

Last Answer : My son is also one and a half. We dance our days away. Sometimes he doesn't go for the idea too long and starts pounding on the glass door Doggy, doggy, doggy! And I start to feel bad. I am not ... the cold too much. Good luck!!! I feel your pain. My little boy would live outside if I let him.

Description : Do you like or dislike hearing people talk to infants and toddlers in a "baby voice"?

Last Answer : I find them irritating as well. I’ve also read that talking normally to infants is much better for their language development, because they’re hearing real language and not baby talk. But I don’t have children of my own, and so I’m unlikely to be able to impose this preference on others.

Description : What do you do / should you do so when you see an angry, lonely, tired, scary woman verbally abusing her toddlers?

Last Answer : Wow Ive never seen that. I'm not sure if I'd do anything really. It depends on where I'm at, if I'm in a store and I don't know the woman I would probably just give her a ... kids but there is a line between a spanking because they did something bad and verbally insulting and abusing your kids.

Description : How do I entertain two toddlers?

Last Answer : Give the three year old some crayons and paper, or put a funny cartoon/movie on. Give the one year old stuffed animals and talk to him/her through them, have them talk to each other and to the ... tickle his/her belly, etc. The three year old might want to join in on that eventually as well :P

Description : What are the advantages and disadvantages of toddlers watching telivision?

Last Answer : Hang on toddler, Tv , and violence all in the same question . If a toddler is able to watch violence on tv the parents should be removed from its life . Toddlers will enjoy the sounds and ... room or if the child is rather clingy to one parent could distract from seeing the other parent leave .

Description : Any preparation tips for our toddler's first flight (3 hours)?

Last Answer : answer:Bring an empty sippy cup and fill it once you are on the plane. If your toddler get very cranky while the plane is ascending or descending, it may be the discomfort caused by the pressure ... Zune, portable DVD, etc.) and prepare a few cartoons for your toddler to watch during the flight.

Description : What are the best gross-motor activities for toddlers?

Last Answer : Throwing- Roll ball back and forth to each other Running- after each other (take turns) jumping- curd hoping, you hold your child's hand and teach them how to hop off a curbside or try leap ... walking- buy a push or pull toy they could pull or push to help coordination also confidence in walking

Description : Home remedies for toddlers not going for 4 days?

Last Answer : If you can get him to eat a few fresh prunes this should actually help. Prune juice is another great choice and will help a lot with this problem. I have even given my toddler some apricots and or dried apricots ... a few days and do not give him these to eat. This will only make it worse for him.

Description : What of these is a developmental milestone for toddlers 2 to 3 years old?

Last Answer : sorting objects by shape and color

Description : Potbellies and toddlers?

Last Answer : Alternative NamesChildren and potbelliesInformationQuestion:Is there any reason to worry about a child's potbelly?Answer:It is generally normal for toddlers to have potbellies. By the time a child reaches school ... spleen can be serious and must be ruled out by your doctor.See also: Swollen belly

Description : Are crocs safe for toddlers?

Last Answer : Crocs are generally safe for people of all ages, including toddlers. There was a recall of some Crocs because of lead paint used in those shoes, but it is safe to assume that any Croc sold now ... rubbery, it is easy for them to get stuck in holes or crevasses (such as elevator doors or escalators

Description : What's the best kind of bedding for potty-training toddlers?

Last Answer : You can buy a Water-Proof matress pad in case of night time accidents. Simply place the cover over the matress, and cover it with a normal bedsheet. When accidents occur, the matress pad can be washed and will protect the matress itself.

Description : Is costume makeup safe for toddlers?

Last Answer : Some costume make up isnt safe for toddlers so you should read any labels and warnings before applying costume makeup to toddlers.

Description : Is it safe to give stuffed animals to toddlers or will they rip it up?

Last Answer : Toddlers should be fine with stuffed animals, as they are made to be pretty sturdy and shouldn't be able to be broken by even an adult. If you are worried about such an event occuring, rough around ... before giving it to your toddler. If it passes your test, it's good enough for your toddler.

Description : Are Safe Toothette flavored disposable oral swabs safe for babies and toddlers?

Last Answer : The Safe Toothette swabs are best left for adults, with only baby tooth cleaning products to be used on toddlers and infants.

Description : Best Vitamins for Toddlers?

Last Answer : Vitamins for toddlers are essential to keeping them as healthy as possible. Toddlers are active and need a little extra boost, which vitamin supplements provide. When deciding on the right ... supplements should be accompanied by healthy diets rich in vitamins and minerals for optimal results.

Description : Slides For Toddlers?

Last Answer : The little tykes slide is a great beginner slide for young children. The colors of the slide are neutral, so it will be a good choice for boys or girls. It is a good investment for any daycare or ... a cloth. The little tykes slide sets low to the ground so that your child can safely enjoy playing.