nail care products for lupos paitients?

1 Answer

Answer :

She may be sensitive to many nail products due to her disease. Please have her consult her doctor before using chemicals on her nails/near her skin to make sure she does not have a bad reaction.

Related questions

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Last Answer : A good nail polisher is always a valuable item for a more natural look. Keep you nails clean and file them with a good quality nail file. Shape them to compliment your personal style.

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Last Answer : When you are using nail care products, you want to make sure that you are in a ventilated area. Many of these things can have a very strong odor to them. They may even make you feel ... ventilation in these situations so that you can let some of the smell from the chemicals escape the room.

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Last Answer : Knox gelatin supposedly helps.I have never tried it,but some people swear by it.

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Last Answer : …If it’s not the kind with pain like here

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Last Answer : Talk to your manicurist & explain the problem. I bet you’re NOT the only person who has ever had this happen. If she doesn’t know it’s happening, she can’t fix the problem!!! BTW…Welcome to Fluther!!!

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Last Answer : I had a similar problem a few months ago. A podiatrist advised me to soak it in warm water with Epson Salts and buy sneakers with more toe room. Took a few weeks but the pain finally went away. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Cutemol

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Last Answer : I have cracks in my front teeth, but, they are damaged from an accident I had as a child. I never noticed them getting any worse from biting my nails. I do grind my teeth, though, but again, they ... over my beautiful teeth every time I visit, so, I'm not concerned. Why not ask your dentist?

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Last Answer : Maybe a gloss would be too over the top? Nice chompers by the way. :)

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Last Answer : It’s ZOYA nail polish.

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Last Answer : answer:This FAQ might hold a clue. Is it a problem to remain on Formula 2 after your nails become healthy? No. However, Formula 2 may cause nails to become too hard or brittle. ... conjunction with Formula 2. Sounds like they predict that nails will become too brittle with excessive application.

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Last Answer : OPI’s Lincoln After Dark. I believe its on the end of the bottle. Look.

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Last Answer : I got manicures and painted my nails because if they looked nice I wouldn’t bite them. But, I think you’re a guy so I doubt that’d help :/

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Last Answer : Nope…. I used the same ones as my boyfriend. I haven’t caught a disease.. yet.

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Last Answer : The judge can order it to be done that moment at the court house, I know being a foster parent and having a child that the bio parent is drug addicted they are able to do spot drug screens ... they can collect the specimen without giving your ex time to do anything to prepare for the drug test.

Description : What exactly does "breaking a nail" involve?

Last Answer : answer:Chipping or cracking of the nail itself. If you just chipped the paint, how is that breaking your nail?

Description : Beau line on thumb nail - what does this mean?

Last Answer : answer:Are you sure it is a Beau's line? The reason I ask is that I just wikipedia'd them, and saw a picture, and it doesn't seem to be the kind of thing you would just suddenly notice ... many questions worrying about health things! I'm not criticizing, I just feel bad for you - relax a little!

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Last Answer : Do what you want to do

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Last Answer : I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Description : How does one get nail polish out of cotton/polyester/spandex pants?

Last Answer : answer:Normally I would say I scrape off as much as possible and then dab it with nail polish remover to get any remaining little bits off. I wouldn't recommend scrubbing with nail polish remover because you ... fix the original color). Since you washed it, I don't know if that would work though.

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Last Answer : What brands have you tried?

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Should I wear the bright green, metallic nail polish I just applied to my nails to the job interview I have scheduled for Friday?

Last Answer : Absolutely don’t wear it. Allow your jewelry to be the interesting stuff, not your nails. It sounds silly but I’ve seen it happen—bright, crazy nail polish gives the impression that you’re wacky, whereas interesting, even exciting jewelry says something totally different.

Description : What are some nail art ideas?

Last Answer : Leaves are pretty neat. You could do it in red, orange and yellow for fall.

Description : My toe nail is almost totally loose. When will it fall of?

Last Answer : Happened to both my big toes. same time. Finally, they fell off. Then they grew back. Very strange!

Description : How can I get this grayish, blackish line off of my nail?

Last Answer : answer:Where on the nail is it? Is it beneath the nail, part of the nail, or on the surface of the nail? How far up on the nail is it? Can’t help if I don’t know the details. :) EDIT: I agree with the others. If it’s moving as the nail grows, don’t worry about it.

Description : Physically and/or chemically speaking, how did I ruin my CD by attempting to clean it with non-acetone nail polish remover?

Last Answer : What is in your solvent. Did it “frost” the surface?

Description : What is the best nail polish to use ?

Last Answer : I have had the best results with OPI.

Description : How would I make my nail grow back normal?

Last Answer : Rip it off and give it air. I know a guy with the exact same problem on his thumb!!

Description : Do you know how to get a nail polish like Lady Gaga's?

Last Answer : go to the best salon with a pic (they probably know all about it) and ask, they can do it. It’ll cost alot.