Where can I get coupons for Walmart?

1 Answer

Answer :

Wal-mart does not usually offer store specific coupons but there are many other sources you can look at.Sources for coupons that you can use at Wal-mart include magazines and blinkie machines.

Related questions

Description : Does Walmart accept manufacturer coupons?

Last Answer : Walmart does accept manufacturer coupons as long as manufacturer is printed on them. They do not accept a store coupon and manufacturers coupon for the same item, they have to be separate.

Description : Does Walmart accept manufacturer's electronics coupons?

Last Answer : With over 8 million items, Walmart is the largest retailer in the United States. Walmart boasts everyday low prices, rollback discounts daily on popular items, and easy ordering online with FREE pickup in store as soon as today! cuttly/sbnMwNV

Description : Does Walmart offer coupons for their grocery items?

Last Answer : There are Walmart grocery coupons that you can use to save money. They are available on Walmart's website under coupons.

Description : iPhones are cheaper at Walmart, why is this?

Last Answer : Nice one, Walmart social media intern

Description : What is the weirdest thing you've seen at a Walmart?

Last Answer : [deleted]

Description : How many of the killed or wounded in the El Paso Walmart shooting were armed?

Last Answer : Probably none of them. It's a myth that everyone in Texas is packing heat. It also depends on where in Texas. If it was out in bumfuck nowhere where people do carry that SOB would have likely been shot ... 't care if their customers are armed or not. It has more to do with the culture of the area.

Description : Texas is an open-carry state. Why didn't any of the 'good guys with guns' stop the WalMart massacre today?

Last Answer : The mythological “good guys with a gun” never do save the day, do they.

Description : Do you consider a Justice of the Peace to be a high powered public official or a low powered position like a Walmart greeter?

Last Answer : Somewhere in between.

Description : Are you surprised that Walmart accepts all of these plastic for recycling?

Last Answer : Good for them. But the problem, for me, is that to recycle at WalMart, you actually have to go to WalMart. The one near me is always crowded; the parking lot is always seriously full, and any time I need ... I can just stop and drop stuff off, I might do so. If it's some place indoors, forget it.

Description : Can I put any film plastic in with the plastic bags I take to Walmart to be recycled?

Last Answer : Plastic film is NOT recyclable ! ! Take it back to store that sent you home with it. Plastic bag recycle! !

Description : Why does Super Walmart and a few other stores have so many check out lanes but only use very few?

Last Answer : answer:Understaffed because they are cheap. They don’t care if the lines are long – they figure that once the person has gotten into line, the person isn’t going to leave. Cashiers are an expense. More cashiers = more expenses = less profit.

Description : Do you use the Walmart Money Card? Have you had an issue with your direct deposit?

Last Answer : answer:No, mostly because if you have direct deposit you can get a grown-up bank account usually with no fees at all. I use Chase, personally.

Description : Can I email pictures to Walmart to get them developed?

Last Answer : It depends upon the Walmart in your area. Some stores offer/ed this service. Some are converting to a new system. It’s worth checking with the local stores in order to find out what they currently offer and how how they can meet your needs.

Description : How does Walmart get by with selling clothes that look like crap the first time you wash them?

Last Answer : Crap is in! If there is anything more asinine than politics, it must be fashion. I can remember decades ago sitting down at lunch to read the Wall Street Journal and there on the front page was ... to destruction torn up American jeans were going for hundreds of dollars a pair in Russia. Go figure!

Description : Could you confuse Walmart with a horse?

Last Answer : This isn’t really silly at all. If I pick up a Racing Form and see walmart.horse I would think the company owns the horse. Of course, it’s a lousy name for a horse because I would think it is fat, slow, and full of shit, and make for lousy dog food.

Description : Is a decent quality toilet seat from Walmart going to be equivalent in quality to a decent toilet seat from Home Depot?

Last Answer : answer:I think so. They're both buy in huge, huge quantities and that's part of where they get their discount. There are other things though when I worked in customer service at Rubbermaid, they ... also created products for Home Depot, but no one told me that they cheapened them for Home Depot.

Description : Walmart caught forcing employees to donate to republicans. How long until they force you to vote for them, too?

Last Answer : Using David Pokeman’s own words Is legal kinda jumped out at me.

Description : Would you hire someone who lost their job at Walmart for helping someone?

Last Answer : It’s Bud Light. Imo it’s so petty to go on a foot chase with a thief let alone on a truck ride! That’s what the police are for.

Description : Will you help me put together a list of unique gifts for kids ages 2 to 13 the kind that can't be found at Walmart!?

Last Answer : answer:I'm a fan of supporting work-at-home parents. When I was cloth-diapering, I bought most of my supplies from HyenaCart. It looks like they've completely updated the website! Super cool. The link ... with cool stuff. There is a world of difference between four and six, as I'm sure you know.

Description : How old do you have to be to purchase automotive oil at Walmart?

Last Answer : answer:As long as you are not driving the car (illegally since you are underage) into the Walmart store, you can buy the oil. You can also pump gas into a portable jerry can at a gas station at 15, if ... passenger, on foot or on a bike. Or, perhaps, there are some states where you can drive at 15?

Description : How do you think similar businesses stay in businesses? (i.e. Krogers, Walmart, Giant Eagle, etc.)

Last Answer : answer:Location. Customer service. Merchandise. Price. People develop favorite stores. They have good experiences so they go back.

Description : Does the Enfamil recall extend to any stores other than Walmart?

Last Answer : I don’t believe there is officially a recall, either mandatory order issued by the FDA or voluntary by the manufacturer. I think Walmart has pulled it from the shelves of their stores and some other stores are following suite.

Description : How could a person feel safe making meth in back of a Walmart?

Last Answer : Ingesting meth causes a supreme lack in judgement, so that would be my guess, her drug useage.

Description : Have you tried the Walmart "cheapo" version of Frontline, and if so, is it as effective on fleas as Frontline?

Last Answer : I have not, but my parents have… and their indoor/outdoor cats are flea-free.

Description : Does WalMart own Lowes?

Last Answer : answer:I don't believe there is any connection between Lowes and Walmart. Where I live none of the Lowes and Walmarts are really near each other. Maybe you are noticing it because that's what you're ... Or maybe it's the Vanguard Group and the State Street Corporation that are behind it all. :-)

Description : Wonder who made this mistake at WalMart?

Last Answer : answer:It could be they both buy their private label coffees from the same manufacturer or distributor and it was misshipped, or mistakenly placed in the wrong labelled box and the person stocking ... training at Bloomingdale's that involves our store having gloves labelled Sak's in our stock.

Description : What`s your current opinion on Walmart?

Last Answer : I shop there all the time, and have an eye appointment there for this weekend. Will have lunch while there, and may get photos taken of my daughter. While there, gonna pick up some groceries ... they have pretty much everything else there at right good prices with a very friendly and helpful staff.

Description : What does an average person spend on a one day visit to Walmart?

Last Answer : Probably around $40. I buy cleaning products, toiletries and cosmetics, mostly. I don’t go very often because there isn’t a store very near me, so when I do go, I usually stock up on bathroom-type things.

Description : What is the best method to get WalMart workers to ban together and unionize? Or is this a lost hope?

Last Answer : They just need to quit and stop working for $8 per hour while be treated like shit. Go do something productive like deal bud

Description : Why do WalMart/Target/KMart have all those checkout lanes?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but it drives me nuts. If they don’t feel them up during peak times, what the hell are they for?

Description : Does walmart (america) sell chopsticks?

Last Answer : I saw them at my Kroger’s in the International Food aisle. I don’t shop at Walmart, too many people jammed in there. So if they have such an aisle, maybe that is where you can find the chopsticks.

Description : Whats the biggest walmart in San Francisco?

Last Answer : answer:I was shocked at how busy the Union City store was at 3 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Er, maybe it’s the biggest, I dunno. http://www.walmart.com/storeLocator/ca_storefinder_results.do?sfsearch_city=san+francisco&sfsearch_state=CA&sfsearch_zip=&x=37&y=19&continue=

Description : Do you miss the Smiley Face at WalMart?

Last Answer : No. I don’t miss the smiley face.

Description : If WalMart were to go bankrupct tomorrow, which store chain would take its place as No. 1?

Last Answer : Target. Even yuppies shop there.

Description : Can I buy a Visa Giftcard with a Walmart Giftcard?

Last Answer : Hahaha that’s such a funny idea. I’d just try it, even if it’s against the rules technically the cashier may not know that. If they don’t let you, then you have your answer.

Description : Do you miss the 'smiley face' at WalMart?

Last Answer : I admit to missing it a little. I’m not sure what brainiac thought a fancy asterisk would be superior.

Description : Would you make a good Walmart greeter?

Last Answer : I reckon I’d be good I can smile and be polite :) We just don’t have Wal Mart here in the UK we have asda, which I think is like Wal Mart!

Description : In what way would retailing be different, and our world be different, if there were no "big box" stores such as Bed, Bath and Beyond, Walmart, Staples, etc?

Last Answer : Shit would actually be closed during the holidays.

Description : How different would your life be if there were no mega-stores like Walmart?

Last Answer : There would definitely be more time spent on the road looking for better deals, which means we'd consume more gas. Most people like me, though, don't have the patience for that, so we'd just ... less luxury items, like DVDs and CDs, since that money would have to be spent covering food and whatnot.

Description : Am I over reacting, or do you agree with me about this Walmart Site2Store thing?

Last Answer : So order it in your parent's name and have them pick it up. You can also get a photo ID that is like a driver's license but without the driving part. Not sure what the minimum age is on ... call the DMV and ask or look it up online. I think calling it discrimination is a little ridiculous though.

Description : Are there any cheap all-purpose bikes at Walmart or Kmart or Target, that are any good?

Last Answer : Both me and my husband have such bikes. We got ours for 50.00 each and so did my brother actually. They've lasted a lot longer than our previous bikes which were about 200.00 a piece. We use ... and another benefit of having a cheap bike in the city is that they are much less likely to be stolen.

Description : Does anybody know that walmart commercial for College?

Last Answer : PLEASE HELPP!!

Description : When does a Walmart employee become eligible for benefits?

Last Answer : Most employers give benefits at 90 days if I’m not mistaken. You could ask your boss if you work there, or call and ask. :)

Description : How do i make returns easy in walmart?

Last Answer : By not shopping there.

Description : IPhone at Walmart?

Last Answer : no, I am with you on this one. Whenever I see a walmart commercial, I get a little irritated. I despise them to the core.

Description : Are there Walmart stores outside of the U.S.

Last Answer : Yes, Wal-Mart is global and here is an excerpt from an article I found at Wikipedia: It operates in Mexico as Walmex, in the UK as ASDA, and in Japan as Seiyu. It has wholly owned operations ... that only small pockets of the country remained further than 60 miles (100 km) from the nearest Wal-Mart.

Description : What deals were so good that someone was trampled to death at Walmart on Black Friday?

Last Answer : It disgusts me that people would kill someone to save a few dollars. I don’t understand how you could ever live with yourself after that happened. Would you even be able to use that new stereo you bought in the process of killing someone?

Description : How much does it costs to rent a Rug Doctor in WalMart or HEB?

Last Answer : This is a great question for your local Wal-Mart. Try calling them!

Description : Is a cheap (like from Walmart) internet router as good as any other?

Last Answer : The location you buy it from is irrelevant. What matters is the manufacturer. A linksys router you buy at Wal*Mart is exactly the same as a linksys router you buy at Best Buy or from amazon ... difference was really substantial. Anything else, I'd consider it too big a risk of being bad merchandise.

Description : Where can you find Gorilla Glue at Walmart?

Last Answer : Maybe your friend should ask the Walmart Greeter where the gorilla glue is located.