How can I make a burn pit in my backyard?

1 Answer

Answer :

First you pick a good spot and dig a circular hole that's deep and wide enough for you. Then pack the dirt back on it. Find some bricks to surround the hole. There you have it a burn pit, but be careful.

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Last Answer : You can buy a galvanized steel ring for about $40. Find a level area in your yard, and dig a hole, then set the metal ring firmly to fit in. You can put flat rocks or pebble's around it. Very simple, and inexpensive!

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Last Answer : Yes, your son would be eligible for VA benefits. For burn pit exposure you are required to register with Defence enrollement eligilibility reporting system(DEERS).

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Last Answer : Is there a college with an agriculture or Biology department nearby? Take one of the seed pods in and ask them.

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Last Answer : Can I sit in the boat and get drunk any time I want? Because that might be worth it.

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Last Answer : Raise the soils Ph level up just a smidgen, you can do this by using common white vinegar. Add (to start out with) one cup of vinegar to at least 4 gallons of water, 3 times /week, Only ... into shock; the higher the Ph Levels in the soil for hydraneas the better chance that it will bloom -Birdy

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I kill a nest of underground yellow jackets in my backyard without endangering my pets?

Last Answer : At 10 o'clock at night...........keep the pets inside...................get couple cans of raid.......................get on the lawn it with a white flag............ ... morning...............pour very hot water into it and start putting small stones in the hole..................

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Last Answer : You might need to have a tree digging BBQ...try double strength vinegar & hot water...easier to get out after a big rain.

Description : zip code 85284,medium to small backyard, looking for shade tree-clean and grown fast.

Last Answer : I would go to the local nursery and see what is available there...............please keep that tree 50 ft from your home. Consider the height & width and root system. Cotton fields... ... septic, cess pool, pipes in or out can be effective. Foundation walls can be effected if planted too close.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : If you have below 32 degrees, I would cover & wrap and next day uncover them unless you can put a greenhouse around them.

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Last Answer : I live west of Sacramento. How about some half wine barrels nearest the oak as planting unsder them and therefore having to water can be hazardous to their health. You can plant annuals in the barrels and ... high enough to allow some light. I'd say at least 4 feet off the ground for anything.

Description : I have a tree in my backyard and there's some kind of fruit growing on it.

Last Answer : Why not pick one and take it to a nursery and see if they can identify it? Take some of the leaves and maybe a picture of the tree on your cell phone.

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Last Answer : Paint the cement green and put out fancy pots of flowers and other decorations. My parents moved into a house with a cement front yard and loved it. They never wanted grass to mow, water, fertilize, mow, water, fertilize, etc.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : It might be too late to put them up on something. Do that next year and don't touch the vines if they are wet.............think now for next you thing that you will grow them again ... breaks down.........I use about 2 newspaper and then lay the next 2 down 10 inches over until done.

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