What are the newest ways to stop smoking?

1 Answer

Answer :

You could try using a nicotine patch or chewing nicotine gum. Both of these methods will slowly rid your system of nicotine removing any urges you might have to smoke.

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Description : Ex-Smokers, in what ways did you benefit from quitting smoking cigarettes?

Last Answer : answer:I quit many many times before I finally actually quit. Benefits, hmmmm. Food tastes better. I don't smell like an ash tray (clothes, house, furniture, carpets, drapes and the car) and when I ... keep from putting a cig in your mouth for about three weeks you have a chance to quit for good.

Description : What are some ways to cope with insomnia from quitting smoking, aside from taking sleep aids?

Last Answer : answer:That didn’t happen to me, but I would say yes, try to ride it out. Your system has to make a pretty big adjustment. Give it time. Congratulations on making it this far. It does get easier. Hang in there.

Description : what does the ways to quit smoking?

Last Answer : Smoking is a formed habit and it will take time to stop however, you have to be willing and wanting to stop smoking before any of the treatments that are available will work. Cutting back daily ... smoking as it will allow you to at a slower pace stop without overwhelming yourself with the cravings.

Description : How did you stop smoking?

Last Answer : I never was a heavy smoker but I did smoke off and on since I was 14. I cut even further down when my kids were small but quite completely about 35 years ago. I was at an office party for my family's ... of disgust from my BIL that I just quit at that point. I wish sweets were as easy to give up!

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Last Answer : answer:Wouldn’t work. Smoking is a psychological addiction just as much as, if not more than, a physical one. Waking up after three months in a coma would be no different than waking up after a night’s sleep. And most smokers I know are jonesing for one first thing in the morning.

Description : Should doctors be allowed to refuse non-emergency treatments to patients unless they lose weight or stop smoking?

Last Answer : Doctors should not be allowed to refuse treatment to anyone.

Description : If you're a former smoker what are some other known or very different stop-smoking methods?

Last Answer : answer:My husband smoked from his late teens to his mid twenties. He's 41 now and hasn't had a cigarette in 17 years. If you ask him, he says he just decided one New Year's Eve that he was ... there's a big psychological difference between I want to quit smoking and I don't feel like smoking .

Description : Has anyone used Zyban to stop smoking and can share their experience?

Last Answer : I'm taking it right now (under the name of Wellbutrin-it's the same drug) and I have to say it's going better than I thought. I can say no to going outside to smoke a lot easier than I ... Reed around the house. I think I'll stay on the Wellbutrin even after I'm totally over the quitting process.

Description : Does this help to stop smoking?

Last Answer : ummm…MsP, will very interested to see the answer here. Would love to quit! Very good question my friend.

Description : How do you NOT gain weight when you stop smoking?

Last Answer : Try sugar-free lollipops. That’s what I would probably try if I were going to quit. Usually I find I smoke out of boredom and just need something to do with my hands.

Description : How do I get the burners on my stove to stop smoking?

Last Answer : Clean them. Unless there is oil or fat on them they cannot smoke. Perhaps try an oven cleaner? Are you sure that it is the burners, and not the drip tray or the area beneath it that is smoking

Description : How long does it take when you quit smoking to stop being irritable and bad tempered?

Last Answer : Perhaps you would benefit from creating the half-habit of not smoking. My mother-in-law put three cigarettes in an ashtray every morning, and for every one she didn't smoke at the end of the day, she took ... cold turkey, it seems to take about 30 days for it to kick in. It is okay to be irritable.

Description : I want to quit smoking have tryed many times think the only way I can stop is a bullet to the brain haha any advice short of cutting my thumbs off so I can't lite my lighter

Last Answer : My father smoked for 40 yrs. and he just recently quit using chantix.

Description : How to stop the addiction to smoking?

Last Answer : All addictions begin with dedication and massive will power! I am an ex-non smoker and I quit cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant with my son and he is now 13 years old and ... for 3 years now and have helped many people kick the habit! You just need accountability and encouraging words!

Description : What medicines are available to help one stop smoking?

Last Answer : There are many options available to help one stop smoking. There are nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, and inhalers. Nicorette makes several of these products. There are also drugs without nicotine like Bupropion made to help you stop smoking.

Description : Is cold turkey the best way to stop smoking?

Last Answer : Cold turkey could help, but it is good to gradually quit.

Description : Is there a medication I can use to help me stop smoking?

Last Answer : There are many over the counter options to help smokers quit, but yes, several prescription medications have been proven to help reduce nicotine cravings. See your family doctor for more information.

Description : Where are clinics in Mesa, Gilbert, and east valley for laser treatment to stop smoking?

Last Answer : There are a number of stop smoking treatment centers in Mesa, Arizona: Southwest Ambulance/Rural Metro (602) 526-0858.

Description : do you use laser therapy to stop smoking if so what is the average cost,?

Last Answer : You can find out more about Quit Smoking laser treatment at: www.lasercare.us.

Description : What are some stop smoking tips?

Last Answer : There are many tips to help you stop smoking. Many people claim that hypnosis is very helpful. Some people choose to wear a nicotine patch and others choose to take medication.

Description : How hard is it to stop smoking for an elderly person?

Last Answer : Most say that deciding to quit is the first step. Throw the cigarettes out, resist the urge to buy more. Lots of people wing themselves from smoking using the patches. You could also try to find a hard candy or some gum to pop in your mouth when you get a craving.

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