Cleaning a Bamboo Floor?

1 Answer

Answer :

Bamboo flooring is better at resisting water damage than traditional wood flooring, but it still needs special care. Wet mops and rags should never be used to clean a bamboo floor. Cleaning the floor with a dust mop, vacuum or soft broom daily should be enough to keep it looking like new. Large messes may require the use of specialty cleaning products. If these soaps are to be mixed with water, it is important to follow the directions precisely. Waxes can be used on bamboo flooring, however, a wax finish requires more maintenance than many homeowners have the time for.

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Last Answer : You actually will want to avoid harsh chemicals and wet mopping for most bamboo floors, just as you would with hardwood flooring. The best way to keep the floors clean is to use a dry mop ... first. As bamboo flooring increases in popularity, more and more products will be available to clean them.

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Last Answer : Imagine a hurricane. Then imagine it was raining Roundup. Do that.

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Last Answer : I would call a professional..................

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Last Answer : My neighbor is having problems with bamboo. She can't get rid of is taking with that I think that I would consider planting them in a ... and another one springs up several feet away. I would go on line and see what people are saying about bamboo problems.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer


Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why are my lucky bamboo plant's leaves turning yellow?

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : the leaves, on my lucky bamboo plant, is turning a brownish color.

Last Answer : I have a lucky bamboo plant so hopefully this will help. I am thinking you havent changed the water in you plant. My plant is in a simple jar with rocks. Not sure if yours is in dirt or rocks but ... , bring it inside and let it warm up a little. Lucky bamboo do not like cold water. Hope this helps

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : are bamboo leaves edible

Last Answer : Anything that grows can be made into a tea. Bamboo leaves are usually used for forage (cattle feed and similar) or composted under the bamboo plant. I suspect that the tea might not be ... the orient. I have little concern with toxicity as the leaves are used as food for grazing animals.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : they don't like soapy water.........2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : anything in the bamboo family is very hard to get rid of...I don't know if vinegar will kill that...I don't like using chemicals but you might need to get a professional weed killer, keep ... is having that problem. She just keeps cutting them down....and they keep on rerooting several feet away.

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Last Answer : Once they root, it is time to plant them in soil in a pot.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : can bamboo grow in dirt?

Last Answer : yes and it will spread and take over your yard...................I would keep it in a big container to contain it from neighbor had someone dump dirt and it has taken over ... off other ones come up several feet away.................she is not happy....nothing kills it.