Do you think that I have dislocated my knee?

1 Answer

Answer :

A dislocated knee occurs when the bones in the knee structure are out of place. Generally this can only happen after a major trauma such has a car accident, a fall or something that severely jars the leg. Your knee will look deformed, your leg will appear crooked and there will be numbness in your foot. When a dislocated knee relocates, there can be a lot of pain and swelling. It is advisable for you to seek medical assistance if your discomfort does not subside.

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Last Answer : I would contact the doctor who treated you for the dislocated knee and ask for a referral to a physical therapist in your area. They will know all of the parameters of your injury, your current health status, work w/ you on goals and be best suited to develop an appropriate, safe plan for you…..

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Last Answer : I hope not. The way you describe it it sounds like it will be ok. Time will tell. I would just keep it stable and wait a few days, maybe take some ibuprofen. But, I am not a doctor and I am not in your body, so my advice isn’t worth much, it’s just what I would do based on your description.

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Last Answer : This may be an unpopular opinion, but running isn't good for you in the long term Try brisk walking!, and it's because of issues like this. You should see an osteopath who specializes in sports ... s not painful anymore. And don't listen to those misguided people who tell you your pain is normal.

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Last Answer : Read this hope it helps…... :-/

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Last Answer : answer:When I played volleyball, I never actually got my knee pads to smell good, but you can help keep them from smelling terrible. Washing them often helps, as does using a bit of bleach. It also helps to let ... out of the bag to dry out, and I left the bag open so it could dry out as well.

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Last Answer : could be Arthritis….see your doctor immediately.

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Last Answer : Which hip was just replaced? Morning Bo!

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Last Answer : answer:Could you have a form of neuropathy? That happens with deficiencies and/or diabetes. One common deficiency is magnesium. Best to have it checked out.

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Last Answer : answer:Did you use neosporin?? Maybe he is allergic to it. I am. quit using it. maybe baby benedryl. open up wound.

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Last Answer : Might have torn a ligament. Elevate, ice, and see the doctor ASAP.

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Last Answer : answer:My father didn't have full replacements. He had the meniscus trimmed because he didn't have the stones to handle knee replacement. He was right. If you get it done, do them both since ... like physical therapy before you're doing anything extensive. Good luck and may the force be with you.

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Last Answer : Not to be unhelpful, but have you considered talking to your doctor?

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Last Answer : MRI’s are much better. When I dislocated my knee, I got two CT scans, but had to eventually go in and get an MRI to examine the full extent of the injury. The doctor will have to decide what can be seen from your CT, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you need an MRI.

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Last Answer : You should go see an ortho and get your knee xrayed. You may have a situation where your cartilage behind your knee is deteriorating, and you will be prone to develop arthritis. It happens even ... asphalt. The supplements really help, btw, but take about a month before you can notice the effect.

Description : What is the squishy noise in my knee?

Last Answer : Synovial fluid and the result of moving articular edges of the various bones involved in the knee joint.

Description : Any recomendations on knee & shin guards for mountain biking?

Last Answer : look on ebay – and you should be wearing a leatt brace, too- you can find all brands on ebay.

Description : My knee keeps popping in and out and it's kinda painful. What should I do for it?

Last Answer : Go to an orthopedics doctor. go to the Er. Don’t go to a chiropractor. You should have iced it the first 24 hours.

Description : Stretching outside of knee?

Last Answer : I dont think it is really possible to stretch your outside knee. Is it a sharp poking pain or does it just feels like it will give out

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Last Answer : Knee-jerk reaction.

Description : How do i help my knee pains?

Last Answer : I remember going through growing pains. You really will outgrow them. In the meantime this link might answer some of your questions. Ps: Welcome to Fluther!

Description : Anyone with so-called runner's knee?

Last Answer : I have something similar. I have found Glucosamine/Chondroitin Complex to almost fully alleviate it. I badly damaged my knee in a bike accident - tore it completely apart and once it was ... audible grinding sound on occasion). My Orthopedic surgeon started me on the Glucosamine etc. It works.

Description : How to I keep by knee-high boots from slipping down as I go through my day?

Last Answer : I’m assuming these are man made materials and there is an elastic band at the top? If so, replace the elastic. Or do some calf exercises. :)

Description : Knee injury advice?

Last Answer : did you go to the doctor?