Is dog day care recommended for young puppies?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, dog day care is recommended for young puppies. You just need to find a place that takes them that young.

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Description : My dog had puppies a few weeks ago. At the beginning, she was a good mom. Now she doesn't seem to want to be bothered with her puppies. What can I do to get her to take care of them? Is there something that I should do to take care of them myself?

Last Answer : Some dogs have pups too young and don't know how to care for them. Make sure mother and pups are in an area that is warm and without much traffic. Bedding should be comfortable and bed should provide ... mom to have them nurse. You may have to take care of the pups yourself if mom still refuses.

Description : What are the wisest tips you could give someone about raising two young puppies?

Last Answer : Love the little bastards.

Description : What is the signalment for pemphigus foliaceus? A. Any age B. Elderly animals C. Very young puppies D. Young to middle aged adults

Last Answer : Ans: D

Description : How long after a mother dog has given birth can her puppies be given away or sold?

Last Answer : 8 weeks minimum. A lot of socializing goes on with puppies and their mother up until this age, not to mention being fully weaned, which should never occur before 6–7 weeks minimum. The ideal age to place puppies is around 10 weeks for optimum heath, both physically and emotionally.

Description : Experienced dog owners: how to potty train my almost 8 weeks puppies?

Last Answer : Crate training is usually the best way. Have you tried that? I think it is always harder with 2. Do you put them in separate crates? You can google crate training and get heaps of info.

Description : How do puppies, dogs grow? At what rate? I am trying to get a sense of how big my dog will be. Is there a way to know?

Last Answer : Her eventual size depends on that of her parents. Dogs grow pretty fast, IIRC.

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Last Answer : answer:It won’t bark. ‘that dog won’t hunt’ either.

Description : Is it possible to get a "poor quality" (show dog) puppy from excellent (bloodlines) parents, grandparents etc. and does this means that he/she also will continue to give "poor quality" puppies or not?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it's entirely possible. Breeders often (if not usually) cull a number of animals from a litter for poor quality. The lucky ones are sold as pets, with a contract that says that ... be promulgated by further breeding - you don't get ideal breed examples out of less than ideal parents.

Description : I've seen a few fleas around. Is it OK to give my dog frontline? Is it safe for her and her puppies?

Last Answer : If you haver an infestation of fleas and must use Frontline, apply it after the puppies have nursed. Allow it to dry for a few hours before she goes back to her pups. The manufacturer of Frontline states ... puppies who are 8 weeks or older. I would delay using it on mama dog as long as possible.

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Last Answer : What

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Last Answer : In order for a naked bitch to bring live puppies at all, she must cover a furry dog and vice versa. Otherwise, disorders incompatible with life occur during the development of the fruits or the ... .. This is basically an artificially maintained natural anomaly. It's (I assume) the same for cats.

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Last Answer : 100

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Last Answer : Jump Start and Microsoft for Students are two recommended software recommended by teachers. Most teachers would approve of any software that helps children learn.

Description : Kittens or puppies?

Last Answer : I am sure most people could not tell the difference in a taste test.

Description : If you wanted to get two puppies so they could grow up together, would you get them at the same time, or wait until one was potty trained to get the second one?

Last Answer : I would do it one at a time, so the older one could learn the basics first, then help teach the younger one a few things. I would separate them by about six months. And, well, PUPPIES!!!! :-D

Description : How do I make baked hush puppies light and crunchy?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard of baking hush puppies. But I found a secret to making crispy chicken wings in the oven (as opposed to frying them). When you make the puppies into balls, before you put them into the oven, put a little baking powder on them (baking powder, not baking soda!)

Description : Have you ever had puppies? If so, how many?

Last Answer : I thought I was having puppies once, but it was just piles.

Description : What is your opinion on the Sad Puppies controversy that is happening in the Hugo nomination process?

Last Answer : I have a couple of friends who are Fantasy writers and they are embarrassed by it all. Seems to me to be no more than a bid for publicity to A) boost sales, and B) hopefully boost votes which ... A. Social media (where I have seen the Sad Puppy stuff) is an outstanding, inexpensive, marketing tool.

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Last Answer : There’d be a lot of people lying on their backs getting their tummies rubbed.

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Last Answer : Do they have to die to get the enzymes? I have two small terriers so I’m naturally concerned…lol

Description : Do newly spayed puppies really need to be confined?

Last Answer : Give her a few days to heal. It’s very important not to let her be a puppy after the operation.

Description : Puppies sick in hurricane - home remedies?

Last Answer : Keep them warm that is key. Also what are they eating? They will need alot of love and attention. They still long to see their mother, it's their instinct, so being around will help calm them down. ... ? Feed them prime time puppy food. Not like cheap 1$ canned foods. Anyhow, good luck! Poor things.

Description : Teacup Puppies - What do you think?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard of them but if your information is correct, this is abominable. Is this legal? It seems like extreme animal cruelty to me.

Description : Are small puppies usually healthy?

Last Answer : Sounds like a puddler to me. Ask the manager how much it will cost to replace the carpet.

Description : What can i do to make puppies be nice when they are first born?

Last Answer : Keep them together as a litter and let mom handle the discipline. They also socialize one another if you allow the process to continue long enough.

Description : Why is it that dogs and puppies are more closely associated with boys while cats and kittens are with girls?

Last Answer : Possibly. Or that people stereotype cats as being more “passive” and small. Either way it’s probably some dumb gender stereotype

Description : Why, with all of the bad publicity, do people still buy puppies from pet stores?

Last Answer : Puppy mills are evil self serving creations that cause a lot of suffering and death in innocent creatures. West Hollywood just banned sales of puppies and kittens from these places so good for them. Vanity must have a place in this. Paris Hilton, I’m looking at you when I say this.

Description : What should I do with these puppies?

Last Answer : Have the bitch spayed as quickly as possible. That will eliminate bringing a new batch of puppies into the world and avoid having the same problem occur next time she comes into season. Also castrate the male so he can’t go around impregnating other bitches. It is not cruel to eliminate the pups.

Description : What are the Pros and Cons of having two puppies to rear?

Last Answer : It’s makes training easier if you only have one to deal with.

Description : Two Puppies don't get along alone?

Last Answer : I would take them to an obedience class. This is a good age to resolve their issues.

Description : Bone dust for my puppies: appropriate or not?

Last Answer : If you are feeding a high quality dog food, it’s not necessary. In some (especially giant) breeds, excess calcium and/or protein supplementation can cause problems, such as osteochodrosis.

Description : What games should I play with my puppies / What activities should I use to train them ?

Last Answer : Do not play games while training , you will confuzle the poor doggie

Description : Could I get a specific list of FRUIT & VEGETABLES that I can and can NOT feed my 3 month old puppies?

Last Answer : OK - cooked and pureed Chicken, rice, potatoes, carrots, milk egg, celery, cornmeal, flour, cheese, fish, peanut butter, broccli, lamb small amounts of garlic, apples Not OK: chocolate, raisins, grapes, ... , white bread Never feed your puppies a raw-food diet, since it will be too rich for them.

Description : What if my puppies eat a cooked chicken bone... what immediate precautions should I take?

Last Answer : Takes me back to a childhood trama. My dog Charlie choked on a chicken bone. I thought my dad was trying to help him, but he was actually putting him out of his misery. I hope you find a better solution. 45 years later and I’m still tramatized.

Description : I've noticed that my twelve year old "puppies" back legs shake from time to time. He still acts "puppyish" and seems relatively healthy, otherwise. Is there anything that you'd recommend for the pain (?)?

Last Answer : You could safely give him aspirin, but I’d check with your vet first just to be sure.

Description : I have a 6 year old Black Lab female I want her to have puppies is the age safe?

Last Answer : yes, easily. Most dogs are fertile at 2, but this can put a lot of strain on them. Your dog is more than mature enough, take her to a stud breeder and he'll check her to see if she's god for ... to get hip and eye scores done to make sure she's not going to throw (give birth to) any disabled pups.

Description : content:

Last Answer : The practice of cutting tails was mainly used for hunting dogs so that ltheir tails wouldn't become entangled in forest growth or inhibit their hunting skills. Later, when standards were set for ... a very painful procedure. Thank goodness that today, in most countries, tail docking is illegal.

Description : When a Corgi gives birth, how many puppies are there?

Last Answer : Corgis can have as many as 12 pups, but that's unusual. The average litter number is 6-8 pups.

Description : I just got a puppy from the house across the way. Some of the pups have come down with parvo. What are the chances of my pup getting parvo?

Last Answer : Parvovirus is highly contagious. Most cases are seen in puppies 6 weeks to 6 months old. The more common intestinal form leads to vomiting, diarrhea, not eating, weight loss. The uncommon form attacks the heart muscles of very young puppies and can lead to death.

Description : My dog had puppies a few weeks ago. How old should the puppies be when they get their colars?

Last Answer : whatever age really. We stated to use ours when she was weaned.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Mama dogs eat their pups' poop to keep the area they live in clean. The smell can also attract predators which is another reason mama cleans up. She also licks her pups' bottoms to help stimulate them to defecate and urinate. This is normal behavior. It stops once the puppies are weaned.

Description : How old before an Aussiedoodle can have puppies?

Last Answer : She’s an Aussiedoodle who is a 1 year old

Description : Hello, we have a puppy at home and I did not find out anywhere how we can recognize their gender, Please advise, or photo Thank you

Last Answer : Look, otherwise it won't be detected. It is relatively easy to recognize in puppies. You just need to know the difference between a boy and a girl.

Description : Can puppies eat honey?

Last Answer : Honey is safe for dogs to eat in small portions.Sugar can cause tooth decay, so the best thing to do for your dog is to brush it's teeth if you feed him/her honey.

Description : How many morphemes in puppies?

Last Answer : 1

Description : How long before puppies can regulate their own body temperatures?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What happened to lulu puppies in mice and men?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : If a dogs owner cuts it long fur very short would the dogs puppies have very short fur too explain?

Last Answer : No.The dog has genes for long hair and cutting the dogs hair doesnot change the dogs genes. Any puppies the has may have short hairit depends on the genetics of the father of the puppies.

Description : Puppies for Sale?

Last Answer : form_title= Puppies for Sale form_header= Give a puppy a chance at a new life. What breed do you want to adopt?*= _[50] Have you ever owned a puppy before?*= () Yes () No Do you have any other pets at home?*= () Yes () No

Description : Can I find puppies for sale anywhere in the world via the internet?

Last Answer : Yes, puppies can be found through the internet. One great website is Many breeders list on ebay listings as well. It is easier to find a local puppy but many sites allow the customer to provide a different location.