My mother was born in Italy how do I get a dual citizenship?

1 Answer

Answer :

This is not an issue to consider lightly. Many problems may arise from doing this, including the possibility of loosing your US citizenship. You should consult a good Immigration attorney before proceeding.

Related questions

Description : If getting dual citizenship and moving to Canada was a piece of cake, would you?

Last Answer : answer:I would live in Canada for a few years, but probably not move there permanently. We would go for a job opportunity most likely, which we would do anyway, without the citizenship even. The big ... to me in Canada. Not sure if it matters much over age 65 though when US medicare kicks in.

Description : Will having dual-citizenship help me get into college?

Last Answer : I don’t think it will mean anything. Although it might be the basis for an interesting essay.

Description : What is dual citizenship ?

Last Answer : Dual citizenship is when a person acquires the citizenship of two states at the same time.

Description : What is dual citizenship ?

Last Answer : Dual citizenship means that if the same person acquires citizenship of two countries, it is called dual citizenship.

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Last Answer : Not weak. They get their own benefits there. Not to mention they're taxing there, but I'd pick up the money from here.

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Last Answer : The correct answer to this question is you can have dual, triple or any number of citizenship along with a US citizenship. Actually US government are not at all bothered about the dual citizenship ... about the activities of it's individuals within the state. A US citizen can have dual citizenship.

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Last Answer : Yes, but only if they are automatically adquired at birth: * A child born to an American parent and a German parent acquires both American and German citizenship at birth, regardless of place ... citizenship, and also a German who becomes an American citizen must give up his/her German citizenship.

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Last Answer : Yes, you can have Dual Citizenship in the US and Philippines. If you were born in the US it is easier, though.

Description : Which one of the following is not a feature of the Indian Constitution? (1) Federal Government (2) Independence of Judiciary (3) Parliamentary Government (4) Dual Citizenship

Last Answer : (4) Dual Citizenship Explanation: The idea of single citizenship is borrowed from British constitution.

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Last Answer : (4) A Federal Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution Explanation: According to the Constitution of India, the role of the Supreme Court is that of a federal court and guardian of the ... and advisory jurisdiction. It functioned until 1950, when the Supreme Court. of India was established.

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Last Answer : (3) Single citizenship of whole of India

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Last Answer : (1) Dual citizenship Explanation: Dual Citizenship is not found in the Indian political system. The Indian Constitution does not allow dual citizenship. Automatic loss of Indian citizenship covered in Section 9 ... other Indians but you are not allowed to vote and take up jobs in Government sector.

Description : India is a federal state because its Constitution provides for - (1) dual citizenship. (2) division of powers between the Union and the States. (3) a written constitution. (4) election of members of Parliament by the people.

Last Answer : (2) division of powers between the Union and the States. Explanation: India has borrowed the concept of federalism from Canada. In this system there is clear division of powers between the union and States.

Description : 'Dual citizenship' is a feature of – (1) Unitary government (2) Federal government (3) Parliamentary government (4) Presidential government

Last Answer : (2) Federal government Explanation: The concept of dual nationality means that a person is a citizen of two countries at the same time. Each country has its own citizenship laws based on its own. Such type of nationality is very common in federal states such as the USA.

Description : Dual citizenship is an important feature in which form of government? (1) Parliamentary (2) Federal (3) Unitary (4) Authoritarian

Last Answer : (2) Federal Explanation: It is a feature of federal government. Under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the ... , are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they are deemed to reside.

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Last Answer : Federal Government

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Last Answer : You would be a citizen of what ever country your parents are from, and what ever country you most recently left. When you turn 18, you will have to decide which country to be a citizen from.

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Last Answer : naturalization

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Last Answer : Yes. If you were settled in UK at the time of birth, he or she can. Otherwise, if you become settled in UK before he or she turns 18 years old, he or she can. See:

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Mother Teresa was born in Albania.

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Last Answer : (d) formation of abnormal ova in the mother.

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Last Answer : (a) Fertilisation of the egg is effected outside the body; the fertilised egg is then placed in the womb of the mother where the gestation is completed.

Description : Mother Teresa the founder of Missionaries of Charity was born on

Last Answer : — 26th August 1910

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Last Answer : Let my age = x Then My brother's age = x + 3 My mother's age = x + 26 My sister's age = (x + 3) + 4 = x + 7 My Father's age = (x + 7) + 28 = x + 35 => age my father when my brother was born = x + 35 – (x + 3) = 32. Answer: d)

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Last Answer : A Mother's age when Fathima 's brother was born = 72 years. Father's age when Fathima 's brother was born = (76+8) years = 84 years. Required difference = (84-72) years = 12 years

Description : When the average age of a father, mother and their son was 90 years, the son got married and a child was born just 6 year after the marriage when child turned 14 years the average age of the family is 80yrs. Find the age of daughter - in - law at present? A) 55 B) 56 C) 57 D) 58

Last Answer : B) total age of father, mother and son at the time of son's marriage = 90*3 =270 present age of family father, mother, son, daughter-in-law, child = (father, mother, son age at the time of marriage ... 60)+ daughter-in-law present age + 14 = 80*5 =400 daughter-in-law present age= 400-344 = 56yrs

Description : Do you look at citizenship in the Americas differently than other countries?

Last Answer : I will remain constant in my answers. It doesn't matter the country of origin nor the country granting citizenship. In all cases, it has to be done legally. If the host country ... likely than some countries to grant citizenship because of our relatively short history of existence and immigration.

Description : Will you give me your arguments for and against birthright citizenship?

Last Answer : If a child born in a country is not given birthright citizenship, is the child stateless? It would create a class of people without citizenship of any nation.

Description : Trump says U.S is the only one, but what are the 29 other countries that have birthright citizenship?

Last Answer : Prior to 2006 NZ law gave citizenship to every child born here, in the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau. Since 2006 citizenship is only given to children with at least one parent who is a citizen or resident of this country, the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau at the time of the child’s birth.

Description : What are your thoughts on birthright citizenship?

Last Answer : I don't think that Trump has the power to undo Birthright citizenship by an EO. I don't think he will even try. He might be trying to force a discussion on the topic or he might be trying to ... in North and South America. There are 193 countries on our planet, so we are definitely in a minority.

Description : Is this a good or very bad idea about citizenship applications?

Last Answer : I'm in favor of the US rethinking our policy of automatically giving citizenship to people born here. I think if neither parent is American it shouldn't be automatic (although I'm open to changing my ... If you are raised in America since before you can remember how does where you were born matter?

Description : How do you feel about a robot gaining citizenship?

Last Answer : It would slow people from seeing robots as cheap labour. They might be second class citizens for a bit. People are always looking for slaves , immigrants or robots to do our dirty work for us

Description : Should I give up my American Citizenship?

Last Answer : answer:A comfortable retirement and health care would top my list. What situation(s) provide best for that. Republicans plan to eliminate Medicare. A lot of people are going to be eating ... has shifted so drastically to the top that the number of comfortable middle-class retirees is shrinking.

Description : How can anyone go usa easily from India and get citizenship?

Last Answer : No easy route. Do you have good technical skills? You might be able to get a green card – work permit – if you can get a job. Then you have to be here many years before you can apply for citizenship.

Description : Should Native Americans from Mexico have American citizenship?

Last Answer : No, Texans, New Mexicans, Arizonans, Nevadans, Californians, Utahns, Coloradans and Wyomingians should have dual citizenship and be considered Mexican as well.

Description : If I become an Irish citizen by foreign birth registration, will I be required to forego my US citizenship?

Last Answer : No idea about Ireland, but the US allows for dual-citizenship.