Special Warranty Deed?

1 Answer

Answer :

Get StartedA Special Warranty Deed, also known as a Limited Warranty Deed, is a type of real property (i.e. land or a building like a house or apartment) deed where the grantor or owner of the property transfers (grants) and warranties title to their portion of interest in the property in which the grantor has title. A Special Warranty Deed is commonly used when a property is transferred between parties unfamiliar to each other as it provides certain warranties or safeguards for the Grantee or buyer against fraud. A Special Warranty Deed provides a guarantee to the buyer that the seller owns the property, has the right to sell the property free and clear of any debt (unless the debt is disclosed in the deed). Unlike a Warranty Deed, where the Grantor will defend the title to the property a

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What is Warranty deed?

Last Answer : A warranty deed is a type of deed where the grantor guarantees that he or she holds clear title to a piece of real estate and has a right to sell it to the grantee, in contrast to a quitclaim deed, where the seller does not guarantee that he or she holds title to a piece of real estate.

Description : Warranty Deed?

Last Answer : Warranty Deed(Download)The grantor, ___________, residing at _____, ______, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1) and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid, conveys and ... executed this warranty deed as their free act and deed, and that the witnesses stated above w

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Last Answer : Warranty Deed, with Spouse Release(Download)_________________ of __________, ____________ for consideration paid, grant to _______________, of __________, ____________, with warranty covenants:The following parcel ... personally appeared __________________, each and all to me known to be the partie

Description : What is a warranty deed?

Last Answer : A warranty deed is a type of deed where the grantor guarantees that he or she holds clear title to a piece of real estate and has a right to sell it to the grantee, in contrast to a quitclaim deed, where the seller does not guarantee that he or she holds title to a piece of real estate.

Description : No good deed...

Last Answer : Was there a question?

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Last Answer : The aunt needs to sign a “quit claim” deed relinquishing her interest in that portion of the property. Did she replace grandma as the sole deed holder or do they hold title jointly? How exactly is title held? The words are important here.

Description : Accounting/tax questions about doing a good deed?

Last Answer : You have to have something like the Coalition , for the unchaining would be your not for profit . The fire department is more complicated. 501 ( c ) 3 is the cleanest, lead time for that ... that can only happen with the non-profit status. We have gotten several corporations that now sponsor us.

Description : What was your good deed today?

Last Answer : My 9 year old son called me randomly and said that he got permission from his mom for us to hang out on a weeknight and he thought we should go to dinner. He offered to pay, but I told him I would pick it up.

Description : Can you attest the validity of this phrase "No Good deed goes un-punished"?

Last Answer : I don’t think that it is true at all.

Description : How often do you find the saying, ”No good deed goes unpunished”, to be true?

Last Answer : There have beeen times when the unexpected kindness of others was the only thing that got me by. So I try to help when I can, because I remember what those times were like.

Description : What was the last good deed that you did?

Last Answer : I let a friend know about the procedure I had done awhile ago.She also had it done and is walking without assistance:)))) Someone (I think I know who) cut the rest of my lawn out front after my lawnmower ran out of gas. I’d cook him lunch to thank him,but I don’t want to kill him

Description : If your name is on the deed and title...but NOT on the mortgage note...are you still financially responsible for the mortgage?

Last Answer : Yes, that’s the short answer. The the long answer is that is what life insurance is for to pay the mortgage and other bills. You will need a lawyer to go through probate.

Description : Think it is true that no good deed goes unpunished?

Last Answer : I think that is one of the illogical sayings I have ever heard. It is totally ludicrous.

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Last Answer : Rule of acquisition number 202: A friend in need is a customer in the making.

Description : What Do You Think of a "Quiet Claim Deed"?

Last Answer : If it were me and I were looking to buy him out, I would want to then own the proerty free and clear. Unless you have a family reason for doing him a favor, I would want a straight sale.

Description : If you do at least one good deed everyday, do you think it will change your life?

Last Answer : It does, but only if you do it, and never talk about it.

Description : Love in Deed is Love in Deed.

Last Answer : What the hell does that mean,John?;)

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Last Answer : I'm not sure if I would say mitigate, yet I do feel that it changes what one can get out of volunteering. I will say that even though it starts out all for me' it eventually changes as you ... uncomfortable accepting anything from someone who doesn't want to give it to me. I'd feel like a jerk!

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Last Answer : I think that it is the result that counts. You might feel remorse for having done something but the deed remains.

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Last Answer : Often – I am uncomfortable with people knowing that I was involved. A surprising number of people take offense when you help them.

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Last Answer : Of course it is. there is a reason for every action that people do. As long as you do the right thing it does not matter what the reason is.

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Last Answer : I think it's more about feeling like a hypocrite. I felt like that when I broke down and bought a pair of UGGs. I know that's not as serious as your examples. I still feel guilty every time I enjoy ... into them, or even worse with a skirt. I'm still not that girl. wow I sound like an airhead

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Last Answer : I would give it to the city library system so they don’t have to close all their branches on Sunday.

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Last Answer : Yes, anytime one person co-signs for someone else, they are on the promise to pay. They don't have to have any ownership in the property (real estate as well as auto). This is usually done ... who signs off a quit-claim deed in the mistaken belief that gets them out of responsibility for the debt.

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Last Answer : They should not be reminding you at all, ever, regardless of the size of the aid. If I were being plagued by such reminders, I think I would be sorely tempted to return the cash or the item, ... of one-upsmanship. And for some it is actually aggressive behavior, not even passive. Don't be a victim.

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Last Answer : Courage.

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Last Answer : Hmm this is a thought-provoking question he thinks is quite difficult.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What introment did dirty deed play in bud not buddy?

Last Answer : a drumor a piano

Description : Grant Deed?

Last Answer : Get StartedA Grant Deed is a type of real property (i.e. land or a building like a house or apartment) deed where the grantor or owner of the property transfers (grants) their portion of ... or under whose ownership they occurred, a Warranty Deed is appropriate. If the Grantor only wishes to guaran

Description : Contract for Deed?

Last Answer : Get StartedA Contract for Deed is commonly used by a Seller of property who is interested in acting as a lender to the purchaser of their property. Through a Contract for Deed, the Seller also ... total purchase price plus accruing interest as set forth in the Contract. The Seller takes on certain

Description : Bargain and Sale Deed?

Last Answer : Get StartedA Bargain and Sale Deed is a type of real property (i.e. land or a building like a house or apartment) deed where the grantor or owner of the property transfers (grants) ... Grantor has disclosed existing indebtedness to the Grantee.**If the Grantor desires to provide a guarantee again

Description : Quit Claim Deed?

Last Answer : Quit Claim Deed(Download)I, ______________, of _____________, _______, the grantor, for and in consideration of one dollars ($1), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged conveys and quitclaims to ... free act and deed, and that the witnesses stated above witnessed at the request of _______

Description : Deed?

Last Answer : Deed(Download)This Deed, made this __________ day of ___________________, A.D. ________, between _____________ of ________, ________, party of the first part, ... and Delivered in the presence of:State of ___________________County of __________________This instrument was

Description : We have added our daughter to our Deed to our Home, by a QUIT CLAIM DEED. She is given the rite of survivorship& her name shows on the tax rolls. Would this have to go through Probate ?

Last Answer : Yes as the house could still be claim to pay any debts you have.

Description : what is a ouick claim deed?

Last Answer : Quick Claim Deed is usually misspelled and should be Quit Claim Deed. If you are granting the deed you are "quitting" any interest in the property. A quitclaim deed is a fast and effective way of transfering property.

Description : IF you were the owner of a home before marriage and the spouse move in, is that home now joint property even if your the only one on the deed?

Last Answer : Maryland is a "equitable property" state. This means that all marital property acquired during the marriage should be divided equally. If in fact the property is aquired prior to the marriage, you are the sole owner.

Description : how do you change names on a deed from the deceased to the heirs?

Last Answer : You'll have to file the paperwork at your county deed office and you'll need a death certificate and something showing that the heirs get the house.

Description : What was Launcelot's first heroic deed?

Last Answer : The answer to this question depends on which version of the story you read. The one we are most familiar with is the French story written in the late 1800's. The first story appeared in ... than Arthur and his knightly adventures include the rescue of Guinevere, but failed to find the Holy Grail.

Description : How do I get a copy of my mortgage Deed of Trust?

Last Answer : If you want to get a copy of your mortgage Deed of Trust, you should ask your mortgage company. Chances are, the lender will be able to offer you a copy of your deed. You may also find one already in your mortgage paperwork, since the Deed of Trust tends to be given as a copy in the paperwork.

Description : Deed Transfers?

Last Answer : Deed transfers allow one party to transfer real estate to another party. Deeds are the legal documents used to prove ownership of real estate. When a seller gives the real estate to the buyer, he uses a deed transfer to legally complete the deal.

Description : Explaining the Quitclaim Deed?

Last Answer : A quitclaim deed is a legal document that is used to transfer real property, such as homes, land, and roads, from one entity to another. The entity who is signing over the property to another is ... the property. In many states, the grantee will not be able to take legal action against the grantor.