How many ways can you arrange the letters in the word broccoli?

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Last Answer : We consider all the three vowels (U, I, E) as one letter, so total number of letters = 6, and three vowels can be arranged in 3! Ways among themselves. However, the letter ‘L’ comes twice. :. Total number of ways = (6! × 3!)/2! = 720 × 3 = 2160 Answer is: b)

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Last Answer : 7! = 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 5040 Answer: e)

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Last Answer : Total ways = 4 ! x 2 ! = 4 × 3 × 2 x 2= 48 Answer: a)

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Last Answer : b) 4!*5!

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Last Answer : 4) 720

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Last Answer : Answer: A)  There are 3 consonants and 3 vowels in the word DILUTE.  Out of 6 places, 3 places odd and 3 places are even.  3 vowels can arranged in 3 even places in 3p3 ways = 3! = 6 ways.  And then 3 ... 3 places in 3p3 ways = 3! = 6 ways.  Hence, the required number of ways = 6 x 6 = 36.

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Last Answer : Answer: D)  There are 6 different letters in the given word, out of which there are 3 vowels and 3 consonants.  Let us mark these positions as under:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]  Now, 3 vowels can be ... of these arrangements = 3P3  = 3!  = 6 ways.  Therefore, total number of ways = 6 x 6 = 36.

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Last Answer : Answer: A) There are 8 different letters in the given word "XANTHOUS", out of which there are 3 vowels and 5 consonants.  Let us mark these positions as under:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] ... in 5P5 ways = 5! Ways  = 120 ways.  Therefore, required number of ways = 24 x 120 = 2880 ways.

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Last Answer : Answer: A)  The arrangement is made in such a way that the vowels always come together. i.e., "ZYMGN(OE)". Considering vowels as one letter, 6 different letters can be arranged in 6! ways; i.e., 6! = 720 ... in 2! ways; i.e.,2! = 2 ways Therefore, required number of ways = 720 x 2 = 1440 ways.

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Last Answer : Answer: A)  It has 3 vowels (IAE) and these 3 vowels should always come together. Hence these 3 vowels can be grouped and considered as a single letter. That is, VNTG(IAE). Hence we can assume total ... ways to arrange these vowels among themselves 3! = 3 2 1=6 Total number of ways 120 6=720

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Last Answer : Answer: C) The word 'SPORADIC' contains 8 different letters. When the vowels OAI are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter. Then, we have to arrange the letters SPRDC (OAI). Now, 6 ... be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways. Required number of ways = (720 x 6) = 4320.

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Last Answer : Answer: C)  There are 6 letters in the given word, out of which there are 3 vowels and 3 consonants.  Let us mark these positions as under:  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)  Now, 3 vowels can be placed at ... .  Number of ways of these arrangements = 3P3 = 3! = 6.  Total number of ways = (6 x 6) = 36

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Last Answer : Answer: E)  The word 'POTENCY' has 7 different letters.  When the vowels EO are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.  Then, we have to arrange the letters PTNCY (EO).  Now, 6 (5 ... be arranged among themselves in 2! = 2 ways.  Required number of ways = (720 x2)  = 1440.

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Last Answer : Answer: E)  In the word 'ABOMINABLES', we treat the vowels AOIAE as one letter.  Thus, we have BMNBLS (AOIAE).  This has 7 (6 + 1) letters of which B occurs 2 times and the rest are different. Number of ways arranging these letters = 7! / 2!  = (7×6×5×4×3×2×1) / (2×1) = 2520

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Last Answer : Answer: B) There are 7 different letters in the word 'ABOLISH'.  Therefore,  The number of arrangements of any 4 out of seven letters of the word = Number of all permutations of 7 letters, taken 4 at a time = ... we have  7p4 = 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 = 840.  Hence, the required number of ways is 840.

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Last Answer : Answer: A)  In these 7 letters, 'R' occurs 2 times, and rest of the letters are different.  Hence, number of ways to arrange these letters  = {7!} / {(2!) }  = {7×6×5×4×3×2×1} / {2×1}  = 2520.

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Last Answer : Answer: C)  The word 'NOMINATION' contains 10 letters, namely  3N, 2O, 1M, 2I,1A, and 1T. Required number of ways = 10 ! / (3!)(2!)(1!)(2!)(1!)(1!)  = 151200

Description : What part of speech is word arrange?

Last Answer : The word "arrange" is verb.

Description : Can you eat broccoli and cauliflower raw without dip?

Last Answer : I assume @Rarebear is being facetious. He is wrong. You can certainly eat them raw.

Description : Can you help me with broccoli buying etiquette?

Last Answer : I think you’re stuck buying it by the lb. or, you could try buying a box/bag of frozen and just pinching off a bit if they will eat frozen. Our Koi fish here love Cheerios! haha

Description : How long can I keep uncooked broccoli in the crisper?

Last Answer : A bunch of heads ? Not as long as you would like. You could parboil or steam it and seal it in freezer bags, then freeze indefinitely. (It's the whole mode of frozen broccoli that you can buy in the freezer ... bad. It won't be much warmer by then, so I don't think that's going to do for you.

Description : What is the weekly limit to order beef and broccoli?

Last Answer : Pretty sure you should ask Seek .

Description : Is purple broccoli safe to eat?

Last Answer : Over here in the UK we call it purple sprouting' or purple sprouting broccoli. It is generally more expensive than the green stuff and can taste much better too Certainly it should be safe to eat, ... little butter and black pepper - eat like asparagus. Hm, now I am peckish! I hope you enjoy.

Description : Can broccoli or cauliflower be canned/heat preserved?

Last Answer : As far as I know, it cannot. But due to prior knowledge I have also seen people do crazy things with vegetables and fruits, so canning might be a possibility, they aren’t very sturdy though, I think that is why manufacturers deter from them.

Description : Would you use Velveeta shreds that expired in 2008 to make broccoli rice casserole in 2014?

Last Answer : The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Description : Help quick! How much broccoli should I buy?

Last Answer : I’m not sure how accurate it is, but a quick google search yielded this, which indicates that 10 cups of florets is approximately three heads of broccoli.

Description : What would you do with some kale, broccoli, carrots, and purple bell peppers?

Last Answer : answer:Kale is best cut in narrow strips and sautéed with garlic in a little oil. The other fresh veggies would work in the same stir fry. I would stick to a kitchen sink vegetable soup (with some ... little grated cheese on top. Save the eggs for egg salad with the celery,and a little minced onion.

Description : If broccoli were really bad for you, would it taste as good as chocolate?

Last Answer : Ain’t got a clue mate, but you probbaly have the most awesome assortment of topics I’ve seen put together in a loooong time.

Description : Will eating only broccoli for 8 days straight be harmful to my health?

Last Answer : answer:Wow. The short answer is probably not, on the other hand, you shared not much other than your desire to eat broccoli & lose weight in a week. What does your doctor say? Are you still ... answer that question and keep you safe. That said, a vegetarian diet for a week shouldn't kill you.

Description : Why does broccoli suddenly tear my stomach apart!

Last Answer : answer:I think this is probably a question for your doctor. There are products available over the counter (Prilosec, etc) but you should probably get checked out before starting anything on your own. I've ... intolerance list, but I don't know how legit this is - it seems to be sponsored by Beano

Description : Can I eat the leaves from my broccoli di ciccio?

Last Answer : Yes. For more info you can chech around this Google search.

Description : Will Elmers Glue-All keep broccoli adhered to foam poster board?

Last Answer : I have absolutely no idea but I am deeply interested in what prompted you to ask.

Description : What is the best way to cook broccoli rabe or brocolini?

Last Answer : No, they’re not the same. Broccoli rabe is leafier and more bitter, I don’t eat much of it. My mom used to make broccolini Chinese-style… boiling whole stems in water with some oil and serving with a drizzle of oyster sauce on top. It retained a clean taste that way, with a nice crunch as well.

Description : How do you eat broccoli?

Last Answer : Chopped and steamed with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper flakes.

Description : Why does broccoli produce gas?

Last Answer : answer:The magic ingredient is Raffinose, a carbohydrate. Most foods that cause flatulence do it for the same reason: Nutritional elements which can't be broken down by the small intestine make it ... curse is compounded by the fact that they also contain sulfur, which ramps up the stink factor.

Description : when should i pick broccoli fom garden

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : When your broccoli starts to grow do you need to cut the flowers off or do you leave them

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how to care for broccoli plants

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Flea like broccoli pest

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why did my broccoli head turn to flowers

Last Answer : ph should be 6.0-7.0 did you amend you soil with leaves, mulch, old horsemanure and some lime............if not you can still ring around it with a litttle lime & old ... that in ice cold water with salt to get out any hidden bugs..........more florets will come on your plant.

Description : I have 2 broccoli plants one we have a head on it ready to cut the other has a lot of white flower sprouts on it .

Last Answer : Take the one with the flowers right now cut it on a slant under it...soak it in ice water & salt outside to get the hidden bugs out............the other one should also come off. They ... ....Keep watching as it will produce other florets. Once they start to form, you have to check them daily.

Description : How do I know if a broccoli head will get any bigger?

Last Answer : They should get larger than that but if you see buds coming on them cut them off under the floret on a slant, you will get another one not as big but just as good. Be sure to soak them in salted ice cold water to get any critters out.