What jury mean?

1 Answer

Answer :

a group of people to adjudge prizes , awards , etc., as in acompetition.

Related questions

Description : What does the word jury mean ?

Last Answer : Jury Shabad means jury.

Description : What does suspending trial by jury mean?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What jury mean?

Last Answer : a group of people to adjudge prizes , awards , etc., as in acompetition.

Description : The Ghislaine Maxwell jury as been deliberating now for six days. Probably no verdict before 2022. Do long jury deliberations tend to go in favor of finding guilt, or finding innocence?

Last Answer : Any good court attorney knows you can never second guess a jury.

Description : Have you ever served on a jury in the U.S.? If so, what did you learn?

Last Answer : I haven’t, but a friend of mine said exactly the same thing as you. She was the person on the jury who changed the mind of many, pointing out the details in the case that others just ignored, or didn’t pay attention to.

Description : Why is it important that jury duty be mandatory?

Last Answer : In this scenario, a person would volunteer for a time period, and then be required to serve barring the usual excuses like illness.

Description : You're on an alien jury deciding humanity's fate. Do you spare humanity or annihilate it? Why and how would you do it?

Last Answer : answer:Well lads... We tried. Kind of.

Description : The US "justice" system is a travesty; what should I do when called for jury duty?

Last Answer : Think about if you don't go, who will, in your place? And if the thinking, educated people all manage to get out of jury duty and you find yourself on trial, who will be your jury? Yes, ... . I don't know the answers to these questions myself, and I wish you good conscience in whatever decision.

Description : Do you think that requiring people to serve jury duty discriminates against those with lower incomes?

Last Answer : I think the problem is that Jurors aren't compensated properly for their time. If you made a reasonable wage from your time on a jury, then this wouldn't really be an issue. The justice system ... t think a jury of millionaires would be as likely to judge white collar crimes as harshly for example.

Description : Will Trump be forced to testify before Mueller’s grand jury?

Last Answer : I cannot envision that. Can he not have someone testify for him? I don’t really know much about it. But I think he may be in serious trouble.

Description : Have you ever been called for jury duty?

Last Answer : Yes, once about 20 years ago, and once in 2016. The 2016 occurrence, I was never chosen and they sent us home after about 4 hours of sitting. The one 20 years ago was a drunk driver who ... afternoon - we all pretty much agreed - and then went back into court. The forewoman announced our verdict.

Description : What’s it like to serve jury duty?

Last Answer : I have received three jury duty summons, two of them when I called to the office of the clerk using my code the night before my date. I was told my services weren't required over the phone. The ... I was picked using the state drivers license listings, how did they pick you if you have one? ? ?

Description : What do you suppose will be the result of prolonged testimony from Trump before a grand jury?

Last Answer : Can anyone recall an episode of Trump speaking for 10 minutes or longer minus some blatant and obvious distortion of the truth?

Description : Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial ended in a hung jury. Do you think there should be a retrial?

Last Answer : Yes. Too many women with complaints about him might indicate there is at least some truth to their accusations.

Description : Is there a better system anywhere than a retrial if a jury is deadlocked?

Last Answer : trial by judge.

Description : Anybody have any amusing jury duty stories?

Last Answer : I just mentioned my time on the grand jury in another thread. Nothing funny about it. I don’t go to certain parts of town because of it. While spending weeks upon weeks doing this sucked I can’t recommend doing it enough. You really understand your community after doing so.

Description : What's the point of a California jury sentencing the Grim Sleeper to death when California hasn't executed anyone in 10 years?

Last Answer : answer:Waste of time and money to put him on Death Row. I say that as a California citizen. Life without Parole is a legal alternative in California. Should just go there without all the extra hoopla around the death penalty process.

Description : Why have I not been called for jury duty? How can I encourage that?

Last Answer : Wherever I lived in the States, the juries were randomly chosen from the tax rolls. I believe you have to own a piece of real estate and be on the tax roll to be chosen. Some people live their whole ... ever being called. It's a crap shoot. Owning a cemetery plot will get you on the tax roll.

Description : How Is jury duty going to effect Donald Trump's campaign?

Last Answer : answer:Jury duty for whom? I don't understand the question. If you mean if he were called for jury duty, in all likelihood he would be eliminated from consideration. What lawyer in his right ... Other than that I don't see any connection between jury duty and elections or the politics involved.

Description : Why did both sides pick an all female jury in the Zimmerman / Trayvon case?

Last Answer : They were looking for specific things in potential jurors. I suspect it was a fluke.

Description : What's your reaction to the $7.2 million "Popcorn Lung" jury award?

Last Answer : answer:Well, one can hardly blame the customer for not knowing excessive popcorn consumption can kill you. 2 bags doesn’t seem like a whole lot. My grandfather ate a bag of popcorn every night for as long as I’ve been alive. Everyone else – a plague on both your houses!

Description : Does anyone know anything about mock jury trials?

Last Answer : answer:If they told him up front that he'll be paid, it sounds legit to me. He can leave if it is not what he was told. There are legitimate companies that seek out ordinary citizens ... happens the defense paid attention to what the found and the prosecutors discounted the results. Guess who won.

Description : If you were the Judge and the Jury, and it were totally up to your judgement and opinion, what would be the punishment for the kid whose webcam spying caused his roommate Tyler Clemente to commit suicide?

Last Answer : He's 18? And he caused another person's death because of his thoughtless douchebaggery? Hmmmm. I'd likely sentence him to a long prison sentence. That other boy is dead because of him; that' ... prison sentence. With a gay cellmate nicknamed Shirley who gets really lonely in the middle of the night.

Description : I have class and summons for jury duty on the same day, what to do?

Last Answer : answer:Talk to the professor teaching the class and let them know you have jury duty. The school cannot use your serving on jury duty as an excuse to deny you a spot in the class if one comes open. But they can deny you if you don’t inform them first.

Description : What kind of questions do they give you when you show up for jury duty to see if you should be selected as a juror?

Last Answer : When I was chosen, it was just a “raise your hand” kind of thing. Like, raise your hand if you have ever had a family member arrested, raise your hand if you have ever lived out of the state, raise your hand if you think police officers can lie.

Description : Have you ever sat on a jury and what was your experience like?

Last Answer : I'll let you know later. I have to report for jury duty Monday. (I will telephone the court tomorrow afternoon to see if the case has been settled out of court before I go Monday.) If I'm ... be my first time as a juror. My profession has always prevented me from serving as a juror until now.

Description : Would the Casey Anthony jury have been called ”Stupid”, etc had they came back in ten(10) hours with a guilty verdict?

Last Answer : answer:Like I said .. easier trials toked more time [ weeks or months ] . The pressure from the press made them act fast . I don’t think too many would have said they were stupid by declaring her guilty .

Description : If the jury can get it wrong, why can the prosecution not be wrong?

Last Answer : Depending upon the case, before it went to trial, a grand jury was presented the evidence and arguments, and felt there was enough there to merit a jury trial.

Description : How would you feel while the jury was in deliberations?

Last Answer : answer:I can't imagine it's much more stressful than waiting on biopsy results, or for a first grandchild to be born, or a medical procedure on a loved one to be completed and be met in the waiting ... feels nice to see the surgeon walk into the waiting room with a smile; I can tell you that much.

Description : Tips for staying awake during jury duty?

Last Answer : answer:Proper amount of sleep. Stimulant such as coffee or soda. Rubberbands on the wrist so you can snap them when dozing off.

Description : Can you be summoned for jury duty if you're not registered to vote?

Last Answer : Yup…they always find you. One has nothing to do with the other

Description : How do you feel about, a federal court of appeals recently threw out a jury verdict in favor of a father, Albert Snyder, who had sued protesters at his son Matthew's funeral for intentional infliction of emotional distress?

Last Answer : I think it’s terrible. Those people should’ve been kept away from that funeral

Description : What are your thoughts about being called in for jury duty?

Last Answer : Wow. Nobody loves me :(

Description : Do you know of anyone who has used Karma to justify becoming judge, jury, and executioner?

Last Answer : Karma doesn’t work that way. To use Karma to become judge, jury and execution defeats the very object and foundation of karma.

Description : Is it odd that I'm 33 and have never been selected for jury duty?

Last Answer : Seems a little odd to me. I was selected for jury duty pretty much as soon as I registered to vote. That was almost seven years ago though, and I haven’t been chosen once since then.

Description : I got "selected" for Jury Duty....What should I do?

Last Answer : Run. Run hard, run fast and run far. Then show up for Jury duty.

Description : How long do you have to prepare before being sequestered on a jury?

Last Answer : No answers yet I see. Guess there are no lawyers on Fluther.

Description : Is there any other way to get out of jury duty?

Last Answer : I prefer to show up slightly intoxicated, just enough to be noticeable but not enough to be held in contempt. Addressing people with dude followed by a little giggle helps as well.

Description : Do you think the "Jury" is the greatest weakness of the american justice system?

Last Answer : The jury system is not perfect, but it's the best we've got at this time. I'll tell you what I think is a bigger problem (and I just posted to another question similarly) and I'm not sure ... avoid the even LARGER legal fees in going to trial. THIS is a travesty. Something should be done about THIS.

Description : Quick. Should I lie to get out of jury duty?

Last Answer : No, you should not. You should also report your boss to the HR department. What she did is rather illegal. Companies are required to provide time off for jury duty. There’s no reason you should put yourself in legal jeopardy to save your boss an annoyance.

Description : Any suggestions to make my jury duty fun and interesting?

Last Answer : During my questioning, I told the court that our drug laws were born of racism, and that the court was validating racism in the law with every crack trial. Half of the other juror prospects agreed.

Description : How much money do you make serving on jury duty?

Last Answer : here in California i think its $15 a day

Description : What do you think about the O J Simpson trial proceeding in Las Vegas, with an all-white jury?

Last Answer : I don’t know what to think of this. Part of me thinks it’s unfair to go with an all white jury, but when he had a mixed jury in his other trial, despite mounds of evidence, he got aquitted! Ughh…it makes my non-racist brain hurt!

Description : If you are not registered to vote, is it because voter registration rolls are used to select people for jury duty?

Last Answer : Na, I’m just lazy.

Description : Have you ever had jury duty? How did it go?

Last Answer : I’ve served on a jury several times, the first time is interesting, after that it’s kinda a pain. I always try to be impartial and to think through the evidence. The process is always interesting

Description : Who does a jury consist of?

Last Answer : In the United States, juries are made up of 12 regular people from the area in which the trial is held and are not members of the court system. They are paid a small amount for their service. Or people who are not related to the case.

Description : What other qualification must someone meet before he or she can serve on a jury?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What way did Atticus Finch speak to the jury and why?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What are the three principal purpose of jury trial?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Can i be excuse from jury duty if my daughter having surgery?

Last Answer : The court will have a form and you can get it from the jurycommissioner. They will suspend the the original date to a latercourt jury summons.