How did the early poineers find their way while traveling west?

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Last Answer : answer:I would take it as a carry-on, you can't guarantee the environmental conditions in the cargo hold, and it would be wise to carry your meds with you just in case anyway. TSA doesn't ... a bag seperately and let it ride through the scanner. They've never asked me about perscriptions at all.

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Description : What had occurred west of the Appalachians by the early 1800?

Last Answer : Settlement had begun in the Ohio River Valley as well as theMississippi River Valley. Exploration and rising tensions withAmerican Indians had also begun.

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Last Answer : Yes. You usually can’t enter another country without proof that you are leaving again. I have never made it through customs without being asked to show proof of a purchased return ticket.

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Last Answer : Toss it in the air.

Description : [img] https:///wp-content/uploads/2016/01/teszt13.jpg [/ img] Only 1. Only 2. Both 1 and 2.

Last Answer : 2. Only 2.

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Last Answer : BY PLANE

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Last Answer : Baggage handlers could, a lot of them are former prison inmates. But you are more likely to have a TSA agent open your bags and go through them.

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