Can you see what i see treasure ship clothespin clip?

1 Answer

Answer :

What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Hispaniola

Description : Where is clothespin?

Last Answer : Clothspin (UK clothe's peg or simply pegs) are wooden or plastic pegs (clips) that are used to fasten washing on a clothes line while the clothes dry in the open air.

Description : Where is the clothespin in i spy spooky night?

Last Answer : On top of the house on the right side, on the railing with the Bowling pin.

Description : Where is the clothespin in i spy spooky night?

Last Answer : On top of the house on the right side, on the railing with the Bowling pin.

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Last Answer : 3-1/4" Long x 3/8" wide x 7/16" thick.

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Last Answer : I’d say for this guy, yes, it would probably the most treasured thing I could give and recieve… But I doubt I’ll find such a thing so I’ll settle for nigh unconditional hate.

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Last Answer : It only helps them to get attention. Worse yet, people are getting afraid and enraged, which will not bring any good. Catch every one of them and lock them in jail. No clickbaity news titles. No sensationalism. No speeches. Just quietly remove them. They don’t deserve attention.

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Last Answer : I did now and I could not be more appalled by the choreography of this vignette. Seriously? The entire segment was a staged joke and please do not ask or expect me to explain the more than ... Geeze Louise please stop chasing shiny objects like this BS you will sleep better at night if you do!

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Last Answer : Here’s a review of a few free video editing apps. It looks like Jumpcut is the one they liked the best. Also, if you use windows XP, then you have Windows Movie Maker, and can do some simple editing with that.

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Last Answer : Hard to tell…kinda fuzzy…and we ain’t fuzzy.

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Last Answer : I guess she’s died then? She was pretty wonderful. RIP

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Last Answer : I definitely would. Though I’m probably overly sentimental about everything. So maybe not the target audience for this question. :P

Description : [Serious] What should you do after finding a hidden treasure? How would you go about avoiding authorities and spending the epic loot?

Last Answer : answer:Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : There's really no way to be sure. The problem is that one thing led to another to another. We supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war. (1980-1988). Iraq was our friend. Until Saddam ... blood and treasure. The situation in Iraq is a testament of terrible American leadership from Reagan on forward.

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Last Answer : Dude.. You need a ten gallon fish tank with a few feeder goldfish. It is a cheap hobby and they are super fun to watch swimming around. And you get the bonus of being responsible for feeding them and ... tank is top notch. It is good to have some life you have to keep alive. It gives you purpose.

Description : What is your treasure trove of stuff?

Last Answer : :::Soft Daddy klaxon::: My “treasure” is the ton of photos of my kids taken throughout their lives to date. Great memories stay in your head but it’s nice to add imagery to enhance those special moments in time.

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Last Answer : answer:How large would the treasure chest be? 10” x 10” would hold significantly less than 2’ x 3’

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Last Answer : Oh, certainly. Buyer’s Remorse accompanies many major purchases.

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Last Answer : Escalator handles.

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Last Answer : I would wait one day, then check syz’ question to see if there are satisfying answers and go from there.

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Last Answer : My silly collection of movie ticket stubs from every movie I’ve gone to since my first daughter was born. I also keep every card that I, my husband or my children receive for Christmas, birthdays and such. And I have a lot of things saved back for my daughters from when they were babies.

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Last Answer : answer:We haven't left completely. While the combat guys are coming home, there are still about 50,000 guys still in Iraq (for training and support). We'll see what happens once all of the training ... over to our guys so they could give it to the orphanages. Things like that do make a difference.

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Last Answer : Of course. For some, that table may provide where they have none. Or, perhaps a project is at hand. It is the best recycling, both for physical and mental reasons. I encourage everyone to do what you have done. Thank you, @Frenchfry.

Description : Whatever happened to that treasure hunt?

Last Answer : what country.. Edit: im guessing by your name America?

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Last Answer : Is it NP complete?

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Last Answer : Some feel that it is a legend and that the treasure either never existed or perhaps was removed years ago. Excellent question regarding the technology! I will be watching this question to see if any of our experts is science or mathmatics can chime in.

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Last Answer : find treasure

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Last Answer : Yes, I do. I would recommend Bill Wyman’s.

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Last Answer : No, but when my daughter was 7, she found a vodka bottle on the beach with the cap on it. We took it back to the hotel, wrote a note and asked the finder to send her a postcard, and put ... found her bottle on the beach. It made its way around the bottom of South America and up the western coast.

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Last Answer : Amusing in a way, but I find the Wikipedia vandalism to be highly annoying most of the time. I mean, people use it to find legitimate information for reports, school work, personal information, etc. Damn griefers. :P

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Last Answer : Shrug our shoulders, shake our heads, and keep on exactly as we have every other day. Where do you think diamonds come from anyway? It’s nothing more than squashed garbage.

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Last Answer : Because he was a little shellfish.

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Last Answer : An egg.

Description : A box without hinges, key or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : An egg.

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Last Answer : A beehive.

Description : A container without hinges, lock or a key, yet a golden treasure lies inside me. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : An egg.

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Last Answer : Captain Flint

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Last Answer : Admiral Benbow

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Last Answer : Robert Louis Stevenson

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Last Answer : the treasure of lemon brown

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Last Answer : I found it! Its on page 14 its in the picture with the riddle that says I fought and I stole fine treasures of gold it’s in the clouds!

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Description : And where?

Last Answer : Best to start with old archives. But wherever you start, the result is uncertain

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Last Answer : Search and dig, try again and again and maybe you will succeed.

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Last Answer : The mermaid is in the land in "now they're looking for me on land and sea ". On page 15. The land all by itself

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Last Answer : It is in the wrinkles of the sail in the