What is the definition of an extinct volcano?

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B

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Last Answer : For personal use, certainly. I don’t think I know a single person my age who still has a landline. I could see corporations continuing to use them (call centers, etc).

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Last Answer : I would be delighted.

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Last Answer : I forgot which ones are real dinosaurs I like T Rex

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Last Answer : answer:A whale hatchery wouldn’t be too practical. They’d all be extinct now.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. I was reading this book from the library just a couple of weeks ago. Find it and read it. The quick answer to how has to do with long ... amazon.com/Feathered-River-Across-Sky-Extinction/dp/1620405342/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400639020&sr=8-1&keywords=pigeon+passenger

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Last Answer : ’‘waits for the inevitable answers that will mention things like common sense and manners’’

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Last Answer : As far as I’m aware, there are very few people who think this can actually be accomplished. I’m looking forward to reading the responses to the Redford et al. paper.

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Last Answer : Hunting and habitat destruction.

Description : Is the "housewife" now an almost totally extinct species?

Last Answer : answer:Yeah, there’s only househusbands now lol. The housewife role is still here and will be for a long time. I know multiple guys whose wives don’t work, although some are voluntary, and some aren’t.

Description : Do you know any endangered/extinct plants that can ameliorate/cure diseases?

Last Answer : answer:Go to some early homeopathic work. Perhaps begin with Samuel Hahnemann, M.D., the father of homeopathy'. The approach to healing is altogether different than what you are used to. There was a ... well. The key is finding a great one. And, finding sources with excellent standards. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Sunscreen sales will plummet.

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Last Answer : Probably not. They’re great disease vectors and are an essential part to most ecosystems. And they are too many to destroy. Kind of like storm troopers…with syringes on their faces.

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Last Answer : I don’t think we will ever be extinct. Unless a predator comes that can destroy us. Possibly aliens.

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Last Answer : check here This was all I could find on their history and what not. As far as websites about them as pets, there are hundreds LOL

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Last Answer : Psst…I think Harp is asleep right now.

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Last Answer : A sad and lost species with no real direction. Unless they find a little android child in the ice off the coast of New York, then they could see we are not only sad but also violent and self-destructive.

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Last Answer : The tufted tit mouse.

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Last Answer : Its funny you ask this question, 20 minutes ago i stumbled on these amazing articles.

Description : If it's true that Beta fish are fighting fish and can't put them into same tank because they will kill each other. Then how come they don't kill each other all off in the wild and become extinct?

Last Answer : Yes it's true. Though they don't actually fight (expect for maybe a little biting), they psych each other out till one dies. They are territorial. If a beta goes into another area they'll fight . ... the pond is gonna fishes whole territory but a little tank isn't going to be enough space for two.

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Last Answer : answer:Planet Earth: Temperate Forests had a segment on pandas. Apparently, they can only nurse one baby every several years, and even devoting all of their time to nursing a baby may ... habitat by the massive demands of the Chinese economy have created a situation entirely unsuitable for pandas.

Description : Highlight any three differences between endangered species and extinct species. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Endangered species 1. These are species which are in danger of extinction. 2. The survival of such species is difficult if the negative factors that have led to decline in their population continue to ... or the entire earth. 3. Asiatic cheetah, pink head duck are examples of extinct species.

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Last Answer : Extinct species are those species which are not found after searches of known or likely areas where they may occur. A species may be extinct from a local area, region, country, continent ... to protect endangered species, for example, hunting of such animal is banned under Wildlife Protection Act.

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Last Answer : Differences between endangered species and Extinct species:-

Description : (ii) When did they (Australopithecus) originate and become extinct? -History

Last Answer : (ii) Australopithecus originated in about 5.6 mya and became extinct about 1.3 mya.

Description : What if dinosaurs didn't go extinct?

Last Answer : I don't think man would've had the opportunity to evolve safely. Had there been such super-predators, I don't we would've been able to make such big societal jumps as needed ... or at a minimum, they would've taken much longer to occur.

Last Answer : Indigo cultivation was abolished in Bengal - in 180 , for the Indigo Rebellion.

Last Answer : About 23 crore years ago

Last Answer : March 10, 1910.

Last Answer : Abraham Lincoln Das Custom Extinct Does.

Last Answer : 1829 In Satidah Custom Resistance To do Is 3

Description : I consider myself Emo too, but I see sadly that there are simply no regular groups where you can talk normally. The face groups are extinct, nothing is happening in it ... can you possibly recommend such a group or page? Thank you for your reply: D

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I read somewhere that the last captive specimen died in a zoo in the 1900s. This is true? What can you know about it? Are you sure he's completely extinct?

Last Answer : A purse wolf native to Australia and Tasmania was destroyed by hunters in the early 1900s. Dog-like animals were the largest purse predators, reaching as long as two feet, a third of which were ... was declared protected in 1936, and the last specimen was destroyed at the Hobart Zoo that year.

Description : I'm interested in your opinion, not what the search engine throws at me :)

Last Answer : One of the prerequisites for the life of such a creature is a greater amount of oxygen in the air. Earlier (in the time of the dinosaurs) it was more than today's 21-22 percent, so today ... even if they were cloned. If there was a catastrophe (asteroid or some bigger rubble) they could suffocate.

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Last Answer : Maybe yes and maybe not. Let's say the population was actually wiped out over 70% and there was a new world order without religion. Keeping in mind that there are also other factors apart from religion ... the things that define many of us even unconsciously. I'd say we make our around these things.

Description : How did dinosaurs extinct?

Last Answer : Dinosaur extinction is also known as the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. Until now, the extinction of these species still comes as a mystery to scientists. However, most hypothesis point to ... the primary up to the apex consumer. Thus, food shortage amongst species also become apparent.

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Last Answer : Which one of the following birds has recently become extinct ? A. Archaeopteryx B. Archaeomis C. Dodo D. Great Indian Bustard

Description : If the Bengal Tiger becomes extinct :

Last Answer : If the Bengal Tiger becomes extinct : A. Hyenas and wolves will become scars B. the ... of beautiful animals like deers will get stabilized