What culture does a malagan mask come from?

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Last Answer : He was shocked and annoyed that she was a “kid”. Later, in E2, he asks if she’s 18. She says she’s 22, to which he shoots back, “Same thing”.

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Description : How much should a sleep mask cost?

Last Answer : Whatever you are willing to pay. If you don't like the price, make your own.

Description : How do you deal with mask mandates being lifted and being paranoid to return to normal life?

Last Answer : You can still protect yourself and wear one. Keep distance to others. Do as much online shopping you can instead of going out if you don't feel comfortable being among others.

Description : What do you think CDC's new mask guidelines will be, supposedly coming this week?

Last Answer : Wear them in public transport, in airports and airplanes. All the rest voluntarily.

Description : Now that mask mandates are being dropped in most states, do you think they could ever be re-imposed?

Last Answer : We have had a mask mandate for two months in California in response to the omicron spike. But the spike passed a month ago, and all the numbers that have been followed improved (infection rates, ... in the Bay Area, people are willing to abide by them if they make sense and protect people.

Description : Daycare workers and elementary school teachers, how are the young kids doing with mask mandates?

Last Answer : I’m only in schools part time but I do have young kids, and I’ve noticed that kids are generally more dilligent and accepting of mask rules, distancing, and handwashing than adults. The demo skews lefty middle class, but that diverges into antivax too, and the kids all seem to do rather well.

Description : How has mask wearing changed kids' behavior in school?

Last Answer : My 5 year old grandson is in school. Mask wearing does not make any difference in behavior. The kids act exactly the same way they did before. They don’t even notice the masks.

Description : How many times can you reuse a disposable Covid mask?

Last Answer : You should only use it once. If it was exposed to the Covid virus (and you really can't know if it was) it needs to be thrown away, because you can't wash it, hence that is why it is disposable, ... for a one time use. Note: cloth masks should be washed every time you wear it, for the same reason.

Description : What mask should I wear for household cleaning products?

Last Answer : Gas/Vapor Respirators Two organic vapor respirator cartridges with particulate filtration. Gas/vapor air-purifying respirators generally come in the form of cartridges that attach to a reusable ... www.lowes.com/n/buying-guide/respirator-safety-mask-guide Respirators should be professionally fitted

Description : If kids in the US start dropping dead like flies due to a Covid19 variant, would there be less anti-mask and anti-vaccine efforts?

Last Answer : A guy mowed down a classroom full of kids, and right wingers did not care. They even went so far as to deny that it happened, and harassed the survivors, accusing them of being “actors”.

Description : If Covid 19 killed an infected person at a much faster rate, would there be less anti-mask and anti-vaccine sentiments and effort?

Last Answer : I'm not sure if it takes (much) longer in reality. No I don't think it would change much, were it a much faster death. I think that if it would literally decimate the population, and people would lose ... . But people (some) who are strongly anti might see in him a straw man of the New World Order.

Description : If businesses decide to keep a mandatory mask use in place after the Government takes theirs down will you respect it?

Last Answer : Yep Better yet, I don’t need shops or companies to make it mandatory, I’ll keep on wearing it there until I personally feel like I can do it without again. I must say that I’ve liked it.

Description : Is there something wrong with the CDC guidance on mask wearing?

Last Answer : What is wrong with it, is that because you do not need proof of vaccination, you will have all the unvaccinated anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers pretending to be vaccinated. In addition ... worry about being infected by unmasked unvaccinated honourless K'Pekts who are pretending to be vaccinated.

Description : Truthfully when in public do you respect having to wear a mask and social distancing?

Last Answer : SQUEEKY2 Yes, both.

Description : Are you ok with vaccinated employees in stores not wearing a mask?

Last Answer : My opinion only: I don’t think we are at that point yet. With so many variants going around, the science isn’t there to understand if the vaccines we have now are effective against the new variants.

Description : Are Texans really this gullible? Will taking away mask requirements help people forget their electric power problems?

Last Answer : He’s wanting to re-open to appeal to the Reps so he can win a third term against Democrat Beto O’Rourke. I’m skeptical it will work but you never know. I think it’s a bad idea personally, just based on the numbers/ cases.

Description : Haven't you always been socially distant, and worn a mask?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : What japanese festival that use a paper mask for there parade?

Last Answer : Feb 3 is the Japanese Setsubun festival. Red mask

Description : Why don't I need a welding mask when I watch a welding video on YouTube?

Last Answer : because there are no actual sparks? because the brightness of the screen is limited? why do you not go blind when you look at a painting of the sun?

Description : Has anyone ever used that black peel-off mask face cleaner?

Last Answer : I watched several videos. It looks like it works.

Description : Can an astronaut , on a spacewalk, open his face mask?

Last Answer : Only once.

Description : I am trying to develop my luchador mask/personality, any suggestions?

Last Answer : answer:Beer theme. Pale Ale Man?

Description : Where can I buy a V for vendetta mask, that was NOT made by slave workers?

Last Answer : answer:Made in USA Pricer, but apparently better quality, made in Russia Etsy is the shiz.

Description : What is the difference between a mask and a masque?

Last Answer : As I interpret it, a mask is what you wear on your face and a masque is a costume party or event at which people are in masks, for example Edgar Allan Poe’s story “The Masque of the Red Death.”

Description : Does this sound like post partum pregnancy mask?

Last Answer : Sounds like tinea. Anti fungal creme will take care of it, so will Selsun Blue, actually. It could have been caused by an imbalance in your body’s flora due to the birth. Also by dampness. Go ahead and check, because it could be something else, I suppose. But that was the first thing I thought of.

Description : Are there any disadvantages to applying a facial mask every alternate day? (Read Details).

Last Answer : Doesn’t the mask that you found have directions that include a suggested application frequency?

Description : Why do people-power movements like Anonymous use the Guy Fawkes mask as an emblem?

Last Answer : I think it’s just because of the movie “V” and the Guy Fawkes connection may not be logical but the Anonymous connection has overwhelmed any other.

Description : Are the pores under a face mask actually oil?

Last Answer : They are your pores. The oil has been removed with the mask. Pored are openings in the surface of your skin.

Description : Is there anything in the universe that could mask the taste of liquid vitamins?

Last Answer : Mix it with a little honey.

Description : In Asia if you are not feeling well it is polite to wear a paper mask in public to avoid contaminating others. Does it help and why don't we do this in other countries?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely, totally acceptable. I traveled in Asia this time last year and many, many, people wore masks. Partly because of potential illness but also, because of the pollution factors in the big ... the metro stations. Much more so than anything I have ever seen in America or anywhere else.

Description : Wearing a different mask for others?

Last Answer : It’s absolutely normal to present different aspects of your personality to different people. You wouldn’t think of behaving in front of your boss the same way you do with your goofing around buddies, or the same way with your mother that you do with the barrista at the coffee shop.

Description : Is a woman's "veil" considered a mask?

Last Answer : Yeah, I don't know. But now that you mention it. I wonder. Do they ever take family photos at home without the veil? If they do than I don't understand why they wouldn't take a photo for driver ... veils but that was before 9-ll. I can't say I remember seeing any wear veils more recently in public.

Description : Why are you supposed to put the oxygen mask on yourself first on an airplane?

Last Answer : You can't help them if you are unconscious or dead. Your first priority is to keep yourself awake and alert AND THEN help the kids. Most people can survive (even unconscious) without getting extra oxygen for ... , but you are awake, you can put the mask on them. The opposite is unlikely to happen.

Description : How do I use proactiv's repairing lotion and refining mask?

Last Answer : Wash your face with the cleanser and then gently wipe with the toner. Then the Repairing Lotion goes on. The Refining Mask is for blemishes. Scars are a whole other matter.

Description : Have you made a silicon mask (disguise)?

Last Answer : answer:I’m sorry I haven’t made one of these. But hopefully this and this might help. I’m afraid I didn’t find anything on silicon.

Description : Jason Voorhees, the killer dude with the hockey mask, yay or nay, fan or not?

Last Answer : I liked the 8-bit video game. The movies are meh. Zelda would kick his undead ass.

Description : How can I make wearing a respiratory mask more comfortable?

Last Answer : A family member of mine wears one and it took a lot of trial and error to find the right mask that felt comfortable. Did you get to try a few at the doctor's office or did they just send you ... your glasses. Ask your doctor for other options if the one you are using right now doesn't work for you.

Description : Any sleep apnea people on Fluther that hate their CPAP mask?

Last Answer : My wife has sleep apnea and a sleeping disorder. at first, she tried the mask. she, like you, hated it and i thought i was sleeping with someone from World War I. we sat and thought about something ... for her. she now takes one Lenesta about 30 minutes before bedtime and so far .....so good. john

Description : What story could mask a long absence from the workforce?

Last Answer : Are we talking about a mental health problem? If that's the case, I can understand you being afraid to share that with potential employers, as some people will hold that against you. However, no one ... recovered from it. I think it might even be illegal to ask you for details about the situation.

Description : Cigarette smell how to mask and or eliminate it?

Last Answer : febreze. but the real advice: Quit smoking while you still can. Inhaling the smoke from burning dried plants and by that shortening your life, clogging your lungs, increasing your cancer risk is not ... mention that you also endanger those around you who are forced to inhale the smoke you exhale.

Description : What's an exampe of a time you'd use a mask on Photoshop?

Last Answer : If I want to limit an effect to a certain shape or portion of the page, I would usually use a mask. In the design for Fluther, I would use a mask to fade the opacity of the dark background pattern ... in my mockup so it would appear only in that portion and not on the layers behind. Does that help?

Description : Whether you are experiencing any enforcement or not, how much time during a typical day are you wearing a mask due to precautions against COVID?

Last Answer : Now that I'm not in California, basically never. Like everyone else.

Description : How would I make/find a mask like this?

Last Answer : File not found.

Description : Where can i find a sara palin mask?

Last Answer : I have no idea, but good luck! I love the idea. As a last resort, make your own with some card and the printer. Rubber would be better though.

Description : Will you be saddened over the removal of the mask mandate? If it’s already removed how has it affected/benefited your community?

Last Answer : Make it optional but not mandated, hopefully soon. I still prefer to have my mask on though because it serves as my invisibility cloak.