In real estate the person who acts for and with the authority of another is called?

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Related questions

Description : Real estate question. Can a person be on the promissory note and not on the deed of trust?

Last Answer : Yes, anytime one person co-signs for someone else, they are on the promise to pay. They don't have to have any ownership in the property (real estate as well as auto). This is usually done ... who signs off a quit-claim deed in the mistaken belief that gets them out of responsibility for the debt.

Description : In real estate, a person selling his or her home lists the price of the home. In return, the person who wants to buy the home provides the price he or she is willing to pay for the home. What is this an example of?

Last Answer : price bidding

Description : In real estate, a person selling his or her home lists the price of the home. In return, the person who wants to buy the home provides the price he or she is willing to pay for the home. What is this an example of?

Last Answer : price bidding

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Last Answer : d) All the above

Description : .If specific information comes to an auditor's attention that implies the existence of possible illegal acts that could have a material, but indirect effect on-the financial statements, the auditor ... d. Discuss the evidence with the client's audit committee, or others with equivalent authority.

Last Answer : Apply audit procedures specifically directed to ascertaining whether an illegal act has occurred

Description : When does apparent authority of an agent arise? a. When the acts with the usual authority of the job b. When the principal gives the agent implied authority to act c. When the agent has actual authority ... represents to a third party that an agent has the authority to act when in fact he doesn't

Last Answer : d. When the principal represents to a third party that an agent has the authority to act when in fact he doesn’t

Description : An agent who has authority to do all acts connected with a particular trade, business or employment. a. Commission agent b. General agent c. Del credere agent d. Broker

Last Answer : b. General agent

Description : What becomes of Trump's real estate empire if our government REALLY cracks down on Russian oligarchs?

Last Answer : Well that is a great question since the Russian Mafia seems to be his largest group of investors ! trump resorts may tank in the next 12 months.

Description : In a real estate context, what is "like-minded" code language for?

Last Answer : Since he doesn’t know you, I’m assuming he knows how much you are willing to spend so I would think he’s referring to your socioeconomic status, or what he perceives it to be based on your income.

Description : Have any jellies done a 1031 Exchange of real estate?

Last Answer : Over the years, I've handled dozens of like-kind exchanges. I'll tell you two things: First, you don't want to get sophisticated tax advice from an online message board. Sec. 1031 transactions are ... 't sell your land, on your own, thinking that you can roll over the gain into another property.

Description : Do you think real estate in America is bubbling up again?

Last Answer : I’m not sure about real-estate, but the United States might be in for a trillion dollar student loan default coming soon.

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Last Answer : For starters, It depends entirely on the situation, the accuracy of the information posted online, and whether or not the website is working properly. The short It depends.

Description : What are good gifts for a real estate agent who is going above and beyond for you, the buyer?

Last Answer : Honestly, your business. They will usually gift something to you for using them if they get a sale. They also hope you will recommend them to others in your position so of they are going above and ... Using a buyers agent is a smart thing to do because it's not usually costing the buyer anything.

Description : What would be the best way to create a group on Facebook for real estate purposes?

Last Answer : answer:The two factors in a successful real estate business are getting listings, and getting clients that need your expertise in finding a house to buy. Yes, that means advertising your skills. I have a friend ... well and so does his agency. I will PM his name and the broker he is affiliated with.

Description : Have you watched the 6 part HBO documentary about real estate heir/alleged murderer Robert Durst?

Last Answer : No. I have zero interest in learning more about this man and his ugly doings.

Description : Has it become dangerous for a female real estate agent to show a man a house ?

Last Answer : One murder does not a trend make. If you want to run your life on fear you can but it’s a lousy way to live.

Description : What are some questions to ask the real estate agent when you go to look at a house that's for sale?

Last Answer : answer:Check info for the address on . It is not always perfect but it is usually close. Print out a copyu so you have it with you and keep it in a folder. (It will hint that ... are big ones. Tell him you will have an engineering inspection if you are interested. Exciting times. :-)

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Last Answer : Where is the home located? Primarily I’m asking about population density (urban vs rural).

Description : Is this real estate arrangement a crazy idea?

Last Answer : answer:I think mixing the role of tenant and the role of contractor is a bad idea. I think the person may take longer to fix up the house to extend the time that they can play tenant. I think ... the house and then want to sell it, that will be a separate situation than that of the tenant issue.

Description : Why do real estate agents want listings?

Last Answer : There doesn’t have to be a listing agent. It would then be a FSBO ==> for sale by owner. I’ve seen a FSBO house at 40 % higher than last years valuation for the property. The buyer’s agent will not be able to convince the seller that their idea of value is not reasonable.

Description : I am thinking of selling my house; what are some good questions to ask of listing agents (real estate agents)?

Last Answer : How many escrows have you closed in the last year Will you be offering a selling agent a full 50% of the commission? (Didn't ask this one once when we sold my moms house and we got fewer shows ... for feedback? What should I do right now to make my home more marketable? How much will that cost?

Description : Is there a website like Yelp for real estate agent reviews?

Last Answer : There is no reason that real estate agents can’t be review on Yelp! In the bay area, Yelp! is very popular and you can find reviews for anyone doing business, including real estate agents.

Description : What makes flipping (real estate for example) illegal?

Last Answer : A seller could neglect to disclose major problems with a property. The person who buys the property to flip it could use shoddy materials and poor workmanship to create a place that looks great on the surface but will fall apart quickly. Those are two that things that would,be unethical.

Description : What are good reasons to get into real estate investing?

Last Answer : answer:Buy low + fix up + sell mid -high = profit Great time to do it if you know what you’re doing.

Description : Is obtaining a real estate license a nice "fall back," or perhaps more?

Last Answer : answer:It's a wonderful idea but not in NYC where you will be competing with established large firms that have been around since before the flood. If you can find a smaller area, you might be ... a small income flow that was unpredictable. So they bought an arts and crafts store in town instead.

Description : Real estate advice: Buy, hold, sell, etc?

Last Answer : answer:How old are you and what are your goals? You situation is complicated and other information is needed. The only thing interesting I could say is that with inflation right around corner, selling a house now would be a bad idea.

Description : Where can I report a real estate agent for unethical business practices?

Last Answer : I realize I can take her to small claims court, but I’d like to save that as a last resort. I’d like to everything possible first to get my EMD back before resorting to the courts.

Description : Why did the real estate market bubble so high in SoCal, NV, and FL and not so high in TX, CO, IL?

Last Answer : answer:Because FL and NV especially had a lot of investors buying property. No one was living in a lot of the places, they were second homes and homes purchased to flip or rent. So, what that ... exactly how everything happened in that market though. Maybe they had a lot of job losses? Not sure.

Description : Can you guys tell me what the 72 hour real estate clause means to us in this situation?

Last Answer : From the time of notice of the other offer on that other house you have 72 hours to execute the offer you made on the other house that was accepted with this 72 hour contingency clause in your offer. ... in that time period the seller is free to accept this other offer if they choose to do so.

Description : Real Estate Question: Owner as agent--how does this affect a transaction?

Last Answer : answer:1. In the US, these are public records held at the town hall / city hall. You could simply ask the seller (and then follow up by checking). (We also have in the US, which ... because of my lack of experience, and the size of the investment. 4. SWAG: Scientific Wild-Ass Guess.

Description : Is it proper to bid lower than asking price on real estate?

Last Answer : answer:I think it depends on the seller and how many other people are interested in the property. Some people might be set it stone with their price, while others may be open to taking less. The ... someone else was interested, I'd probably go with their asking price if I really wanted the place.

Description : Questions to ask a Real Estate Lawyer?

Last Answer : answer:Here's a guide on selecting a good lawyer. Lots of good questions! Here are the questions for reference: How to Find a (Good) Real Estate Lawyer by Sue Caskey Attorney, Sue ... surprised at how a fruitful relationship will develop. This person will have connections that can benefit you.

Description : How is investment property classified if it is not fixed real estate?

Last Answer : Can you give an example of what this income producing “object” might be? I’m not sure what you mean by “an object that is not fixed land deed real estate.” Are you thinking about buying a hot dog cart or something?

Description : Real Estate Gurus: just how bad are power lines for resale?

Last Answer : answer:Simply and my opinion… They are ugly, noisy and can get old to look at. Not my idea of a view. And, are you sure about the health risks?

Description : Which country do you believe has the best quality of life, real estate value?

Last Answer : That is a very subjective question, but your best bet would be to look at the List of Countries by Human Development Index. The top country as of 2009 is Norway.

Description : Do Real Estate Agents charge commission on seller paid closing costs?

Last Answer : answer:My limited understanding is that the seller pays the real estate commission, and if there's a buyer's broker involved, then the selling agent and buyer's agent split the commission. If your agent is ... perform the sale-well, you'll share in the increase, so that's not a bad thing at all.

Description : When did the media newscasters first start calling the US real estate market of the past 10 years a "bubble"?

Last Answer : It was around 2002 or 2003 when we all saw the real estate market blowing itself up ridiculously…by 2004 – 2005 we were wondering when the bubble would burst!

Description : How do I go about buying commercial real estate?

Last Answer : answer:Simply ask friends if they know of a commercial real estate broker or ask colleagues that they would recommend. If not, look in the local business newspaper for lists of commercial real estate brokers.

Description : If you sign off on an offer to buy some property, do you have to stick with that real estate agent?

Last Answer : You mean, you put down earnest money? Tell more.

Description : How do you know if a real estate agent is legit and being honest with you?

Last Answer : answer:Real estate agents are paid their commission by the seller of the property. The commission rate is negotiable, but is generally 7%. Are you a buyer or a seller? If you're a buyer, you don' ... but not all agents have the connections to move houses. Some are better at their job than others.

Description : What kind of professional would be best suited to provide guidance on a complicated real estate/financial problem?

Last Answer : A real estate broker, agent or attorney.

Description : Advice on (i) whether to become and (ii) how to become a REAL ESTATE AGENT?

Last Answer : Now is going to be tough for you because the housing market is down. If you’re showing property, you’ll probably want to start working out now. I dont know how one goes about becoming a real estate agent.

Description : Anyone know much about Boulder and Denver real estate?

Last Answer : What kind of neighborhood do you like? Urban? Suburban? Is a lot of yard and a house with character important to you, or would you like a new neighborhood?

Description : What's a good real estate company name?

Last Answer : “Land Ho” Real Estate

Description : Are we at a bottom yet in terms of real estate prices (particularly residential values)?

Last Answer : The second phase is about to hit. The first phase was the people who never should have gotten a loan in the first place. The second phase is the people who had a generous amount of equity, but it all evaporated. ... hit the fan yet. There is a very large turd on it's way. I wish it weren't true.

Description : What are some gotchas of investment real estate?

Last Answer : Always get an inspection before you close a deal. You really need to know what ‘hidden’ problems there could be.

Description : What is the the best entry-level real estate job for an upcoming college graduate?

Last Answer : I just read an article on Inman saying that ranks of real estate staff will thin between 20%-40% by 2010. Real estate folks are dropping out of the busniess in numbers not seen since the 1970's. ... downsized and laid off. Try health care or education, or check our working for the Gov. Good luck.

Description : Do you know of any websites for real estate brokers to look for agents?

Last Answer : They advertise a lot on

Description : In real estate, what does it mean when listed as "studio"?

Last Answer : A room with a bathroom and kitchen. The Bathroom is usually enclosed. Seriously, a room with a bathroom and a kitchen. Your living room is your bedroom. I love them. edit :: and a Quad is when you share the kitchen and bathroom. This arrangement sucks ass.

Description : Real estate terminology question?

Last Answer : It sounds like yet another way to suck money from the gullible.