Why was it necessary for the Greek inside the horse to remain quiet?

1 Answer

Answer :

So the Trojans would not know that they were in there, and killthem. The plan was to get the horse inside the city walls, and theGreeks in the horse would open the gates to let the Greek armiesin.

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Last Answer : The frustrated Greeks would have had to go home, laden with lootfrom Asia Minor, but without the richest pickings of Troy.

Description : Are you quiet and often live inside your head?

Last Answer : Good question. I've been single for a long time, and I'm used to being alone. The answer is yes, I live inside my head. I also practice daily meditation, which puts me even more in ... daily work done. If it's interfering with responsibilities, then it needs to be talked about with a professional.

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Last Answer : No, don't whip them! You can get a training whip and you just have to make the sound sometimes, but not really to scare them. And you put it on their back (just touching) so they know it's there. But it's deffinatly not neccasary!

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Last Answer : Ans: (d)

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Last Answer : Ans: (d)

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Last Answer : (4) the winds do not come across any barriers to cause the necessary uplift to cool the wind Explanation: Rainfall decreases as winds move westwards up the Ganga Plains. Rajasthan ... range, the weather is characterized by relatively low wind velocity and high humidity with better rainfall.

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Last Answer : Require management to cease doing so.

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Last Answer : If you search on the opposite side of the road on the east side of Dhaka Gulistan Trade Center Market, you will find it. You will also find items in any homeopathic pharmacy or store that sells herbal medicine.

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Last Answer : (1) Increase Explanation: The metal ball can be considered to be made up of several layers of thinner ones. On heating each of these layers will increase in radius. As the inner most layer also increases its radius, the volume inside it i.e, the volume of the hollow portion will also increase.

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Last Answer : Ans: Because of the presence of air, which is poor conductor of heat, in between the double glass walls of a thermos flask.

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Last Answer : Answer : c

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Last Answer : I’m in college for IT

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Last Answer : Yes. Calm music. Also, does it happen when they’re tired? In which case, plug in some good movie that doesn’t have a lot of action and adventure. How old are they?

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Last Answer : It used to drive me crazy when I was a kid and stayed up late to watch movies in the livingroom when I was supposed be in bed. I would carefully set the volume down low, so my parents wouldn't hear ... the TV. You'd have to download the film onto your hard drive then load it into the editor first.

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Last Answer : answer:I can't. I've tried for years to get her to stop barking hysterically every time a person or a dog passes the house. The only luck I have seemed to have had is in the past ... the hysterical barking that makes throw herself at the fence, screaming and screaming ...That she gets punished for.

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Last Answer : answer:Egg crate foam. It's good enough for soundproof rooms, so why not? Hell, I know someone who, on a tight budget yet in need of a way to muffle their music space, just put up a whole ... though. You need something to scatter/diffuse it, and that irregular egg crate shape is great for that.

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Last Answer : It is very quiet in my Florida condo. We have an end unit and there is a single older man on the other side of us. A meadow behind us. Very quiet and peaceful.

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Last Answer : A Barnes and Noble or Starbucks? One of the Columbia University lounges or libraries?

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Last Answer : A moment of silence is just that, brief, with individual reflective thought implied. Quiet time is longer and may be in respect to others needing the quiet or to your own need. In schools either is used to settle students down before lessons begin or resume.

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Last Answer : No, not today. It does happen to me sometimes, which can be a big problem when I have to go to class, or teach class. I try to focus on my breathing and remember my goals and try to remember the kind of person I want to be.

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Last Answer : Okay, a guy was born with three testicles. He was scared women would feel them and shun him. He was so worried he went to the Dr to see about getting one removed. The Dr said the risks were too high ... . The cabby looked in the mirror and said You only have one? Not a disease but a bummer still.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes I am very tired of all the things you mention. I find peace in my rural setting while gazing at the infinite universe. It makes everything seem small. You can come join me in the serene sanity of my meditation, good sir.

Description : How can I keep my rats quiet during the night?

Last Answer : Sorry to break it to you, but rats are generally nocturnal (yes, I know you know that). There is really little you can do about it as it is a part of their nature.

Description : Anyone care to join me in a quiet prayer for Jeret "Speedy" Peterson?

Last Answer : Not to sound cold, but it won’t help at this point.

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Last Answer : answer:I think that in such a situation, a coin-toss would be appropriate, Now, i there were more people on one side of the quiet vs TV debate then I would go with majority rules. However, I would have ... there is A/C. I also have a smartphone, so I can watch stuff even when I am not inside ;)

Description : Should I be quiet or would I be tattling?

Last Answer : answer:Oh do tattle. Tattle your little tail off. Tattle tattle tattle all the way home and at every opportunity. Then ! And only then, will you truly discover why tattling is unacceptable. You know ... complaining about the speck in the eyes of others. Good luck! Either way, karma will catch you!

Description : Boring question #78; sonics aka silencers are they that quiet really or does size matter?

Last Answer : The mythbusters did an episode on that recently. “Silencers” do not make gun shots quiet. Just a bit less loud.

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Last Answer : I googled “bars Gagnam Seoul” and came up with this list. Several of them are described as quiet.

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Last Answer : The sound of snow melting would do it for me. Snowing AGAIN today.

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Last Answer : I hate that, although it’s funny hearing myself slow my chewing down once it becomes quiet. But I can’t do anything about it except chew with my mouth closed.

Description : Why is being a loner and quiet seen as a negative thing?

Last Answer : By some it may be, but certainly not by all.

Description : What is the appeal of quiet?

Last Answer : Nothing can be louder than total silence. In fact, it's deafening. I discovered this on a mountain between Sedona and Flagstaff. It was scary, all that silence, but I think it's good for the soul ... din of voices, cars, trains, music, barking, cell phone ringing and people TALKING on cell phones.

Description : How do you respond when someone says to you that "you're too quiet"?

Last Answer : Well, you could scream “WELL F*K YOU!” in their face, but then I’m not advocating that as the height of decorum. ^_^

Description : My place is quiet (my niece is out with Papa) and I'm sipping my java and listening to Blue Grass; how is your Thursday?

Last Answer : Nice day today. I’m listening to AC/DC, Cover You in Oil. There isn’t a cloud in the sky.

Description : Do you talk alot in real life or are you quiet and reserved?

Last Answer : It depends on who I’m talking to. But generally speaking I’d say I’m quite and reserved. However, when I’m with friends I can let my guard down and talk a lot. However, with relative strangers I take some time to come out of my shell.

Description : Fan Engineers: What factors determine how quiet a given fan design is?

Last Answer : Those days are over with the new Dyson fan. Blows like a jet engine and is virtually silent. Sorry I can’t help you on the answer.

Description : We you need to go to that quiet place to think, where do you go?

Last Answer : I’ve never needed to take time out to go to a quiet place to think about anything.

Description : Is there a polite but firm way to quiet people's dismay that I exercise?

Last Answer : II get that a lot too because I really don’t need to lose weight… I just started telling people that my goal is to have a Lady Gaga body. lol

Description : What Do You Think of a "Quiet Claim Deed"?

Last Answer : If it were me and I were looking to buy him out, I would want to then own the proerty free and clear. Unless you have a family reason for doing him a favor, I would want a straight sale.

Description : When playing, why do some kids scream while others are quiet? Does it mean anything?

Last Answer : they are kind of like some here on ask-public!

Description : Are there times, usually when you're alone in a quiet house, when you hear the familiar voice of someone you know saying something?

Last Answer : Not as you describe, but I can recall and “hear” the voices of deceased loved-ones much more clearly under those circumstances.

Description : Just How Quiet Can You Make a Tiled Kitchen?

Last Answer : Rugs on the floor. Objects on the wall, things in the corners.. You want to bring the sound deflection down.

Description : I need some suggestions, How do you keep kids quiet on a road trip?

Last Answer : answer:You kinda just gotta tolerate them. It’s your parents’ job to worry about the noise level. Have a good trip! :)

Description : Helicopters: are any quiet enough that one can ditch the headset/intercom for verbal communication?

Last Answer : Not to my knowledge. back in the 60s, i gave the nations very first traffic helicopter reports in Nashville. the helicopter we used back then was noisy, just like the ones of today. inside noise ... . to do so, would add a considerable amount of weight and helicopters do not need the weight.