What Chinese invention changed warfare?

1 Answer

Answer :

What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : answer:why don’t you look on xbox.com does it really matter with black ops coming out soon anyway.

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Last Answer : it means that they had a sub-par connection to your computer. Because the game is hosted on your computer, you have little to no lagg. I’d suggest stopping any downloads you have going on if you’re going to host, as that tends to hog your bandwidth. Or, you could just let someone else host.

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Last Answer : I would check out Iain M Banks' The Culture series of books. Specifically, Excession has a lot of space battles. The only thing I would be hesitant about is that the book kind of drops you ... ll have to read another of his books to really understand the setting (specifically, Use of Weapons ).

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Last Answer : There’s a group of people called “everyone” that knows about this game.

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Last Answer : I have no idea…maybe this question would be better asked in a place like Yahoo Answers or a forum made for questions about Modern Warfare 2? My apologies. My friends play the game but I don’t have an xbox.

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Last Answer : No whoever reaches the score limit wins end of.

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Last Answer : I believe you can only play split screen (& 2 player in general) in Co ops.

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Last Answer : Dunno, gonna go back and play it again though. Veteran this time.

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Last Answer : Go outside it’s more fun.

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Last Answer : I bought none. I opted for L4D2 instead.

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Last Answer : Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, and Call of Duty 4 were all made by Infinity Ward. 3 and 5 were made by different companies. Modern Warfare 2 is made by Infinity Ward again. Considering that 1, 2, and 4 were the best games in the series, the new one should be great.

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Last Answer : I havent played World At War, but I would love to see certain vechicles in the second modern warface. You have to remember that in modern warfare we have better weapons, just plant some c4 under that bad boy and you would be fine. I just hope MW2 comes out soon. I cant stop playing cod4.

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Last Answer : In what year did the trench warfare take place ? 628 AD 628

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Last Answer : Guerrilla warfare (Spanish: guerrilla) is a type of warfare that uses land and geographical advantage to dominate an opponent. Guerrilla warfare often takes place in remote forest areas. Guerrillas use ... is the policy they used when Napoleon invaded Spain and forced Napoleon to return to France.

Last Answer : The battle of Khandaq took place in the month of Shawwal of 5th Hijri. This is because when the Jews saw that the polytheists had won the battle of Uhud and the Muslims had been defeated, and they ... . They called on them to fight against Muhammad (peace be upon him). They responded to that call.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : A gas mask.

Description : Why the Germans were attack and defeat France then attack Russia immediately afterwards. Trench warfare stalemated the attacks in France was count Alfred Von Schlieffen plan?

Last Answer : This is a essay assignment and we don’t do essays. You also havea two question statement here. You need to answer thisquestion.

Description : How can you use guerrilla warfare in a sentence?

Last Answer : Some may think that the guerrilla warfare tactic is a smarterway to fight in a war and others unfair(but war is not fair).

Description : What was the problem of steam driven torpedoes in World War 2 submarine warfare?

Last Answer : Steam powered submarine torpedoes had a flaw when a submarinefired torpedoes in daylight. The torpedoes created a massive streamof bubbles that rose to the surface of the ocean and enemy shipscould ... captured some of the enemy torpedoes and usedthem for models of their own new electric torpedoes.

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Last Answer : don't know

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Who always had the advantage in trench warfare Why?

Last Answer : The defender has the advantage.They're the ones that can stay down, only poke their guns andeyes above the edge.Attackers OTOH have to get all exposed.

Description : Electronic Warfare Officer?

Last Answer : By becoming an electronic warfare officer, you will have anopportunity to be on the front lines of protecting our nation'sborders from the treats of high tech enemies. You will also ... in all of the major aspect ofnetwork security and electronic criminal investigations. Most oftoday's electr

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Last Answer : During the US Civil War, the Union armies usually possessed more rifled and heavy guns than their Confederate opponents. In theory, the Union could expect to win in any counter battery ... range Union guns could fire upon infantry and artillery batteries of the Rebels secure from retaliation.

Description : When was Call of Duty modern warfare released?

Last Answer : 39387

Description : Does Call of Duty 4 modern warfare have zombies?

Last Answer : Call of Duty Modern Warfare does not have any sort of Zombie game mode. Only Call of Duty World At War has Nazi Zombies. But, it does have an extra level after you beat the campaign. If you have a 360, ... gonna wait to get that... btw there is spacial ops for mw2 which is fun to play with a friend

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Last Answer : Well, it takes place in the present day which is 2000-Present but the exact year is unknown. In the plot of the game, they take a flashback to 1996 so it has to be in a later year than 1996.

Description : How much does Call of Duty modern warfare cost?

Last Answer : about 49$ at BIG W