How do you say good morning beautiful in Irish?

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Last Answer : Sorry, the translation is quite long, but if you're talkingabout an older sister, "he nani no ku'u kaikua'ana" or my oldersister is beautiful. If you're talking about a younger sister, "henani no ku'u ... phrase cannot be done. This howevermay work, "he nani no ku'u 'ohana", my family is beautiful.

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Last Answer : CORRECTED: ALOHA: nani wahine (or) wahine nani [nahneevwa-heenay]. The first replyer was wrong.wahini

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Last Answer : answer:For full disclosure, I’m not Irish, just Irish-American. But, I have traveled extensively throughout Ireland, and I have relatives named Niamh. I believe that either NEEV or NEE-av is correct. It’s likely a regional thing, much like saying AHNT v. ANT.

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Last Answer : answer:The only bread I eat on St Patrick’s Day is Jewish Rye Bread, the best way to eat corned beef. My favorite recipe for Irish Soda Bread is to go get some at the grocery store (ours sells it this time of year).

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Last Answer : answer:Here are some figures. I don't know how accurate they are. Around the turn of the 21st century, estimates of native speakers ranged from 20,000 to 80,000 people. In the ... and Canada Historically the island of Newfoundland had a dialect of Irish Gaelic, called Newfoundland Irish. Source

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Last Answer : answer:Sound like your sister is what they call “black Irish.” Any Irish from your mom? If not you know you’re below 50%. And what do you know of your grandparents? And where did they come from? If you can go back just a couple generations you’ll get a ballpark estimate of how Irish you are.

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Last Answer : It’s just a stereotype. They’ve probably just never truly thought it through. It happens to the best of us.

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Last Answer : They’re the Republic of Ireland & are usually known as the Republic or shortened further to ROI.

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Last Answer : answer:Irish ancestry aside, I’d like to think that Brits and Irish people tend to get along alright. I’ve met many a friendly Irish person in the UK – one or two slightly full of it, but generally I think they’re alright in my book.

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Last Answer : Gotta be strong black coffee with Bushmills. Nothing else.

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Last Answer : answer:Perhaps he invented it. The Irish are known for their colorful use of language. If you want it to become part of the vernacular, use it a lot. It might catch on.

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Last Answer : A traditional College recipe is to drizzle Baileys into Cinnamon Schnapps so that it resembles a tiny brain floating in the red Schnapps. It’s called a ‘bloody brain’ Typically taken in one tug, it feels almost like swallowing an oyster. It’s generally a fun drink that starts stuff off.

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Last Answer : Is Ireland’s Own publication too folksy for your intent?

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Last Answer : I guess my bicycle is just metal-colored. I do not have many pink things, just a shirt here and there and all my other brushes are black. And, of course.

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Last Answer : (#3 is my fave, a true Blarney pilgrim)

Description : 2 Parts: Best clam chowder in SF? Best Irish pub in SF?

Last Answer : I'm going to have to do a little more research but there's a restaurant up at the Warf that supposedly has the best chowder, it's called Scoma's but I don't eat clam so I don't know from ... 't know the name try googling Iirish pub in North Beach . There's also Lefty O'Douls in Union Square.

Description : What is the best method/process to learn an accent? For example, Irish.

Last Answer : answer:The best way is to immerse yourself with people who speak with that particular accent. You will find yourself starting to speak with different a different inflection and accent. I went to Israel over ... about a month and found it tough to shake myself of the Israeli accent for a few weeks.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh great, just what we need: a re-birther. PS: I think Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is Irish, too.

Description : How long does the alcohol in Bailey's Irish Cream keep the cream sweet?

Last Answer : answer: Baileys® is the only cream liqueur that guarantees its taste for 2 years from the day it was made, opened or unopened, stored in the in the fridge or not when stored away from direct sunlight ... taste perfect until that date (XY is the year 2 years from the date of manufacture). Bailey's

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Last Answer : I’m not sure, but I know that Zachary Quinto is.

Description : Anyone have good music recommendations for blues, Irish folk music, salsa, or French café music?

Last Answer : I can only speak for Irish music. The Clancy Brothers, The Furey Brothers, Celtic Thunder, High Kings, The Dubliners, The Chieftans; they are perhaps the most popular artists.

Description : Brits, Irish, Aussies, Kiwis: What American sitcoms air where you are?

Last Answer : Friends and Will and Grace are probably the two biggest. We also have re-runs of Everybody loves Raymond, Frasier, Two and a Half Men, King Of Queens, How I Met Your Mother, M*A*S*H, The Office (US), ... Theory There are a lot more, but these are the one I can think of from the top of my head.

Description : When will the US be able to drop the whole "African American" name thing? Why do we have to use that label for people? I'm not a "Native American, Norwegian, German, swedish, Irish American" , I am an American.

Last Answer : Because some things never die out, it impossible, can you change the past, you can’t, what’s done is done.

Description : Would you share your favorite Irish blessing on this happy St. Paddy's Day?

Last Answer : Mine is slightly more traditional: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Description : Irish Soda Bread Recipe?

Last Answer : Maybe here or here?

Description : So, how many Fluther Irish do we have?

Last Answer : Complete mutt reporting in but there’s definitely some Irish in me.

Description : Are you Irish? If not will you celebrate St. Patrick's day?

Last Answer : I am not Irish. I will celebrate the holiday. I will drink too much and I will have fun and like it. =]

Description : What are those old Irish guard towers called?

Last Answer : James Joyce called them Martello Towers. However the castle in your photo is much larger and more elaborate, so I could easily be wrong. His first chapter takes place in one of them on ... , in Sandycove, overlooking Dublin bay. :

Description : What if any connection exists between the Irish hod carrier in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake and Mark Twain's Roughing It?

Last Answer : Aside from both being of a certain comic avant-garde style, they both combine a use of literary allusions, a style of speaking that is unique to each author, and a kind of stream of consciousness ... contemporary writings of their respective days. . I do not know if this helps, but there it is.