Why did the New England colonies export fur to Europe?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don't  know ask her mom this why i came because my mom not here to ask

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Last Answer : The early colonies in the Western Hemisphere depended on Europefor finished products. The Europeans benefited from the rawmaterials furnished by the colonies.

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Last Answer : ((Nobody tell him))

Description : Even before factories began to dot the landscape in England and Europe, there was large-scale industrial production for an international market in the country side.' Elucidate. -SST 10th

Last Answer : 1. Expansion of world trade and acquisition of colonies in the eventeenth and eighteenth centuries created difficulties for the merchants in towns because the urban crafts and trade guild here was ... was the producer' and London became the finishing center after the cloth underwent various stages.

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Last Answer : Europe, Vikings, Scandinavian, England, King Alfred

Description : If dogs or cats were to evolve to human level sapience, do you think they would develop racist beliefs divisions based on breed, fur colour, or fur patterns?

Last Answer : My dog is an equal opportunity dog hater. She hates all dogs. I would bet she would be racist, classis(classism?) and a bully.

Description : If humans had actual fur, would they have invented clothes?

Last Answer : Maybe not clothes, but definitely something with pockets.

Description : May I wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the ask-public mothers of children and fur people?

Last Answer : Thank you, and back atcha, Little Penguin! :-)

Description : If a layer of fat under the fur keeps a animal warm when it's cold, will a layer of fat help keep a human warm?

Last Answer : Most of the chunkier people I know (myself included) seem to run warmer than skinny friends.

Description : Would you ever buy anything advertised as being made from animal fur?

Last Answer : answer:One of my cats absolutely refuses to play with anything made of synthetic fur, but loves playing with cat toys made from actual rabbit fur. That said, I prefer to get such cat toys from local ... and ground beef that I make burgers from. Somehow, I doubt my cat has any such ethical concerns.

Description : What do you think will happen to animals if we stopped eating them or wearing their fur?

Last Answer : answer:Realistically, farmers won't breed them any more. Especially for fur, that is nothing but flat out cruelty. But we could do with a lot less cows and pigs, and lambs would just be raised for wool ... place. By the way, I am not at all a PETA supporter - PETA runs shelters that kill animals.

Description : Bad or good idea to wear real fur jacket?

Last Answer : answer:Giving it to Goodwill is a copout. Someone else will wear it. All you are doing is avoiding a personal guilt trip, but you're not taking the coat out of circulation, which is what you ... you feel good about your grandmother. And don't let people guilt trip you with their private agendas,

Description : Would dog fur make a good stuffing for a pillow?

Last Answer : With or without the dog attached? ‘Cause one way would be kinda lumpy and smelly after a while.

Description : Which synthetic fur is closest to real fur?

Last Answer : answer:We’ve been a fan of these. They’re a mix of modacrylic, acrylic, and polyester. They’re pretty warm and comfy, at least we and our guests have thought so.

Description : Do you think killing an animal for it's meat/fur is morally different compared to killing it as a hobby?

Last Answer : answer:Why would one animal make a difference more than another? There's a huge difference. People have to eat, and we have to eat other living things to do so. I don't discern between plants and ... ecosystem as a whole. On top of that, killing things for fun is just kind of sick and sadistic.

Description : Why do we call it hair on people and fur on animals?

Last Answer : answer:Hair and fur are chemically indistinguishable, having the same chemical composition, and are made of keratin. The primary difference between hair and fur is the word usage. The hair of non-human mammals ... pig or elephant, we usually call it hair. In Hebrew, there are seperate words as well.

Description : Can someone help me find the piano sheet music for Arvo Part Fur Alina?

Last Answer : answer:Here Total cost including shipping to the US £11 or about $17.

Description : Creative ideas for getting white dog fur out of a black sweater?

Last Answer : Have your husband vacuum you.

Description : How do you deal with fur?

Last Answer : This question should be directed to my dog Mikey, a border collie. he has fur that's about 4 inches long. for the past three weeks the temperature here has averaged around 95 to 100 each day. needless to ... that doggie smell , so he expects to be hit with Febreeze. he may be shedding. its normal.

Description : Any ideas how to cut the fur around a dogs pads?

Last Answer : My wife trims the fur from our border collie this way: she grabs the scissors and he notices it. she tells him, Michael, paw-paws . he comes running and rolls over on his back. here is the trick: ... knows a treat is coming for being good. hope this works for you. keep telling him want a treat'?

Description : Cat people! My vet suggested stridex pads for cat acne, I tried it once and her fur fell off...What's with that?

Last Answer : cat acne? leave the poor thing alone if she’s uncomfy… it could be an allergy, take kitty to a vet that specialized in derm

Description : Why is wearing fur any worse than wearing leather?

Last Answer : It's not, it's exactly the same. I eat meat (murderer) I have a leather chair (murderer) my husband has a leather tool belt (murderer) I have several leather handbags (murderer) I have a closet full of ... if I had to kill my own food. I wouldn't have leather products if I had to kill Bessie myself.

Description : When cats groom themselves, why do they chew at their fur?

Last Answer : It probably feels good, like scratching an itch.

Description : What's the purpose of the fur on the front of the canadian-style hats?

Last Answer : Fashion, bad fashion.

Description : What are your feelings regarding faux fur may possibly be dog fur?

Last Answer : How can I know if it’s not labeled as such?

Description : What's the best electric grooming shears for a small cat with long fur?

Last Answer : Wahl clippers has a set that they sell in their veterinary line that is light weight, cordless, very quite and fast (I'll have to look when I go in on Monday, I can't remember the model name) ... him. I can do the whole cat - restraint and clipping- in about 90 seconds (when properly motivated).

Description : How can I find a faux fur silver fox jacket that zips?

Last Answer : Please tell me the answer

Description : How long will it take for my kittens fur to grow back?

Last Answer : It’ll take a couple weeks.

Description : Why is my dog's fur (down the middle of her back and tail) spotting and falling out?

Last Answer : She may have mange which is treatable. She may also just be getting old.

Description : Where/how should i sell a semi-used suede/fur coat? (i live in SF)

Last Answer : How about Craigslist, with a nice picture.

Description : One of my dogs has long fur that has hidden the fact that her nails have grown too long. My question is...

Last Answer : answer:PediPaws — You’ll want to be careful not to cut down into the quick. When they get crazy long, that’s a significant concern. So it’s probably gonna take you a bit of assiduous care over time to get the nails back to a desirable length.

Description : I want to dye my white pekingnese with black stripes so he look like a zebra for Halloween...is this legal/ morally right to do?

Last Answer : It may be legal, but I personally don't think it's moral. Although dye manufacturers may claim their products are safe for pets, you don't know what your pet's reaction to the ... when necessary and brushing regularly, are much more beautiful than artificial colors which may harm your pet.

Description : When my cat gets scared, like when there is a dog around, she's ablt to get her fur to stand up. She puffs herself way out, especailly her tain. How does she do that?

Last Answer : There are bumps at the base of hairs which develop when a cat or other animal is cold or experiences stressful emotions such as excitement, fear, a threat. The term for hair standing on edge is ... frighten away the danger. When a cat is cold, the raised hairs can trap air, providing insulation.

Description : i know that tigers have striped skin as well as striped fur....is the same true of dalmations?

Last Answer : Yes, dalmatians have spotted skin too. They are all white when born. When they are about 10 weeks old, the colored fur, either black or dark brown, begins to grow. The ideal spotting is spaced fairly evenly with a pleasing pattern.

Description : What side of a cat has the most fur? -Riddles

Last Answer : The outside.

Description : When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, which charge acquired by the fur? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer: