How did Spain finance their wars?

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Description : What is the capital of Spain?

Last Answer : Answer: Madrid

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Last Answer : Neither. Go to Rome,really, or at least somewhere in Italy.

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Last Answer : Not really, but that sucks.

Description : So the second largest owner of Fox "News" is up on rape charges in Spain, will that news air on Fox News?

Last Answer : If it is anything like the phone hacking scandal they will do a small segment and make him look like a victim. I wish that I was joking.

Description : Where can I buy a Spanish (Spain) copy of Fallout 3 or New Vegas?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think there’s a Spanish version. More likely, there’s a language option in Settings (might not be localized) or a language patch you can download. EDIT: Is this what you’re looking for? Unsure whether or not it’s peninsular Spanish though.

Description : Any insights on living in (retiring to) a place like Spain?

Last Answer : answer:Ok I'm going to the gym in a moment so I don't have a lot of time, but I will come back later and give you a much fuller answer. Here in Spain life is good, but this place can chew ... to work, but list for me all your doubts and questions, and I will answer them in detail when I get back.

Description : How can I teach English in Spain?

Last Answer : answer:Wow.. I just answered a similar question a minute ago! Mainly I was telling the OP that TESOL shouldn't be taken via online correspondence. I really don't know about Spain, but, yes, teaching English in ... . If you don't mind staying for a month, you could save quite a bit of $$. Good luck.

Description : I'm headed to Madrid, Spain this summer to study abroad. Any great tips for places to go or things to see?

Last Answer : Here’s a nifty little Top Ten of things to do and see while in Madrid. Best of all, most of it seems free or relatively cheap.

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Description : The US has more Spanish speakers than Spain! Does that justify Spanish becoming an official second language?

Last Answer : There are more Spanish than English speakers in the world.

Description : How long does it take to receive the income tax return in Barcelona, spain ?

Last Answer : answer:I wonder if this jelly ever got his tax refund! Looking back at some orphans, and thought this was a peach of a question. I would assume from his lurve, he (she) asked this one question and drowned…...

Description : Recommendations for walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain?

Last Answer : If you get a letter from a cleric saying you are on a religious pilgrimage, you can stay in monasteries and cathedrals along the route for free. It is very hilly, so you will want to have great shoes ... . I would think you might want to have a companion or two but that is your choice, of course.

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Last Answer : answer:Because people speak the same language in different ways. How many people say “you all” in Texas? All I heard was y’all. How come nobody said y’all when I was in New York? That’s the case with Spanish, that’s the case with any other language you can think of.

Description : Living In Spain...Advice sought.

Last Answer : Can you be a little more specific about what kind of advice you’re looking for? Do you speak Catalan or Castillian? Have you been to Spain or Barcelona before? Do you know what kind of job you might be able to do there? Do you know anyone who lives there?

Description : What are the best places to visit in Spain? (for a one week visit)

Last Answer : Could I suggest you visit Portugal as well?

Description : I'm going to Mallorca, Spain in a week. Any suggestions as to what to do there?

Last Answer : Enjoy the sun and watch out for tourist traps. It is nothing like Mexican. It is before anything touristic and more European. checkout:

Description : Have you been to Spain?

Last Answer : I love Spain, especially the Basque Region. I love the architecture of Bilbao, San Sebastian, Pamplona. I’m a huge Francophile, but my visits to Spain make me wish I’d taken Spanish in high school.

Description : I plan to travel in Spain in 2 months, Do you have any tips or site to refer?

Last Answer : Depending what part of spain you will visit, but for the beach locations; - Wear something on your feet upon walking on what looks like sand. It's 9 out of 10 times a man made ... times without any logical explanation. ATM machines are almost like slotmachines, you never know what you gonna get.

Description : Are there timber wolves in northan spain?

Last Answer : Yes. Acording to this article, there were approximately 2000 wolves in Spain as of the year 2002 (the largest population in Western Europe), and their numbers are increasing. Their range is also expanding southward from their customary range in the northern mountains toward Madrid.

Description : Is there some type of cruise/ferry I can take from Nice, France to Barcelona, Spain in September?

Last Answer : There will be plenty of options once you get there. I have traveled extensively around Europe and the best thing to do, when you get there, is ask! If you don't feel comfortable doing ... the Jadrolinija service a few times (Croatian based ferry, but they do some international) Hope this helps

Description : What are some must-see sights in Barcelona, Spain?

Last Answer : Be sure to leave lots of time to see Gaudi's Sagrada Familia cathedral and be sure to pay extra to go up the tower - both are astonishing. One day the cathedral will be finished. It was started in 1882 and is due to be completed in 2041. Awesome.

Description : How to access American internet sites while in Spain?

Last Answer : Use proxy sites like,, or you could manually point to a proxy ip address

Description : Where in spain is cheap to live for a month temporarily?

Last Answer : I think anywhere in Spain in February is cheap. I would recommend the Basque Country’s San Sebastian or Bilbao.

Description : What does a dog become when it walks from Britain to Spain? -Riddles

Last Answer : Perro.

Description : I am not found on any ground, But always in the air; Though charged each cloud with thunder loud, You can not find me there. Now, if from France you choose to dance Your way just into Spain, I there am seen, and near the queen, In hail, in mist, and rain.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter I.

Description : I am not found on any ground,But always in the air; Though charged each cloud with thunder loud, You can not find me there. Now, if from France you choose to dance Your way just into Spain, I there am seen, and near the queen, In hail, in mist, and rain.What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter I.

Description : the desired outcome for basque nationalists in spain is -General Knowledge

Last Answer : he desired outcome for Basque nationalists in Spain is complete independence

Description : which ship did not make it back to spain after christopher columbus's first trip to the americas? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The Santa Maria did not make it back to Spain after Christopher Columbus's first trip to the Americas.

Description : What did Britain swap Havana for with Spain in 1763?

Last Answer : Florida

Description : What is the currency of 'Spain' ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The currency of 'Spain' is called Euro

Description : What is the capital of Spain -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Madrid is the answer

Description : Which mountains separate Spain and France?

Last Answer : The Pyrenees separate Spain and Portugal.

Description : i'm in united states and want to go to spain which way direction do i go?

Last Answer : It's easier to go East and fly across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. You can go West but it will take a lot longer going that way. ;-)

Description : how did Uruguay change after winning it's independence from Portugal and Spain?

Last Answer : It became a military Dictatorship before shifting toward democracy. -ApexHope this helped anyone!

Description : What did Columbus promise to do for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain when they agreed to fund his voyages?

Last Answer : Columbus promised to find a route to China and India from the West, but ended up discovering America instead.

Description : What did Columbus promise to do for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain when they agreed to fund his voyage?

Last Answer : Columbus promised to find a route to China and India from the West, but ended up discovering America instead.

Description : What is the name of the Central Bank of Spain ?

Last Answer : Name of the Central Bank of Spain - Bank of Spain.

Description : In what year did Spain become football champions ?

Last Answer : Spain became the football champion in 2010.

Description : In what year did Muslim rulers conquer Spain ?

Last Answer : 712 .

Last Answer : Madrid, the capital of Spain

Last Answer : Spain's national symbol 'Eagle'

Last Answer : The Romans occupied Spain in 206 BC. Formula.

Last Answer : 2.3% Muslims in Spain .