What can't you be caught doing?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are some people are good at hiding at, something called talent I guess.  But, I do believe that hiding something would not last forever. If you don't caught yet of what you doing, maybe you are good at hiding for a moment, but watch out because it won't last long. In time, you will get caught not unless you stop or the person doing it will stop and won't do it again, then no one can caught him from doing such thing. People can be easily detect or knows something is going on, try to observed their eyes, their reactions, their facial reactions, and how they responds on to something you ask. Only lie detector test can proved if the person is telling the truth or not. But try to physically observed the person and study what he is been doing too lately.

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Last Answer : answer:Haha. I do that all the time. I play 1st edition Ad&D, and sometimes it’s hard to find players. So I just create characters, using different methods, different rules, maybe I’ll include Wilderness survival guide material or whatever. I have about a kabillion characters ready to go.

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Last Answer : The latter – I very rarely have any inclination to lie.

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Last Answer : Give them to someone that live feeds snakes or other predatory lizards.

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Last Answer : Just let them go. They won’t cause any problems.

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Last Answer : I think attacking anyone with any kind of missile negates the concept of a “peaceful demonstration”.

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Last Answer : answer:Whoa, get yourself to the ER pronto. I have no idea what this might be but these are some scary symptoms. Good luck!

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Last Answer : House centipede

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Last Answer : He should be removed from the bench. He should be prosecuted for assault.