Should a new wife live with with mother-in-law?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is really depends on the family tradition,some after their wedding wive lives with the mother in law, others choose to live their own house. In the Philippines, where I grow up, I have notice that some I know that just getting married, they have to live with their mother in law for couple of months or so if they cannot afford the house to live in yet.Once they can buy their own house,now they are ready to leave their mother in law's house. For me, it is also depends on the choices or decision between the husband a wife, they both should  agree where to live when and what are the circumstances.  It's not easy to live in mother in law house,because you would not feel comfortable even though they the parent of your husband. Some men do not understand this feeling or completely ignoring it. But it is wise to talk about where to live before getting married.

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